
Title Fname Lname

Any Street

City, State Zip

Scholarship Funds Available

Dear Title Lname:

We’re writing to let you know that wewill have scholarship funds available on October 1, 2013.

If you still need financial assistance to pay for school, training or for other work related needs, please call your counselor or our toll free number 1-888-469-5627, select option 1, and follow the directions to locate an office near you. When you reach an office, ask to speak to a Personal Service Representative about this letter.

You will need to talk to the Personal Service Representative about your employment goals and why you are asking for financial assistance. The Personal Service Representative will work with you to develop an employment plan.

If you plan to use our assistance to go to school, we will also need information about your course of study, the school, the cost of training, and when you plan to start.

We do not reimburse you for loans you’ve already taken out to go to school or tuition that you paid before you applied for our financial aid and we authorized our assistance for your training.

You must talk to a Personal Service Representative and provide any information she requests no later than 10 business days from the date on this letter.

Please call us today!


Workforce Solutions


Attachment: Scholarship Rules

Workforce Solutions

Scholarship Rules

Get Started

You must visit us in person at one of our offices before we award you a scholarship

You must come see us at least four to six weeks before you plan to start school

We do not reimburse you for loans you’ve already taken out to go to school or tuition that you paid before we authorized our assistance for your training

If you are currently enrolled in school, you cannot use our scholarship assistance for your current courses or current costs

Think Carefully About Your Goals

You may only change your course of study (major) once

Your employment plan is an agreement between Workforce Solutions and you about your employment goals, course of study, a timeline for making progress and the help you need to meet your goals

You may change to a different course of study only once prior to the completion of your chosen course of study

Once you complete your course of study, we will not pay for education in another field except under extraordinary circumstances

Keep in Touch

Within 10 days of the event, you must tell us

You started training

You dropped a course, made course changes, changed course of study (major), withdrew from school

Show us your grades for all courses within 10 workdays of semester end.

Talk to Your Counselor

If you receive financial aid to pay some of your transportation expenses, you must report attendance at least every 2 weeks to continue receiving financial aid.

If you receive certain benefits dependant on cooperation with us, you must report school attendance as required in our agreement with you to maintain your scholarship.

Your counselor will tell you how often you must check in to keep us informed about your progress in school. You are responsible for maintaining contact with your counselor.

If you fail to report as required, we will discontinue your scholarship and other financial aid

Make Your Grades

To keep your scholarship you must make acceptable progress in school

Make a C average in your most recent semester or term

Stay off academic probation

Your scholarship will be lost if your most recent semester average is below a C

REV 8/28/2013