Awarding Body for the Built Environment


The purpose of this document is to provide examples of typical questions and how they are presented under the main topics covered in the examination.
Please note that answers are not provided for these questions.
We hope that by reviewing this sample you enter the exam room with more confidence as to what to expect. Good luck!

Duration of examination: 60 minutes (50 minutes and 10 minutes additional reading time)

Instructions to candidates during examination:

  • The exam paper is made up of 30 multiple choice questions of one mark each.
  • Do not turn over the front sheet of the exam paper until instructed to do so by the invigilator;
  • You will have ten minutes reading time at the beginning of the exam period. You are not to answer any of the questions during this period;
  • You should give your answer to the questions on the paper by placing a tick √in the box [A, B, C, D] on the answer sheet provided. DO NOT PUT YOUR ANSWERS ON THE EXAM PAPER. Any answers placed on the exam paper will not be taken into consideration. If you wish to alter your answer please strike through your initial choice and tick your new answer. There is only one correct answer to each question. If you leave two or more ticks for any question you will not receive any marks for the question.
  • Please refrain from writing any comments on the exam paper regarding the questions or any other matters as these are ignored by the markers. As stated above, any answers placed on the exam paper will not be taken into consideration.

Category: Operational Ratings – Sources of Information and AdjustmentsApplying Conventions (10 questions)

Example 1The total useful floor area of a building is best represented by which of the following RICS measuring conventions?





Example 2What is the ‘nominated date’ in relation to an OR and AR?

AThe start of the period of validity for just the OR

B The start of the period of validity for just the AR

C The start of the period of validity for both the OR and AR

D The date by which the OR must be displayed

Category: Building Construction – Building Elements (2 questions)

Example 1Which of the following is NOT part of the Government’s definition of the term “a building”?

A Walls

B Roof

CProvision of hot water

D Mechanical ventilation

Category: Building Services – Natural and mechanical ventilation and air conditioning (6 questions)

Example 1Which ONE of the following is a method of natural ventilation?


BFree flow


DDown draft

Example 2According to BISRIA which of the following is not a fully centralised air conditioning system?

A Constant volume

B Variable air volume

C Displacement ventilation with chilled beams

D Fan coil

Category: Building Services – Other Mechanical and Electrical Services

(6 questions)

Example 1If the energy assessor can not ascertain that 95% of the energy used by the building has been accounted for they should do which of the following?

A Base the DEC on 95% of the energy

B Increase the energy used by 5% to get to 100%

C Cancel the inspection and not issue the DEC

D Give the building a default operational rating of 200

Example 2Radiant heating systems are most accurately described as:

ABest suited to buildings with high ceilings

BExcellent for directly heating the air within a space

CBest suited to buildings with low ceilings

DIneffective for heating buildings with high infiltration rates

Category: Building Services and Construction – Energy efficiency including Low and Zero Carbon Technology (6 questions)

Example 1If the wind speed on a site doubles by approximately how much will the output of a wind turbine change?

A Increase by 100%

B Increase by 200%

C Increase by 400%

D Increase by 800%

Example 2Which of the following components removes the heat from the source in a heat pump system?

A Compressor

B Evaporator

C Condenser

D None of the above