November 24, 2015

Battle Creek Elementary Bi-Monthly Newsletter

From the Desk of: Kyle Finke, Principal

Midterm Progress Reports - Tomorrow

For children in grades PK-1, those students will be bringing home a copy of their midterm report, Wednesday. For those parents/guardians of students in grades 2-6 if you have not logged onto PowerSchool recently you will be receiving a paper copy of your son/daughters grades at the mid-point of the second nine weeks.

I would like to encourage all parents with internet capability to log onto PowerSchool periodically and look at the homework, quiz, and test scores your child(ren)have beenreceiving during the second quarter.

When school resumes after Thanksgiving break there will be three full weeks of school left before the first semester will end on December 22.

Title I Information from Mrs. Becker

As required by Federal regulations Battle Creek Public School is notifying the public about Title I rules. That said: Any teacher(s) working for the Title I department at BCPSwill bequalified teachers for the position of Title I instructor. Any paraprofessional working with Title I students will be a qualified Para-professional meeting State Department of Education requirement. The district will notify parents’ of students attending public school within the district the right to request, and the district will provide to the parents on request, in a timely manner, information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s teacher(s).

Fall Music Concert – November 12

On November 12, Battle Creek Elementary School held their annual Fall Music Concert and a nice crowd attended the event. I would like to thank Mrs. Fink, Mrs. Lade, and Ms. Hess for their work during the program and also to the teaching staff and student council members for their work behind the scenes in helping with decorations and taking care of the cookies and drinks after the program.

Thank You for all of the Support

Along with the music concert, the annual Elementary Food Drive took place. It was an impressive year as everyone’s generosity was truly OUTSTANDING!! The total amount donated to the Lions’ Club Food Bank was 1,232 items and a monetary donation of $137. This was the most donated by the elementary during this drive. Along with the food bank, the magazine sales to date have earned $1,000 toward the playground fund. This total will continue to grow as more online sales are made, so once again thank you for your support of the magazine fund raiser at the elementary school.


Mr. Finke, Elementary Principal


11-251:20 Early Dismissal


12-221:20 Early Dismissal – End of 1st Semester/2nd Quarter