The Danish Disability Fund

Application form:


(Above 5 million DKK)

September 2013

This application form must be used when applying for funding for modality D. projects involving more than one DPOD member organization.

The technical assessment of the application is made by the Disability Fund's Grant Committee. In case the application is recommended for approval a recommendation note is developed to the Danida Grant Committee, which then makes the final decision. A commitment to funding can only be concluded when Danida’s Grant Committee has approved the application.

The form is divided into four parts:

Part 1. Cover page
- basic information regarding the DPOD applicant(s), partner(s), title, the amount applied, etc.

Part 2. Application text
- a description of the project. Each section provides an instruction (shaded grey) on what the section should contain. The application text (Part 2) must not exceed 25 pages. Applications exceeding 25 pages will be rejected.

Part 3. Budget summary
- the main budget items. Please, note that the budget summary must be elaborated upon in the annex E2 ‘Budget format’.

Part 4. Annexes
- a list of the obligatory and supplementary annexes that support the application (reviews and evaluations of previous project phases must for example be enclosed).

Please, note: The project (and the project application) must be developed in collaboration between the project-implementing local partner organizations and the Danish member organizations. Consequently, a project document must be available in a language commanded by the local partner. The application, however, can only be submitted in Danish or English.

1. Cover page ( to be filled by DPOD)


(Above 5 million DKK.)

Project title: / Capacity Building for Sustainable Development
Applicant Danish member organization (financial responsible) / Danish Association of the Physically Disabled/Dansk Handicap Forbund
Other Danish partner(s): / Danish Brain Injury Association/Hjerneskadeforeningen, Danish Sports Organization of the Disabled/Dansk Handicapidræts-Forbund
Local partner organization(s): / Brain Injury Support Organization of Uganda (BISOU).
Spinal Injury Organization of Uganda (SIA).
Uganda National Action for Physical Disability (UNAPD)
Country (-ies):
Uganda / Country’s GNI per capita: 470 USD
(2011, Atlas method, World Bank)
Project commencement date:
Jan 1 2014 / Project completion date:
Dec 31 2017 / Total number of months:
Contact person for the project:
Name: Sven Gårn Hansen
Email address:
Telephone no.: 24980588
Amount requested from the Disability Fund: / Annual project cost:
(Total amount requested divided by number of project years)
Is this a re-submission? (i.e. a revised application, which has previously been submitted)
[X] No
[ ] Yes, previous date of application:
Is this:
[X] A: A new project?
[ ] B: A project in extension of another project previously supported by DH or others?
[ ] C: A long-term project initially divided into several project phases, of which this phase is number [ ] out
of [ ]. Note that section F must be completed if the project is divided into phases.
In which language should the response letter from the Disability Fund be written (choose one):
[ ] Danish
[X] English
Projektet er et partnerskab mellem DHF, DHIF og Hjerneskadeforeningen og de tre ugandiske organisationer af fysisk handicappede UNAPD, SIA og BISOU. Det har til hensigt at styrke de sidstes kapacitet til at inddrage mennesker med handicap i offentlige uddannelses-, sundheds- og fattigdomsbekæmpende programmer, især på lokalt niveau.
Ca. 6.300 mennesker med fysisk handicap i 25 distrikter i Uganda vil deltage i projektet, herunder 29 lokalafdelinger af de 3 deltagende organisationer.
Projektet har en særlig dimension i at styrke enhed, læring og samarbejde i handicapsektoren i Uganda. Det vil endvidere udvikle sport som et redskab til rehabilitering, fortalervirksomhed og organisationsopbygning i Uganda.
Oct 1 2013 /
Date / Person responsible (signature)
Høje Taastrup / Susanne Olsen, National Chairperson
Place / Person responsible and position (block letters)

2. Application text

A. THE PARTNERS (indicative length 3 - 5 pages)

A.1 The Danish member organization

A.2 Other Danish partners

This project includes three Danish partner organizations and three Ugandan organizations. The Danish partners are the Danish Association of the Physically Disabled (DHF), Danish Brain Injury Association (DBIA) , and Danish Sports Organization of the Disabled (DSOD). DHF is lead. The three Danish partners are well known in DPOD. To provide more space tpo describe the Uganda partners and the partnership as a whole, we have moved the descriptions of the Danish partners to an annex.

A.3 The local partner organization(s)

The project has three Uganda partners. The project also has an associated partner: Uganda Paralympic Committee (UPC). UPC is involved to support the sports activities of the project.

Brain Injury Support Organization of Uganda (BISOU)

BISOU was established in November 2010 by a group of Persons with Acquired Brain Injury (PWABI) and Caregivers. The membership base was self help groups formed under the aegis of UNAPD. The group was motivated by the need to form a national organization to bring together all PWABI and caregivers so as to influence issues of interest for persons with acquired brain injury. There was also a glaring need for PWABIs to belong to an association. BISOU is the first organization of or for people with Acquired Brain Injury in Africa. BISOU was officially recognized by government on the 24th Day of November 2011.

The vision of BISOU is to have a society cognizant of the needs and rights of persons with acquired brain injury and her mission is to promote the wellbeing of PWABI, create awareness and encourage support.

A General Assembly (GA) of members is the top decision making organ of BISOU. The GA is held bi-annually, the latest in November 2012. and is constituted by individual members of BISOU. The GA elects a board of 10 members at each assembly and the cardinal role of the board is to make policies for the organization and to guide the day-to-day work of the secretariat. The board is steered by the chairperson who is the chief custodian of the property and powers of the organization. The Secretariat is run by a 3-member team, which includes the Executive Director, Program Officer and Administrative Officer.

Self-Help Groups (SHGs) of members are the smallest units in BISOU. There are 10 SHGs in BISOU today. Constitutionally, SHGs combine to form branches. At present the first three branches are under formation.

At the moment, BISOU has 270 fully paid-up and registered members with most (about 70%) organized in self-help groups (SHGs) in their communities. The current membership are mostly from the districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Kayunga and Kiboga. A few individual members are present in in other parts of the country.

A technical committee (Advisory Committee), constituted mainly by medical professionals has been appointed by the board to guide and advise the board and secretariat staff on technical issues concerning acquired brain injury. This committee shall also be the facilitator linking the members of BISOU to medical service providers and health rehabilitators.

In April 2012, the Executive Director together with three board members made a visit to Denmark to share experience with the DBIA on how best to handle the affairs of an association of people with acquired brain injury. This further enriched the visiting members in the areas of organization development and effective rehabilitation of PWABIs. BISOU, in partnership with DBIA, is currently implementing a small Project with support from DPOD (HP 003-141)) which is expected to end in December this year.

The activities of BISOU are financed mainly by the project funded by DPOD. However, other BISOU activities are financed by memberships and annual subscription fees. BISOU also depends on donations from generous individual well-wishers and organizations.

BISOU is not affiliated to any donor organization or political institution. However contact with Action on Disability and Development (ADD) has been established. BISOU is committed to looking for donors to support its activities and to collaborate with any institutions that support the cause of PWABI. BISOU has registered for membership of NUDIPU and cooperates on a limited scale some civil society organizations in Uganda; such as Reach out Wives of Soldiers’ Association (ROWASA) and Kawempe Division Disabled Community (KDDC).

Key staff in this project will be:

·  Basoita Godfrey, Executive Director, educated as physiotherapist. Was for five years Programme Officer in-charge of two community projects implemented by DBIA in partnership with UNAPD (UBIP & UBISP).

·  Mulumba Julius, Programme Officer, Batchelor of law, has more than 4-years experience in implementing community projects with his former employer (the local government).

·  Najjita Grace, Project officer, batchelor in social work and administration (2012), has interned at BISOU.

·  Achen Margaret Akello, accountant, Batchelor in tourism, 4 yers experience as bank teller, bank assistant and accountant.

Spinal Injury Association (SIA)

SIA is a non partisan disabled peoples’ organization which started in April, 2001. Mission: To lobby and advocate for improved services and recognition of the rights of people with spinal injuries in Uganda. Vision: Quality and independent life for spinal injured people.

Aims and objectives: a) To advocate for the rights and needs of persons with spinal injuries in Uganda. b) To fight against all forms of discrimination towards persons with spinal injuries in all aspects of life. c) To uplift the standard of living of persons with spinal injuries through empowerment and mainstreaming. d) To create public awareness of the potentials of persons with spinal injuries through sensitization. e) To raise awareness on the causes, affects and means through which spinal injuries can be reduced.

The Annual General Assembly is the supreme organ of SIA. This elects the executive committee of thirteen members which supervises and monitors activities. Eight are men and five are women. This in return appoints the secretariat which is headed by the Executive Director who oversees the day to day running of the organization.

SIA has five hundred members. Three hundred and fifty are men and one hundred and fifty are women. Some members pay a subscription fee of five thousand Uganda shillings. However during the board meeting in July 2012, it was resolved to start grading them according to economic status, so that some pay more to meet the organization needs like rent and utilities.

SIA has regional branches. The western branch together with the eastern branch was begun in 2007. The northern branch began in 2008. The western branch has 65 members, northern 180 members, central 200 members and eastern 55 members. The regions have their own executive committees which send lists of their delegates to the Annual General Assembly. The regional branches will be the base of the District Branches participating in this project.

SIA is affiliated to the Eastern and Southern African Spinal Injuries Association. SIA collaborates with the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda, National Union of Women with disabilities of Uganda, Uganda National Action on Physical Disabilities, Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities-Uganda, Community Based Rehabilitation Alliance (COMBRA) to mention but a few. SIA collaborates with Arrive Alive Uganda, Injury Control Centre, Ministry of Roads, Works and Transport, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Gender.

SIA has had different development projects and worked with numerous donors like Motivation Charitable trust UK, Pact Omega Initiatives-Kenya, Abilis Foundation-Finland, Disability Rights Fund, British High Commission -Kampala and other local donors. SIA has been in contact with DHF since 2006 and we have worked together on three projects with DPOD funding (General Assembly and Strategy in 2012, Capacity Building project in 2013 and Consultant for OD Training 2013). In 2013 SIA also hopes to get from Disability Rights Fund $20,000, NUWODU $2500, NUDIPU $2500, Canadian doctors (in kind) and from Joni and friends (40 wheelchairs in kind). All the funds SIA has are dedicated to specific projects, ie restricted funds, so SIA has very limited funding for its own running.

SIA´s staff consist of 4 persons: Executive Director, Project coordinator, Accountant and Accounts Clerk. Due to SIA´s financial situation has most staff been working on voluntary basis, but since 2011 SIA has received some funding for salaries from Disability Rights Fund.

SIA staff working on this project will be:

·  Executive Director: Ms. Angela Balaba a Bachelors’ degree in counseling and an MA in project planning and management. Her experience includes fundraising, management, and strategic planning and implementation of community of both health and rights based projects. Her previous work in the areas of local government legislation and planning process has given her a rich experience in cultivating strategic alliances. She has managed donor funded projects with various funding partners.

·  Accountant: Mr. Andrew Yooumbe has a Diploma in accounts with over ten years in project/programme work accounting. He is familiar with donor funded program work accounting with key competences in financial planning, budgeting, monitoring, reporting auditing and procurement and supplies management as well as general office administration and control. He has worked for DPOs for the last 11 years.

·  Accounts Clerk: Ms. Monica Talidda holds a diploma in accounts, is a very efficient young lady having previously worked with a big insurance company.

Uganda National Action for Physical Disability (UNAPD)

UNAPD is a non-governmental organization formed in 1998 to create a common voice in advocating for the rights, better service provision, and independent living among Persons with Physical Disabilities (PWPDs) in Uganda. The goal of UNAPD is “a society where Persons with Physical Disabilities are accorded rights enjoyed by all citizens”. UNAPD sees its mission as being ‘a leading action-oriented Disabled People’s Organizations (DPO) dedicated to the removal of barriers in society, which prevent PWPD from enjoying their full rights’.

UNAPD is an umbrella organization of district associations, groups and individuals with physical disabilities (PWPD). UNAPD has 40 active member District Associations with over 4112 individual members (2308 men and 1804 women). Members pay a registration fee of 3000 UGX (about 60 DKK). There are also five specific groups of physical disabilities; Youth with Physical Disabilities; Women with Physical Disabilities; Persons with Rheumatism; Polio Survivors. These groups form voluntarily as advocacy groups then affiliate with UNAPD for a common voice. UNAPD works through these structures to reach out to the grass root individuals.