Psalm 33:4
Fruit Of The Spirit Message Series
May 29, 2016
Pastor Nathan J. Thompson
The focus of today’s message is on the “Fruit Of Faithfulness.” What would you say if I asked you how much can you trust a certain person; how much can you trust God? Truth is that you can only completely trust (be faithful) to another person to the degree you really know them. This also means the more you know God the easier it will be for you to be faithful to him.
Therefore in order for the Spirit to bring forth this fruit of faithfulness; before you can really trust another person in a relationship it is important that you have three things. First the person needs to tell you the truth. Second the person needs to be fair, they need to do what is right Three the person needs to be reliable (dependable) if you’re going to develop a relationship of trust.
Psalm 33:4 reminds us that these three characteristics are actually attributes of God. “For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.” God is right; true; faithful. It is true that if we can confidently grasp these characteristics of God we’ll have no problem being faithful to him even when we don’t always understand it.
One of the greatest examples of God’s faithfulness is the Biblical account of the Children of Israel. God continually made promises to Israel and he continually fulfilled them. God promised Abraham a son; he promised them a land of their own; he promised them the Messiah. Even though the people often went their own way and forgot God’s promises God remained faithful; his promises never failed.
Therefore what about right now, today? Psalm 145:13 says, “The Lord is faithful in all his promises.” Did you know there are more than 7000 promises in the Bible? Martin Luther boldly said one time that we need to hold God accountable for everyone of these promises.
God wants more than anything to fulfill his promises, however you and I need to receive them; trust in them; use them. Therefore this morning we will look at six wonderful guarantees that God has promised; six wonderful promises you and I can count on.
First I can depend on God to forgive my sins. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins, and will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” God is faithful and just; admit your sins and he will forgive.
Now I need to ask, does this verse say anything about having to work in order to earn your forgiveness? No! However it is part of our nature to think we can somehow earn our own forgiveness from God.
Lots of us like to bargain: God if you'll simply forgive me I will tithe 20%; read my Bible everyday; change my behavior(s). Yet you don’t need to bargain/bribe. Simply admit it; honestly confess your sin and God proclaims he does (will) forgive. God is always faithful; you can depend on him.
Second I can depend on God to give me guidance. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do and he will show you the right way.” The promise is that he will show you the right way.
Often times in life you’ll be facing the question, “What am I going to do?” It may be a huge crisis or a minor decision. When you have a question like that; when you need some guidance who do you look to?
It is simply crazy the things that people look to for guidance today: fortune cookies; horoscopes; astrology; TV/radio talk show hosts; having some tarot cards read; games of chance.
There is only one completely reliable source for guidance; that’s God. He is the only one who knows you and loves you. He is the only one who completely knows our inner natures along with the consequences of our choices. God has eternal perspective; he can help you out.
Therefore how do you get guidance from God? An essential way is through the Bible. As you read/study the Bible you become better acquainted with the ways of God. God’s will/purpose is revealed in his holy word. If you’re not reading the Bible don’t expect to get much guidance.
Another way you receive God’s guidance is through Godly counsel. Faithful Christfollowers who know the Bible (who know God's principles) can help bring this light into your life. They can help you see God’s word for you. That’s another reason why we need small groups (good Christian friends); God says count on me to forgive your sins and give you guidance.
Third I can depend on God to make everything right. When you hear the news in our world do you ever feel like life is just not fair. A totally dishonest person is prospering; a business cheat shelters millions of dollars off shore so they don't pay any taxes—yet you’re working hard and barely making it. It’s just not fair.
You need to know that you are exactly right; life is not fair; God never said life would be fair. It is true that because we live in an imperfect world; because there is sin and people do wrong (bad) things, lots of individuals get hurt and life is not fair.
That is why one day God says he is going to make everything right. There is a heaven and there is a hell; there is going to be a judgment time. Evil, as prosperous and tempting as it often seems, will not be the winner in the end. There are going to be those who share in God's eternal blessings and those who do not.
When you go through a hurtful situation do you ever find yourself wanting to get even with that other person? Lots of people today seem to want to get revenge on another; yet that’s a lousy way to live. Romans 12:19 says, “Dear friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God, for he has said he will repay those who deserve it.”
God is very aware if you have been hurt and treated unfairly. He knows if you’ve been bullied; hurt deeply; stabbed in the back by hurtful words; had rumors spread about you that are not true. Yet God says to not let these things consume you. Leave them in God’s hands. His justice is completely right and fair.
Fourth I can depend on God to bless my generosity. Luke 6:38 says, “Give and it will be given you…for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” This of course is not some positive thinking, prosperity doctrine, sneaky fund raising technique. Jesus simply says, “Give and it will be given you.”
I can be confident that when I’m generous, God blesses my generosity. There are more promises in the Bible related to giving than any other topic. If you’re not giving faithfully; if you're not attempting to grow your giving; you’re really hurting yourself. We are the ones who are blessed the most when we give.
The Bible tells us to honor God with the first fruits of our time; talent; money. We are called to give our lives back to God in gratitude for what he’s done; to give ourselves in faithfulness; in thanksgiving; in faith to the future. God promises he will bless your life.
None of us can out give God. There are basically only two kinds of people in the world—givers and takers. Misers are miserable people. Those who are generous in their giving are the happiest people in the world. When you give your life away you are blessed beyond measure; you are filled with amazing joy and purpose.
Fifth I can depend on God to save me. When you've committed your life to Jesus you simply receive his wonderful promises; his free gift of salvation. In that promise is the assurance that when you die you will be with God in heaven. In other words there is no way you can work your way; no way you can earn heaven. God’s salvation is a gift.
John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” God promises that in Jesus you can be saved. It is a promise you can trust in. If you have put off receiving this gift and promise of God, put your faith in him today. Only through faith in Jesus are we saved.
Sixth (and final) I can depend on God to remember my life of service. I think of so many of you who minister here at Messiah. You are not simply spectators; you are participants. You’ve gotten involved in ministry—you teach children; are on the welcome team; serve as Stephen Ministers; share your musical talent; are an adult leader (or mentor) for our youth; serve on a ministry task team (committee); and the list goes on and on.
Many times you may think you just don’t have time to be involved in Christ's mission at Messiah. You may often feel that you are just too busy to give your time; yet you do it anyway; you joyfully (lovingly) share your gift for ministry. As you do believe me God takes notice; he celebrates your faithfulness and service; he blesses your generosity in amazing ways because he is a faithful and loving God.
Yes there are literally hundreds of promises of God's faithfulness in the Bible; they are there for you to claim. If you, my dear friend, have not committed your life to Jesus by faith (or if you have let your commitment slide) do so today. It is the wisest decision you’ll ever make. Remember that God is faithful, he never breaks his promises. Therefore as he is faithful to us, we can be faithful to him and to others. It is a fruit that shines as we grow in love toward him.