Dear Grade 2 parents and carers,
Home Reading
It’s that time of year again! Home reading will begin on Monday 17th February. Please send the home reading bag your child received in Prep to school on this day, ready to start bringing books home. Students can bring home one book each night and are expected to read for 10-15 minutes every night. This reading can include their reader, library books, favourite stories from home, comics, magazines, websites or recipes. We are using a new home reading system this year to try and encourage a life-long love of reading, which will involve students having more choice in the books they choose to bring home as a reader. We will send home a letter explaining more when your child brings their first reader home.
Library will be taking place on Friday mornings at 9am for both 2A and 2B. Students MUST have a library bag in order to borrow books. This can be the library bag they used in Prep, or any other appropriate bag labelled with their name. Students will be allowed to borrow two books per week.
FMP is scheduled for Thursday afternoons, 2:30 – 3:30. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing.
Spelling Homework
Students will begin to receive Oxford spelling words to learn each week from next Monday. These words will go home on a Monday and be tested the following Monday afternoon. Students are given ten words to learn at a time; any words misspelt will form part of the following week’s word list.
Study Ladder and Zondle
Study Ladder will also begin shortly. Students are given time in class to complete some of their Study Ladder tasks, however it is also expected that they complete some of their tasks for homework. Tasks will be set on Mondays and there will be 8-10 tasks set per week. Log in usernames and passwords have already been set home. Please note: students may complete Zondle badges for their own leisure; this is not set homework.
Parent Helpers
We will be making a list of interested parent helpers on ‘Meet the Teacher’ night. In Grade 2, the most valuable times parents can help are FMP, Library, Spelling and Golden Time. If you are interested in helping with any of these activities please let Kristin or Sarah know in your Meet the Teacher discussion. If you wish to help with any other areas of the curriculum please let us know and we will try and accommodate you. Please be aware that all parent helpers must have a valid ‘Working with Children’ check.
If you have any questions regarding the given information please see your child’s classroom teacher. We look forward to meeting you all at ‘Meet the Teacher’ interviews.
Kristin (2A) and Sarah (2B)
We need your help at the farmers Market!
A big thankyou to all the parents and children who helped out at the Farmer’s Market on 8th of February. It is also grade 2s turn to provide volunteers for the markets on the 22nd February. If you are interested in helping out at the farmers market and have not yet returned the volunteer form please let the grade 2 team know. Thankyou
Welcome to Grade 2!
Welcome to our grade two page. On our webpage we will include important information regarding the class and also including exciting events that will take place in our room. As you are aware, there are two grade 2 classes. However, to better target your child’s needs, we will be exploring a targeted teaching approach. This will mean that your child might move in between the classrooms to their assigned teacher for subjects such as Reading. Looking forward to an exciting year ahead!