Application to join Sunbeams Pre-school
(Please also see our prospectus and policies on our website
Child’s first name: / Child’s surname:Likes to be known as: / Male / Female / Date of birth:
Child’s first language: / Languages spoken at home:
Name(s) of Parents:
Address of Parents:
Postcode: / Telephone number:
Email address:
I/we would like our child to start attending Sunbeams Pre-school:
*as soon as possible / or from (date):*children may attend afternoon sessions from two and half years old. Children who are in their pre-school year may also attend morning sessions and lunch.
Does your child have any special needs? Yes / No
Please give details:Does your child have any disabilities? Yes / No
Please give details:What special support for this will he/she require in our setting?
Please give details:We strongly suggest that children attend for a minimum of 2 sessions. Many children who attend for just one session find it harder to settle.
I am interested in the following sessions for my child (please tick):
Morning sessions for children in the year prior to starting school only. With the exception of Friday morning which is open to all children in receipt of 3&4 Year Old Nursery Education Funding.
These sessions run from 8.50 - 11.50am and cost £13.50 per session unless funded.
Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri
Is your choice flexible? Yes / No
Lunch Club for children in the year prior to starting school only.
These sessions run from 11.50am – 12.20pm and cost £2.00 per session (own lunch must be provided).
Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs
Is your choice flexible? Yes / No
Afternoon sessions for all children from the age of 2 years 6 months.
These sessions run from 12.20 – 3.20pm and cost £13.50 per session unless funded.
Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs
Is your choice flexible? Yes / No
Sunbeams Pre-school is not open on a Friday afternoon.
Please note it may not be possible to alter the sessions that your child attends later on.
For children not in receipt of any Nursery Education Funding, please enclose a deposit of £20.00 with your application form. This will be deducted from your first invoice. The purpose of this deposit is to ensure that a place will be reserved for your child. Failure to commence at the setting without four weeks prior notice in writing, will result in the loss of your deposit.
If we find that we no longer need the place or our requirements change,we will inform the pre-school as soon as possible.
Signature of parent:
Please be advised that attendance at Sunbeams Pre-school will not influence getting a place at Radford Semele School. School places will be allocated according to Warwickshire County Council guidelines which can be found at
Updated April 2017