
Working with Requests

DIRECT APPOINTMENT MODE is recommended for users who are responsible for vetting/processing events from the[Request List] as CRIS will automatically highlight the most appropriate screens, fields and buttons.


It is possible to filter the [Request List] by applying any combination of [Status], [Site], [Requested After], [Requested Before], [Modality], [Exam], [Urgency], [Practitioner] and by ticking or unticking ‘Show Rejected’. Selections can be made by entering the appropriate code/date or choosing from a list via [F4].


Requested / Received This category is primarily designed for use by Clinicians Vetting / Justifying requests that have been acknowledged as received and entered onto the system as ‘Requests’ by Clerical Staff.Alternatively if Electronic Vetting is not in use – clerical staff can use this category to process requests and place them on waiting lists or issue appointments.

AcceptedIf Electronic Vetting is in use, this category is typically used by Clerical Staff in order to process ‘Accepted’ requests and place them on waiting lists or issue appointments.

Sorting columns can also be done by clicking the column headers. The first time you click, it will sort ascending or A-Z then clicking again will sort descending Z-A. You can use any of the available column headers, such as Referring Location or Examination.


It is possible to acknowledge ‘receipt of an order’’ on CRIS as a ‘Requested/ Received’. This can be done by creating a ‘New Event’ or using an existing Order (Electronic Request). This is highly recommended as it enables clerical staff to acknowledge requests upon receipt and scan request cards to enable any users to access the information in any location for reference or electronic vetting / justifying purposes.

-Load the patient record and create a [New Event] before enteringall required fields in the Event Details screen. To assign the ‘Request’ to a specific Vetting Clinician click on the ‘Practitioner’ field at the bottom of the screen and enter the required code, or press [F4] to choose from a list. If you do not wish to assign a vetting clinician simply leave the field blank.

Please note: It is also possible to assign‘Urgency’ to the Request at this point such as 5 = Urgent or 7 = 2 Week Wait.

-Having completed all required details click [Request] to load into the Add Request screen.

-Change [Date] to the date the referral was made (if this is Trust policy).

-Tick [Scan Image] if you are scanning request cards.

-Add any comments in the ‘Status Comment’ field.

-Click the ‘Requested/ Received’ status and [Save].


Requests are vetted via the [Request List]. Vetting / Justifying Clinicians should select the ‘Received / Requested’ status and apply ‘Modality’, ‘Exam’ or ‘Urgency’ filters as applicable. If ‘Requests’ have been assigned to a named ‘Practitioner’ (i.e. a specific vetting clinician) this can also be selected. Vetting clinicians should however also ensure that they blank out the ‘Practitioner’ filter to vet unallocated requests having completed their own personal vetting list.

-Load the Request into the Event Details screen and click [Request Card] to view the details of the request including Clinical/Patient History and requested Exam(s).

Alternatively if using Electronic Ordering all details will be display in the ‘Clinical History’ box via the Event Details screen.

-Having reviewed the request – click back to the Event Details screen and select [Request] to Accept or Reject the request.

Please note: It is also possible to amend the examinations via the Event Details screen if required – i.e. changing from a CT to an Ultrasound or MRI if this examination is judged to be more appropriate under the circumstances by the vetting clinician. You should simply ensure that you record details of why the change was made via the ‘Status Comments’ before saving the request as ‘Accepted’.


Selecting the ‘Accepted’ status would indicate a request card that has been Vetted/ Justified by a clinician. When ‘Accepted’ is selected the [Practitioner] field will display, please select the person who Vetted/ Justified the request as this is the electronic signature of the authorising clinician. Alternatively if the ‘Request’ was assigned to name ‘Practitioner’ this will fill in automatically.

You should type any required details via ‘Status Comments’ such as prep requirements, protocols for performing the examination or reason for changing the exam from the one(s) before clicking [Save] to ‘Accept’ the request.


Selecting the ‘Rejected’ status would indicate the request has been rejected/ cancelled. When ‘Rejected’ is selected the [Practitioner] field will display, please select the person who rejected the request. . Again, if the ‘Request’ was assigned to name ‘Practitioner’ this will fill in automatically.

You should use ‘Status Comments’ field to type details of why you have rejected the request before clicking [Save] to ‘Reject’ the request.


The following statuses are not designed to be used for ‘Rejecting’ requests, but are often misused in this way. They are legacy statuses which have traditionally been used to hold a request pending further information, or an alternative course of action.

A ‘Request Unjustified’ status - indicates the request card is awaiting justification, i.e. an alternative exam may be agreed upon but the original examination is not justifiable.

An ‘Awaiting Clinical Information’ status – indicates the request card is awaiting clinical information.

HSS would therefore strongly recommend that you carefully consider the use of these statuses in relation to waiting times, as these types of request will remain on Waiting List figures until formally ‘Rejected’. It would be preferable to consider end dating these Statuses upon agreement from the SHA focus group for Datacentre customers, or at Trust discretion for locally deployed Customers.


The [Request List] allows for all requests to be viewed. It is possible to change the status of the requests you view by using the filters at the bottom of the screen.

The example below is listing all ‘Rejected’ orders/ requests by applying a [Status] filter of RJ= Rejected.


Having selected the order(s) and loaded into the Event details screen you will need to select one of the following function buttons as applicable.

[Attend]This option enables you to ‘Attend’ the patient for their examination.

[Waiting List]This option should be used to place the examination(s) on a ‘Waiting’ or ‘Planned’ list.

[Add To Diary]Use this option to make an appointment directly from the Orders List.

Please note: For further details on Attending, Appointing and Placing a Request on the waiting list please refer to CRIS CRIB RIS_CRIB267_Reception.doc and RIS_CRIB266_Appointments.doc. It may also be advisable to ensure that examinations for the same modality are collated into a single event/request, whilst orders/request for different modalities, e.g. MRI and X-ray can be handled as separate events/request should it be necessary to reject one but not the other.

Document Control

Title / RIS_CRIB265b_02.09.10e_Working_with_Requests_v1.1
Author / David Costin / Date Created / 01/09/2009
File Ref. / CRIB265b
Approval Sign-off
Owner / Role / Method of approval / Date
Approver / Role / Method of approval / Date
Change History
Issue / Date / Author / Editor / Details of Change
1.0 / 01/09/2009 / David Costin / First Issue
1.1 / 16/03/2011 / David Costin / Amendments to facilitate changes made in 02.09.10e
Review Date / 01/09/2010

Last Updated: DC 16/03/2011 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 1 of 7