Economic Studies
Labour Force Survey Questionnaire
Household Survey– Second Round
May 2007
Identification Information
101 / Name of Governorate: / |__| / 105 / House/Flat / |__|__|__||__|106 / Building No. / |__|__|__||__|
102 / Residential Block No. / |__|__|__|__| / 107 / Road/Street No. / |__|__|__|__|
103 / No. of Cluster / |__|__|__| / 108 / TelephoneNo. / |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|
104 / Household No. / |__|__| / 109 / No. of Families Living in the House / |__|
110 / Form No. |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| / 111 / No. of Family Members |__|__|
112 / Type of residence
Private owned apartment / Private owned villa / Housing house / Housing apartment / Rented house or apartment
113 / Visit No / visit1 |__| / visit 2 |__| / Visit3 |__|
114 / Date of Completing Form / Day/Month |__|__| |__|__| / Day/Month|__|__| |__|__| / Day/Month|__|__| |__|__|
115 / Time of starting interview / Hour/Minute|__|__| |__|__| / Hour/Minute|__|__| |__|__| / Hour/Minute|__|__| |__|__|
116 Visit Result |__|
1 / Interview complete / 4 / Residence was empty
2 / Residence was closed / 5 / Household refused interview
3 / No member was qualified to answer questionnaire / 6 / Household requested postponed of interview
7 / Other (please state)
Surveyor name: ………………………………………|__|__|__|
Supervisor name: ………………………………………|__|__|Day/month |__|__| |__|__|
Data entry officer: ………………………………………|__|__|Day/month |__|__| |__|__|
List of Family Member / Demographic CharacteristicsSerial number / Name / Relationship to head of household/ legal guardian / Age in
years / Sex / Citizenship / Marital status
Arrange household members as follows:
- Head of household / legal guardian
- Spouse
- Unmarried children in ascending order of age including infants
4. Grandchild
5.Brother/ sister
6.Other relative
7.House Maid
8.Others(specify) / 1. Male
2. Female / ex.
- Bahraini
- Egyptian
- Saudi
- Indian
- Thai
2. Married
4. Divorced
(201) / (202) / (203) / (204) / (205) / (206) / (207)
01 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
02 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
03 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
04 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
05 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
06 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
07 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
08 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
09 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
10 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
11 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
12 / |__| / |__|__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
Educational Characteristics(5 years and above) / Training and vocational programme(15 years and above)
Serial number / Can you read and write any language? / What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? / What was your field of study? / Are you currently enrolled in a training/vocational programme? / What is the type of the training programme and how it is paid for?
1. Yes
2. No / 1.None
Go to (Q211)
7.High diploma
Go to (Q210) / Diploma or bachelor holders only:
State field of study, for example:
- History
- Economics
- Electrical engineering
- Accounting
- Dentistry
- Business administration
2. No
Go to (Q213) / 1.Training during working hours, paid for by employer
- Training during working hours, paid for by government
- Training outside working hours, paid for by employer
- Training outside working hours, paid for by government
- Self paid, training outside working hours
- Others (specify)
(201) / (208) / (209) / (210) / (211) / (212)
01 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
02 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
03 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
04 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
05 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
06 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
07 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
08 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
09 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
10 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
11 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
12 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|
Economic Activity: For persons 15 years and over
Serial number / Have you worked during the past week (any of the past 7 days prior to filling this questionnaire) for even one hour in any sector with or without pay?
For example, sale of foodstuff, washing cars, etc.
1. Yes
Go to (Q216)
2. No
Go to (Q214) / Have you had a job last week where you have been temporary absent?
2. No
Goto(Q229) / What is the primary reason for your absence from work during the past week?
1.Health related
2.Public holiday or annual leave
3.Personal reasons
4.Study or training leave
5.Maternity leave
6.Temporary cessation of activity
7.Strike or temporary suspension
8.Other reason (specify)
If you answer this question
Go to (Q218) / How many days have you worked during the past week? / What was the number of hours you actually worked during the past week? / How long you have been working at your current establishment?
- Less than one week
- 1-4 weeks
- 2-6 months
- One year
- From 2-5 years
- More than 5 years (specify)
(201) / (213) / (214) / (215) / (216) / (217) / (218)
01 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
02 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
03 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
04 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
05 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
06 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
07 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
08 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
09 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
10 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
11 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
12 / |__| / |__| / _|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
Economic activity: individuals aged 15 years and above
Serial number / Were you actively searching for another job during past week? This includes changing the establishment, changing the existing job title or additional job.
Go to Q220
2. No
Go to Q221 / What was the primary reason for searching for another job?
- End of contract
- Insufficient wage
- Late payment of wages
- Does not suit my education/qualifications
- Unsuitable working hours
- Lack of training
- Dissatisfaction with management
- Difficulties in self employment job
- Other reason (specify)
1.Agriculture and Hunting
3.Mining and Quarrying
5.Electricity, Gas and Water supply
7.Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles and Personal and Household Goods
8.Hotels and Restaurants
9.Transport, Storage and Communications
10.Financial Intermediation
11.Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities
12.Public Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security
14.Health and Social Work
15.Other Community, Social and Personal Service Activities
16.Private Households with Employed Persons
17.Extra-Territorial Organizations and Bodies
(201) / (219) / (220) / (221) / (222)
01 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
02 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
03 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
04 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
05 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
06 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
07 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
08 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
09 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
10 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
11 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
12 / |__| / |__| / |__|__|
Economic activity: individuals ages 15 years and above
Serial number / What type of establishment do you work in?
1.Government directorate
2.Government establishment
3.Semi-government establishment
4.Private sector company
5.Own company
6.Work from home
7.Non-profit organisation
8.Other type of establishment
( specify) / What is/was your occupation? For example, electrical engineer, primary school teacher, taxi driver, nurse, dentist, secretary, clerk, president, director, food trader...etc.
(Specify the main job task) / What was your employment status past week?
- Paid employee on indefinite term contract
- Paid employee on fixed term contract
- Employer
- Own-account worker
- Unpaid employee
- Unpaid household worker
- Other status (specify)
1.Civil Service Bureau
2.Employment Office at Ministry of Labour
3.National Employment Programme
4.Recruitment company
5.Career consultation office at University of Bahrain
6.By contacting business owners directly
7.Advertisement in newspaper
8.Advertisement on the internet
9.Through friends and relatives
10.Other method (specify) / What was your monthly wage during the past month? (in Bahraini Dinars)
1.Less than 50
2.50 – 99
3.100 – 149
4.150 – 199
5.200 – 249
6.250 – 299
7.300 – 349
8.350 – 399
9.400 – 449
10.450 – 499
11.500 – 599
12.600 – 699
13.700 – 799
14.800 – 899
15.900 +
(201) / (223) / (224) / (225) / (226) / (227)
01 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
02 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
03 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
04 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
05 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
06 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
07 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
08 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
09 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
10 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
11 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
12 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__| / |__|__|
Economic activity: individuals ages 15 years and above
Serial number / Are you currently registered at:
1.Pension Fund Commission (PFC)
2.General Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI)
3.Both 1 and 2
4.Neither 1 nor 2
5.I don’t know.
END OF QUESTIONNAIRE / What is the primary source of your monthly income?
1.Assistance from family
3.Fixed deposit real-estate, inheritance
4.Government aid
5.Welfare societies
6.Other source
(specify) / Are you currently free and ready to take a job. (or within the next two weeks)?
Go to 231
Go to 232 / Have you been seeking work during the last four weeks by any of the following or other methods? (You may choose up to four methods)
1.Registering or following up with the employment office at the Civil Service Bureau
2.Registering or following up with the employment office at the Ministry of Labour
3.Registering or following up with the National Employment Programme
4.Contacted a recruitment agency
5.Registered or followed up with Career
Consultation Office at University of Bahrain
6.Contacted business owners directly
7.Following up vacancies advertised in newspapers
8.Following up vacancies advertised on the internet
9.Through friends and family
10.Started own business
11.Other method (specify)
If you select one of the above
Go to Q233
12.I have not attempted to search for a job
Go to Q232 / What was the main reason for not having searched for work during the last four weeks?
1.Still studying or taking part in a vocational programme
2.Family Responsibilities
4.Health related reasons, disability or old age
5.Have a contract to work starting at some point in the future
6.Waiting for responses to my applications
7.Family objections
8.Unable to find a suitable job, or have given up
9.Other reason (specify)
(201) / (228) / (229) / (230) / (231) / (232)
01 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
02 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
03 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
04 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
05 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
06 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
07 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
08 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
09 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
10 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
11 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
12 / |__| / |__| / |__| / |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| / |__|
Economic activity: individuals ages 15 years and above
Serial number / How long have you been without work and seeking work?
1.Less than one month
2.1-6 months
3.7-11 months
4.1-2 years
5.More than 2 years (specify) / What kind of occupation were you searching for during the past 4 weeks / What is the minimum wage that you agree to work for? (In Bahraini Dinars). / Have you worked for at least two continuous weeks in the past?
Go to Q237
2. No
END OF QUESTIONNAIRE / What is the primary reason for leaving your last job?
1.Health related or disability
2.Family responsibilities
3.Study or on training
4.Other personal reasons
5.Unacceptably low wage
7.End of contractterm
8.Temporary shut-down of the establishment
9.Unacceptably long working hours
10.It was part time job
11.Shift work
12.Other non-personal reasons
Please go to questions Q221- Q228.
(201) / (233) / (234) / (235) / (236) / (237)
01 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
02 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
03 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
04 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
05 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
06 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
07 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
08 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
09 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
10 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
11 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
12 / |__| / |__|__|__| / |__|__|__|__| / |__| / |__|__|
II- What was your monthly household income from sources other than work? (in B.D.) ………………
Labour Force SurveyMay 2007