Present: Cllr J Edwarde (Chair), Cllr J Smith, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr M Colenutt, , Cllr N Holmes, Cllr K Hawes, Cllr D Maher and Cllr C Beare, Cllr C Tamplin and Cllr C Risby.

Apologies: District Cllr R Moore, Cllr H Searle and Cllr L Hatch.

Absent: None

In attendance: Mrs E Fulham (Clerk), County Cllr F Whetstone, District Cllr C Hardy and Public.

19. To Accept Apologies for Absence.

District Cllr R Moore, Cllr H Searle and Cllr L Hatch.

20. Declarations of Interest in respect of matters to be discussed

The Chair reminded the Councillors to declare interests where appropriate.

21. To Approve Minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13th May 2013.

Proposed by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Higgins and unanimously approved.

22. To Report on Matters Arising from meeting held on 13th May 2013.

Item 7(Previous year Item 130) – The Youth Bus project commenced on 23rd May and was used by 5 people at slightly revised times. Cllr Holmes would accompany this coming week. Cllrs Smith and Beare agreed to help on future weeks.

Item 12 – The only candidate who confirmed willingness to stand would be co-opted at the July meeting.

Item 13 – The Chair reported Story Fest had used electricity in Goods Yard House but had not used the meeting room.

Item 16 – The Chair reported she had spoken to Caroline Tully to confirm there were no plans to progress community signage at the current time and had suggested the corner of Maresfield Road and temporary signage in the interim for the Rude Mechanical production.

Item 3 – There was an amendment to the minutes to read Roberts Field Farm.

Item 17 – The cricket club had asked for an update on the gas replacement at the pavilion.

23. To Report on Correspondence Received.

The Chair reported on item 19 and effigy sighted near Pooh Bridge. The Clerk had written to the landowner after a complaint and the Landowner had removed it.

24. To review update on Resilience Plan.

In the absence of Cllr Searle, Cllr Colenutt reported that helpers were required for the plan and Cllr Searle had sent a document to the Clerk to circulate however this had been sent whilst the Clerk was on annual leave and had not been circulated to the Councillors yet. The Chair suggested it might be worthwhile to consider the resilience plan within the community plan.

The Clerk would circulate Cllr Searle’s document and this would be an agenda item in July.

25. Neighbourhood Plan

(i)  To ratify the decision to formally contact Wealden District Council to confirm the intention to develop a Neighbourhood Plan incorporating the Parish boundaries.

Proposed by Cllr Hawes seconded by Cllr Edwarde and unanimously approved.

(ii)  To consider the proposal from the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group. That the Parish Council spend up to £250 per annum to register a domain name and set up and maintain a web site for the Neighbourhood Plan and Community Plan consultations.

After some discussion this was amended to read as follows:

To consider the proposal from the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group. That the Parish Council spend up to £250 per annum to register a domain name and set up and maintain a web site for the Neighbourhood Plan and Community Plan consultations. To be reviewed annually.

Proposed by Cllr Hawes seconded by Cllr Risby and approved by majority vote with one abstention.

26. Finance

(i)  To report on account 2013 / 14.

There was an error on the report and the Clerk would reissue the report.

(ii)  To approve expenditure as itemised on schedule.

Payments made since last Parish Council Meeting held on 13th May 2013
(Figures inc. VAT)
EMS / Newsletter printing / 205.23
Perryhill Orchards / Gas pavilion / 133.48
NWCTP / Community Transport / 83.00
P Jones / Cleaning / 125.00
E Fulham / Expenses / 75.32
SAS / Repairs and Maintenance Various / 310.00
Southern Water / Water drainage GYH / 85.25
BT / Telephone / 21.66
EDF / electricity GYH / 62.36
East Malling Research / Dan Maher Tree inspection course / 125.00
Hartfield Village Hall / Annual Meeting Hire / 100.00
Direct Tech / Street Lights / 129.12
WDC / Dog Bins / 149.76
EDF / Supply GYH / 58.00
Ashdown Lettings / Commission / 500.40
PWLB / Loan / 14,333.13
BT / Telephone / 29.82
E Fulham / Salary / 1,171.25
HMRC / NI / TAX / 216.40
Southern Water / Supply GYH / 0.39
Open Spaces / Subscription / 45.00
Hendry Signs / Display boards / 288.00
Corelaw / Land registry fees / 170.00
WDC / Vacant period GYH C/ Tax / 10.34
EMS / Printing various / 586.20
Total / 19,014.11
Payments to be approved at the Parish Council meeting 3rd June 2013
(Figures inc. VAT)
E Fulham / salary / 1,171.25
HMRC / NI / TAX / 216.40
E Fulham / Expenses / 527.43
A Hillman / internal audit / 99.88
SALC / Chairmans Course / 120.00
Neil Baker / PAT Testing / 47.25
EMS / Car Park Signs / 168.00
Hartfield PCC / Grant / £200
Hammerwood and Holyte PCC / Grant / £150
Holy Trinity Colemans Hatch / Grant / £200
St Mary The Virgin CE Primary School / Grant / £100
Colemans Hatch W1 / Grant / £150
Colemans Hatch Bowling Club / Grant / £100
Hartfield Village Hall / Grant / £2,533
Wealden CAB / Grant / £350
Story Fest / Grant / £380
Mums and Tots / Grant / £150
Lunch club / Grant / £100
Bourne Amenity / Grounds Maintenance / £3,792
Grovemoor Associates / Service and repairs GYH / £276
EDF / GYH supply / £18
Southern Water / GYH supply / 16.27
Total / 10,865.48

Proposed by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Tamplin and unanimously approved.

(iii)  To accept internal auditors report.

This was duly received and accepted.

(iv)  To report on 12/13 balance.

The Chair reported there was a positive balance. Some of this amount was now accounted for in moves to earmarked reserves. The Chair wished to review the figures with Clerk and would report accordingly.

The Chair would report on it in more detail at the next meeting.

(v)  To approve movement to earmarked reserves £ 298.27 War Memorial

Proposed by Cllr Risby seconded by Cllr Holmes and unanimously approved.

Cllr Maher agreed to report progress on the grant at the next meeting.

(vi)  To approve move from earmarked reserves £1354.35 Neighbourhood Plan

Proposed by Cllr Hawes seconded by Cllr Maher and approved by majority vote.

(vii)  To approve expenditure for SLCC conference up to £395.

Proposed by Cllr Higgins seconded by Cllr Risby and unanimously approved.

27. Update on insurance claim for the pavilion and review proposals for expenditure.

The Clerk updated the councillors on the current position. The new cage had been ordered and it was likely that it would be installed within 2-3 weeks. The insurance claim had been settled and a cheque received.

Cllr Smith outlined some security options for the new cage.

It was proposed that expenditure up to £515 was approved to pay for alarm contacts and a speech dialer.

Cllrs Colenutt and Smith agreed to have their numbers used for the speech dialer.

Proposed by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Maher and approved by majority vote six in favour two against and two abstentions.

The Clerk would seek confirmation that this would be suitable from the PCSO and proceed accordingly.

28. To formally approve maintenance funds held by Hartfield Parish Council are transferred to Hartfield Playschool for future maintenance following the registration of the lease at the Land Registry.

The Chair confirmed the amount held was £8963.62.

Cllr Higgins proposed Cllr Holmes seconded and unanimously approved.

The Clerk was asked to get a quote for finalising the next stage with Hedleys Solicitors.

29. To consider the Fete Committee request for outside power at the Pavilion.

There was some discussion on options and security considerations.

The Councillors requested more information and quotes to consider at the next PC meeting and the matter was duly deferred.

30. To ratify minutes from the following Committees:

(i)  Planning Committee 25th April and 23rd May 2013.

Proposed by Cllr Tamplin seconded by Cllr Higgins and unanimously approved.

(ii)  Town Croft and Parish Assets Committee 9th April 2013.

Proposed by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Colenutt and unanimously approved.

(iii)  Finance Committee 20th May 2013.

Proposed by Cllr Tamplin seconded by Cllr Edwarde and unanimously approved.

(iv)  Rights of Way Committee 18th March 2013.

Proposed by Cllr Edwarde seconded by Cllr Tamplin and unanimously approved.

31. To review Committee reports:

(i)  Town Croft and Parish Assets

The Stoolball Club had had some issues after the Story Fest weekend – The Clerk was aware and had spoken to Story Fest organisers.

(ii)  Planning

The Chair reported on the objection to the applications at Hollydene and The Oaks.

Cllr Hawes had agreed to attend the WDC planning meeting to represent HPC on 6th June 2013.

(iii)  Rights of Way

There was no report.

(iv)  Transport and Environment.

The Chair requested to defer the next meeting. Councillors were asked to provide agenda items so a decision on another meeting date could be made.

The SLR meeting was deferred till September 2013.

The Clerk was asked to chase ESCC for feedback from the last SLR meeting.

32. Items for Reporting or Inclusion in Future Agendas

Cllr Risby reported she was unable to attend the Ashdown Forest Liaison meeting on 19th June 2013.

Cllr Tamplin agreed to go to the meeting instead.

Cllr Colenutt reported that the Ashdown Forest road safety speed watch would take place from the 8th July 2013.

Cllr Maher reported he thought he had located the land previously noted by DEFRA as belonging to HPC. He had some documents from ESCC and would forward them to the Clerk to investigate further.

33. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 1st July 2013 at 7.30pm

Meeting ended at 9:05pm