Registered Charity Number 114825 / Your Voice, Your Connections


Minutes of SDN Annual General Members Meeting held on 10th September 2015 at AFC Telford United, Shrewsbury, commencing 11 am

1Introduction – Sonia Roberts took the Chair and welcomed

everyone present to the meeting. She raised the following points:

There was no fire alarm planned. If anyone didn’t want to be

included in photographs photo to they should say.

She thanked Penny Rice for running the raffle & Paul Siroky and

his colleague BSL Sign Language Interpreters and the

Management Committee for all their work.

2Present – 14 – See attached list.

Apologies– 20 – See attached list.


Minutes of the meeting on 18th September 2014were reviewed.

The minutes were accepted. (Proposed: June Jones, Seconded: Tony Lawrence)

4Matters Arising: None

5Chairpersons’ Report

Sonia presented the following report:

During the last 12 months SDN has continued to communicate

its work and activities through its website, newsletters and meetings with great success. SDN had been active since 2008 and has continued to grow using social media especially twitter and facebook gaining awareness of events reaching over 1000 members, encouraging bloggers and giving members a greater say in issues with our sign posting activities doubling. Paul Nash & his wife deserve our thanks for the work they have done on web site, Kelda Wood for her contributions. The newsletter has seen 8 editions being published with 60 plus members who need a hard copy & its ongoing publicity value. Ian Roberts (Telford) & Ruby Hartshorn (Shrewsbury) our Outreach Officers are making sure we continue to be a countywide organisation.

We have tough challenges to face as our meeting in Craven Arms wasn’t well supported so we need to work harder to get our message out in South Shropshire. We have over 1000 twitter followers 200 plus on Facebook. We have lots of great partnerships with Safe Places Shropshire & Inclusively Fit. We have heard some great speakers. Namely Sue Bott, Debbie Gibbons (Carers Centre, Telford), Kate Ballinger from Healthwatch Telford, Mark Allen 9technical Director of Orthoplastics, Jo Almond (Mother of Jess & co writer of “Jess the Goth Fairy”), Michael McCarthy (with his Father Brian-Michael has written several books), Matt Johnson (Area Transport Planning Commissioner (North)are some that immediately spring to mind. Sonia thanked Russell our Secretary for getting us excellent speakers. It is a shame we don’t have more people at our meetings to hear them talk.

It is fair to say we have had an impact and going forward we are in a good position to meet the challenges affecting disability issues.

6Tom Brettell -Senior Community Enablement Office Shropshire Council Swimming Baths Relocation Report.

SDN Management Committee agreed to allow Tom, 10 minutes to address our meeting as consultation into Swimming Pool provision in Shrewsbury was an important issue & the consultation was due to close 30th September 2015.Tom gave a very detailed presentation of the financial and usage comparisons that were being discussed regarding the proposed relocation of the swimming baths in Shrewsbury. Tom informed the meeting that the closure of the consultation had been extended to 31st October as some figures had had to be rechecked.

It was agreed that Ruby would formulate a formal response on behalf of SDN. There is a meeting tonight at The Prince Rupert Hotel, Shrewsbury (Shrewsbury Pool Forum) Tom said he would encourage people to attend. Ruby said she would go & represent us but other support is welcome.

7Treasurers Report

A report was given by Ruby & the Annual Accounts were presented for ratified by the meeting.

Sonia proposed a vote of thanks to Ruby for stepping in and looking after the treasurer’s role.

Election of Officers

Ruby Hartshorn was elected as Chairperson for the following 3 years.

Erica Staples was elected as treasurer for next 3 years.

Ian Roberts was elected as vice chair for next 3 years.

Sonia wished them all the best of luck especially to Ruby who she said would be a great success as the new Chairperson.

8Guest Speakers

Amanda White TelfordUCare

Amanda gave an overview of how TelfordUCare works by enabling people with disabilities and their carers to come and watch a football match knowing there is a team of people there to support them. This includes getting drinks and food or staying with someone to cover toilet breaks. They even supply blankets to keep people warm.(A suggestion by SDN in 2012 that they have taken up) Volunteers do all this without funding. Everton from the premier league were the only other club she knew of doing such a scheme. AFC Telford have 3 Carers Champions on the scheme-these champions who can be identified by the bright pink jackets they wear-

Sonia thanked Amanda for giving such a warm and informative talk.

Members broke for coffee and networking before the next speaker.

Tom Kane and Harley

Tom talked about deafness its’ issues. In particular he focused on lip reading. He explained how he had become deaf. The deaf community in Shropshire has 64,000 people affected by hearing impairments. Tom gave us incite into what it is like to be hard of hearing saying “Sign language is no use to me, I don't sign, I lip read so if you do not face me I will not answer you” He told us about the work he is doing in this county, raising awareness of the needs of those with hearing impairment & is nor afraid to challenge supermarkets as well as many other places. Tom gave us a little exercise to do. He asked “What does this say “ _ _E _O_ _A_ O_ _ _E A _ Of course no one had any idea but that shows why we must all be aware & face people when we talk. Tom said “I watch people going up Wyle Cop Shrewsbury, talking to each other but they are very often talking to their family or friend who is walking behind or in front of them-that is no good to someone like me as I need to see your face to lip read. The sentence says “THE DOG SAT ON THE MAT” Once the consonants are filled in it is easy. Tom explained the issues with the National Health Service and the different degrees and types of deafness. He used sound recordings to try to replicate the problems for deaf people with great humour to reinforce his very serious message.

Sonia thanked Tom for a very informative talk.

The raffle was drawn & she thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Ruby surprised Sonia with flowers and chocolates on behalf of the members to thank her for her excellent service to SDN during her time as Chairperson.

The raffle raised £26.00.Thank you to those who donated prizes especially Mears who donated several prizes.

The next meeting is our on:

10th December 2015 at Shrewsbury, agenda to be circulated nearer the date.

.…..………………………………… Approved

…..……………………………………...Prepared by
