Attachment 1
Proposal to Public Sector Commission
Executive Classification Cover Sheet
Position Details:
Position Title: / Position No:Agency: / Current Level:
Reason for Assessment (eg. New position, occupant initiated review, restructure):
Supporting information
All information as required by the checklist is attached.
In the event that the request for classification is supported, approval is sought to advertise and fill the position.
Contact Person: / Position:Telephone: / E-Mail:
I support this submission for classification
____/____/______Signed: Chief Executive Officer/Director General / Date
Attachment 2
Proposal to Public Sector Commission
Executive Classification Checklist
The following information is required by the PSC before an assessment can commence:
A copy of the proposed JDF, and in the case of a request for reclassification, a copy of the existing JDF. / A summary of the work value considerations; and in the case of a reclassification or TSA a summary of the significant changes to the work value. /
An indication of the classification level proposed by the agency. /
Details of the comparison of the position with other positions of similar work value, including copies of JDF’s (both internal and similar external relativities should be considered and compared). /
A copy of the agency organisation chart, including reporting structure (current and proposed) and details of the reporting relationship of the position. /
Budget details for the agency and position under review (Operating and Capital Expenditure, including salaries). /
FTE details of agency and position under review. /
An explanation regarding the impact on other positions within the agency and any potential for flow-ons. /
Where a proposed restructure involves several positions, the impact on the SES classification profile of the agency. /
A copy of the agency’s Strategic Plan or Annual Report (or website links). /
A completed Executive Classification Cover Sheet. /
Approval has been sought to advertise the position in the event that the proposal is supported. /
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The following areas of focus will generally be included during the interview with a Mercer Consultant. Note that:
- The areas covered will depend on the nature of the role and so not all areas will necessarily be covered
- The areas covered relate to the requirements of the position, and may not necessarily relate directly to the current position holder
1.Primary Objective(s)
This will relate to the main purpose of the job, that is what the position does and why (outcome).
2.Major Accountabilities
These are the major areas of the work that is performed, and at a high level cover what is done and why.
In the case of a reclassification request, it will be important to be able to discuss:
- which of the major accountabilities are additional to the original position
- the functions and accountabilities that have been removed from the position; and
- the reasons for the changes.
3.Organisational Environment
This includes:
(a)the role and objectives of the business unit in which the position operates, and the role of the position within the unit including details of the most important features of the position.
(b)details of staff functions managed by the position, their primary objectives, as well as any accountability for external parties (for example contractors or sub-contractors providing major services to the organisation)
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4.Key Negotiations/Communications
These include the key positions, committees, organisations or groups that the position negotiates or otherwise has contact with inside and outside the organisation as part of the role. It will be important to cover the purpose of the contact, e.g. to act as principal negotiator for the organisation, to convince Government or external parties of funding priority compared to other Divisions/Agencies, to represent the organisation at a State-wide or national Level etc.
5.Decision Making
What kinds of decisions the position makes, without referral to a more senior position. This will need to indicate whether there are policies/guidelines/rules or other protocols to guide decision making.
What kinds of decisions the position makes, after consultation with a more senior position or others.
What kinds of decisions are referred to a more senior position?
Examples of at least three challenging aspects of the role. These may be short or long term, and must be related to the job (not the person). They might involve client or stakeholder demands, cultural or organisational change programs, technology dependent programs, developing new approaches that have a State or Service-wide effect, etc.
7.Knowledge, Skills and Experience
This includes the knowledge, skills and experience that are essential for effective/competent performance in this position. It also includes any formal qualification/certification that may be required or equivalent experience.
8.Position Impact
Mercer will need to understand if the position is responsible for managing resources, including the type of resources dollar value for the current financial year, and an average over a three year period – ideally the previous, current, and following year’s budget estimate. It also includes details of any capital expenditure or revenue the position holder is required to directly control. Resource budgets include staff salaries even though these may be centrally allocated and funded.
10.Other Information
Any other information that may help the Mercer consultant understand the nature and scope of the position.