CardiffMetUndergraduate Course Entry Template
Information supplied via this template will be used for course information on the university website and in relevant print publications such as the undergraduate prospectus. Please note that the entry may be cut down for any print publications.
Course Title and Awards.
Course Overview.
Guidance for Completion:
Introduction to the course - broad description and aims.
TAB 1 - Course Content
Guidance for Completion:
Composition of the course – year/level breakdown (including any foundation years)
Core and optional modules (what students will study)
TAB 2 – Learning & Teaching
Guidance for Completion:
Course delivery – e.g. lecture based, practical based, group work, seminars, work experience, distance learning. Expected self-study/independent learning time (in addition to timetabled delivery)
Emphasise the tools and technology used to facilitate independent learning, e.g. Virtual Learning Environment.
Include information on pastoral support, office hours, personal tutoring, field trips, and any relevant societies.
TAB 3 – Assessment
Guidance for Completion:
Overall methods of assessment e.g. examinations, coursework, assignments, practical’s, work based placements, presentations. Preparation and support available for assessment, e.g. academic support in library, class-based peer assessment, etc.
TAB 4 – Employability & Careers
Guidance for Completion:
Potential career progression routes and job roles following graduation. How any work experience or placements provide ‘real-world experience’ and prepare students for relevant employment or further study.Further study options in terms of Master’s/Research/PhD study should also be mentioned here, particularly at Cardiff Met.
TAB 5 – Entry Requirements and How to Apply
Guidance for Completion but to be completed in conjunction with the Admission Team:
Detail Entry Requirements
Selection Procedure:
UCAS Code(s):
TAB 6 – Key Facts
Place of Study:
Cardiff School of
Course Length:
International Applicants:
Standard text:Before making an application, international students (those outside of the EU), should contact the International Office at Cardiff Met to discuss the necessary procedures in relation to studying with us. For further information visit
Tuition Fees, Student Finance & Additional Costs
Standard text: For up to date information on tuition fees and the financial support that may be available whilst at university, please refer to For information on any potential additional course costs, please refer to
Bursaries & Scholarships:
Standard text: The university also offers a bursary and scholarship scheme to help students whilst at university. To see if you are eligible, visit
TAB 7 – Contact Us
Standard text:For general enquiries please contact the Admissions Team on 029 2041 6044 or email .
For course specific enquiries, please contact:
Terms and Conditions(Standard text on all course entries)
Full terms and conditions in relation to accepting an offer to study at Cardiff Metropolitan University can be found by visiting
QAA Link
Academic Handbook 2017/18 – Volume 2 – 01.5D Undergraduate Course Entry Template – Introduced 07.03.16