2nd Sunday of Lent B

March 1, 2014.

Gospel: Marcos 9:2-10.

Personal Reflection:

In this reading, what word or phrase stands out? Why?

Are you attracted to something in the reading? Why?

Do you feel any resistance? Why?

Journaling: (Use your journal.)


Between the first and second prediction of the passion, Mark placed the scene of the Transfiguration. It is a difficult text, but theologically very dense. The different elements such as vocabulary, the images used and references to the Old Testament tell us that the text has the characteristics of an “apocalyptic epiphany” (revelation of the present and of things to come).

The cloud, the heavenly voice, and the presence of Moses and Elijah evoke the manifestation of God on Mount Sinai (cf. Ex 19,16ss and 1R 19,9ss). The glowing face and white tunic remind us of the vision of the Son of man about which we read in the first reading. In Christ is revealed the divine face of God, the same God who saved Israel from Egypt through Moses (Ex 19), Elijah's death (1R 19) and of the saints of the Hellenistic persecution (cf. dn 7).

But the story also explores the attitude of the disciples in their following of Jesus. "This is my beloved Son; listen to him" proposes to the disciples a receptive attitude of listening. A listening to include not only the words, but also the acceptance of the person who is the new Servant of Yahweh (cf. Is 42,1, cited by Mc).

Christ, the true Son of man, invites the faithful to discover the divine presence in his preaching and his work. Jesus can transform our lives, can help us discover God's presence in our history, and enable us to be his witnesses to a secularized world.


Life Connections:

1.  From your personal reflection today, how have you connected to this Gospel passage? How is it good news for you?

2.  Have you ever experienced worship in which you were brought deeply into God’s presence and intimate union with him as were the disciples of Mount Tabor? How has it changed you?

3.  How then can this Transfiguration event be preparation for us in times of our crosses and our resurrections?

4.  If God were to ask you to turn from the darkness into his brilliant light, what in your life is shrouded in darkness at this time? What is in need of God’s transforming light?