College of Design

2016 Faculty Performance SUMMARY

Employee Name / Rank
Spring 2015 Workload: % Scholarship % Teaching % Service % Administration
Fall 2015 Workload: % Scholarship % Teaching % Service % Administration


Directions: Enter the past calendar years’ scholarship, teaching, and service achievements in WORKS along with information from the abbreviated Faculty Performance Summary below for activities not typically contained in your vita for the past year January 2016-December 2016, work in process, and future goals. A guide to using the system is available on the Works website.

Let Kathy Guiney know when this is complete and she will print off the report for your annual meeting.


Directions: Attach current vita with the past calendar years’ scholarship, teaching, and service achievements highlighted. Complete the abbreviated Faculty Performance Summary below for activities not typically contained in your vita for the past year January 2016-December 2016, work in process, and future goals.

We will discuss the qualitative aspects of your achievements, work in progress, goals, and workload for the 2017-18 academic year during your review. Submit your faculty performance summary, a current vitae with 2016 items highlighted, and any updates to your vitae posted on your faculty profile webpage to Kathy Guiney by January 12, 2017 and make your review appointment. Appointments are available starting Jan 18, 2017. If there is insufficient space for your entries, please attach pages.

Faculty Performance Summary

A)  Unscheduled credits. (Problems, Independent Study, Field Experience, Internships). List course #, # of credits and enrollment

Semester / Course / Credits / Enrollment / Comments

B) Advising: Number of undergraduate students, UROP students, Honors students; number of current and completed graduate students (Masters, MFA, Ph.D., your role)

Undergraduate Students: Number advised:
UROP Students:
Honors Students:
Graduate Students
Name / Track + Masters, MFA, PhD / Role / Co-advisors names / Complete this year?

C) Peer Review (review of your course and/or your review of a colleague’s course)

Course / Semester / Reviewer

D) Program Development/Major course changes or development/Other Teaching

ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES: Program Director, Director of Grad Program, other. Summarize major achievements.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Scholarship, Teaching, Service, Administration, Professional Development not listed on your vita

GOALS FROM 2015: Self-Evaluation of Scholarship, Teaching, Service, Administration, Professional Development

GOALS FOR 2016: Scholarship, Teaching, Service, Administration, Professional Development

Please use SMART guidelines: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based