Background information on the session
In this session, children will look at a typical wash day in a Victorian home. They will see the washing in process, order the events, then look carefully at the tools used for washing.
Prior learning
Children do not need previous experience or knowledgeof Victorian kitchen or washing implements.
Completing the activity before the VC session takes place
Before the session takes place, children need to have found out about the modern process of washing.
Who does the washing in their house?
How long does it take?
What are the different stages?
What modern appliances are used?
A printable worksheet is available (in the teacher’s resource section) for children to complete in class or as homework.
Classroom setup and equipment
At one point inthis session the children will need to work in small groups (4-6) with copies of the pictures to order. For the rest of the session they will need to able to see the screen clearly and respond to questions from the presenter.
It is therefore suggested they sit, if possible, in normal classroom groups around tables but all facing the camera. If this is not possible it may be best to sit in small groups on the floor.
Remember to make sure the children are close enough to the microphone to be heard when asking and answering questions.
Learning plan
Resources:Pictures cut out (and laminated) for ordering. Enough for one set for each group.
Classroom organisation:
Children in small groups (4-6)
Session Objectives:
To identify differences between life in the past and life today.
To place events and objects in chronological order.
To find out about the past using objects and other sources of information.
To have the opportunity to ask questions about the past.
To know that people in the past washed their clothes differently than we do today and to identify some of the objects commonly associated with the washing process.
To know that houses and homes in the past were different in some ways than those we live in today.
Activities / Time
Introduction and welcome to Judges Lodgings / 5 mins
Video of Victorian wash day / 5 mins
Ordering the events of a wash day in groups / 5-10 mins
Going through the processes and examining objects / 15-20 mins
Questions and answers / 5 mins
Giving the password for the ‘Discover E-Box’ / 2 mins
At the end of the VC session the children will be given the password to the Discover e-box on this website. Please do not give this to the children before the VC session.
In the Discover E-Box are a selection of pictures from a Victorian household. Children could try and work out:
What was it used for?
Who might have used it?
What is the modern day equivalent?
How has it changed?
How is it similar to things we have today?
If you would like the visit the Museum or take part in an outreach session, the contact details are:
Anthea Dennett
Telephone: 01524555616
Judges’ Lodgings: Wash day:
Teacher’s notes