Company Profile for 59th Bangkok International Gems & Jewelry Fair 2017

Tel: 02-795-2431,

1. Company Information

1. Name of Company or Organization
2. Address :
3. URL: / 4. Tel. : / 5. Fax:
6.Registered Capital (USD) / 7. Established Since / 8. Number of Employees:

2. Visitor Information (Number of Visitors : Persons)

1. Name / (Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.) / 2. Position
3. Mobile / 4. Tel. / 5. E-Mail
1. Name / (Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.) / 2. Position
3. Mobile / 4. Tel. / 5. E-Mail

3. Type of Business

o Agent / o Discount Store / o Department Store / o Chain Store
o Distributor / o Exporter / o Mail Order / o Manufacturer
o Retailer / o Retail Outlet / o Service Industry / o Specialty Store
o Wholesaler / o Trading / Importer / o Others (Please specify) :

4. Main Product Lines (Please rank by order of importance or sale value)

Product / Sale Value (USD/Year)
1. / (USD)
2. / (USD)
3. / (USD)

5. Distribution Channel – Sell to : o End use o Retailer o Department store/Chain stores o Distributor o Others

6. Current Import from Thailand o No. /o Yes, products including

1. 2. 3.

7. Products that wish to source from Thailand this time

1. 2. 3.

8. Reasons to import from Thailand this time

1. 2.

9. Have you ever visited to this fair before? o Yes, ______times. /o No, this is the first time.

10. Have you ever been invited to this fair from the Office of Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy, Seoul?

o Yes, ______times we have been invited at fair. /o No, this is the first time.

11. If you have made any contracts at the last fair, please fill in below questions.

Company / Product / Sale Value (USD)
1. / (USD)
2. / (USD)
3. / (USD)