Tuesday – Wednesday
May 25-26, 2004
Maryland State Board of Education
200 W. Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
The Maryland State Board of Education met in regular session on
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 and Wednesday, May 26, 2004 at the Maryland State Board of Education building. The following members were in attendance: Dr. Edward Root, President; Ms. Jo Ann T. Bell, Vice President; Dr. Philip Benzil; Mr. Dunbar Brooks; Mr. Calvin Disney; Rev. Clarence Hawkins; Mr. Walter Levin; Dr. Karabelle Pizzigati; Dr. John Wisthoff; Mr. Christopher Caniglia; and Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick, Secretary/Treasurer and State Superintendent of Schools. Late arrival on Tuesday: Dr. Maria Torres-Queral. Late arrival on Wednesday: Dr. Karabelle Pizzigati
Valerie V. Cloutier, Principal Counsel, Assistant Attorney General and the following staff members were present: Dr. A. Skipp Sanders, Deputy State Superintendent, Office of Administration; Mr. Richard Steinke, Deputy State Superintendent for Instruction and Academic Acceleration; Dr. Ron Peiffer, Deputy State Superintendent for Academic Policy; and Mr. Anthony South, Executive Director to the State Board.
CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion by Ms. Bell, seconded by Rev. Hawkins, and with
ITEMS unanimous agreement, the State Board approved the consent agenda items as follows: (In Favor – 10)
Approval of Minutes of April 20-21, 2004
Personnel (copy attached to these minutes)
Budget Adjustments
Permission to Publish:
COMAR 13A.05.01.06 (AMEND)
Evaluation & Reevaluation
COMAR 13A.05.02.13 (AMEND)
Local Public Agency Admin.
COMAR 13A.13.01.08 (AMEND)
Program & Service Components – Individuals
Family Service Plan
COMAR 13A.01.04.04 (AMEND)
Data-Based Areas
COMAR 13A.01.04.05 (AMEND)
Standards That Apply to Student Pref. Areas
ITEMS State Fin. Asst. Under the Foundation Program
(continued) COMAR 13A.02.06.04 (AMEND)
Student Withdrawal Status
COMAR 13A.05.04.02 & .03 (AMEND)
Programs for Library Services
PERSONNEL Dr. Grasmick announced that effective July 1, 2004, Ms. Debbie
ANNOUNCEMENT Drown from Howard County Public Schools will be assuming the position of Director of Elementary School Initiatives in the Division of Leadership Development.
CONFIRM ACTION Ms. Kathy Oliver, Assistant State Superintendent, Division of
ON APPOINTMENT Career Technology and Adult Learning, introduced staff members of
OF ADVANCE the advance team. This team will begin to initiate the planning and
TEAM FOR recruitment of staff for the educational program at the Charles
CHARLES HICKEY, JR. Hickey, Jr. School. Plans are to have this program operational by
SCHOOL July 1, 2004.
The advance team consists of the following persons:
Field Director - James Keely
Assistant Principals - Maxwell Alukuu
Sherry Ross
Donald Troust
Media Coordinator - Michelle Landen
Administrative Specialist - April Wade
Upon motion by Mr. Levin, seconded by Mr. Brooks, and with unanimous agreement, the State Board affirmed the results of the telephone poll of Board members taken in April approving the appointment of this advance team. (In Favor – 11)
SCHOOL YEAR Dr. Root stated that the Edison Schools has requested a waiver of
WAIVER two days from the school year calendar for the three Edison Schools
in Baltimore City. There are two conditions attached to the approval of this waiver which are:
(1) Edison must build into its calendar for next school year the total days in the contract which are 200 student days and 205 faculty days; and,
(2) In order to use Saturdays as one of the 200 student days, permission must be requested in advance along with a rationale for the approval.
Upon motion by Dr. Benzil, seconded by Ms. Bell, and with
unanimous agreement, the State Board approved this waiver request
with the two indicated conditions. (In Favor – 11)
COMAR Ms. Cloutier reviewed the proposed regulations governing
13A.01.01.03 (REPEAL) appeals to the State Board. Regulations governing appeals to the
STATE BOARD State Board were first adopted in the early 1980’s. They were
OF EDUCATION modeled on the practice in place at that time by which the State
COMAR Board contracted with hearing examiners to review the 15-20
13A.01.05.01 - .11 (NEW) appeals to the State Board that were filed each school year from
APPEALS TO THE decisions made by local boards of education.
OF EDUCATION During the decade of the 1990’s the volume of appeals to the State
(ADOPTION) Board more than quadrupled in number annually. In addition to the increase in the number of appeals filed annually with the State Board, in 1990 the Maryland General Assembly created the State Office of
Administrative Hearings and enacted a statutory requirement that agency hearings must be conducted by that office. These regulations incorporate the changes in procedures that have occurred in the handling of appeals since the regulations were first adopted two decades ago.
Upon motion by Ms. Bell, seconded by Dr. Wisthoff, and with unanimous agreement, the State Board adopted these regulations.
(In Favor – 11)
COMAR Ms. Dixie Stack, Director, Curriculum, Division of Instruction,
13A.04.06, .08, .09, reviewed these proposed regulations. The Division of Instruction has
.12 & .14 (REPEAL & NEW) developed the Voluntary State Curriculum for Reading, English/
SPECIFIC SUBJECTS: Language Arts; Mathematics; Science; and, Social Studies for
READING, SOCIAL prekindergarten through grade 8. These proposed regulations are
STUDIES, SCIENCE, designed to be consistent with the Voluntary State Curriculum. The
MATHEMATICS AND regulations for Reading and English/Language Arts have also been
ENGLISH LANGUAGE integrated into one document.
(ADOPTION) The State Board requested that the regulations include the following terms in the appropriate places: arithmetic, biology and government. Ms. Cloutier indicated that the addition of these terms serve as clarification and are non-substantive changes.
Upon motion by Dr. Pizzigati, seconded by Mr. Levin, and with unanimous agreement, the State Board approved these regulations. (In Favor – 11)
VICTORY SCHOOL Dr. James Foran, Director, High School Initiatives, Division of
CONTRACT Leadership Development, provided a review of this request. The Baltimore City Public School System (BCPSS) has requested to terminate its contract with Victory Schools, Inc. for the operation of Westport Elementary/Middle School.
The State Board identified Westport Elementary/Middle School as a State Reconstituted School in 1997 and authorized BCPSS to select the vendor, provided the vendor selected by BCPSS was held to the same benchmark requirements as applied to Edison Schools, Inc. for the operation of the three other State Reconstituted Schools.
VICTORY SCHOOLS The conditions of the request are as follows:
(continued) 1. BCPSS must provide the required special education
services to students at Westport in addition to
operating the regular education program. Accordingly,
MSDE will cancel the contract with Kennedy Krieger
Institute (KKI) for the delivery of special education
services at Westport.
2. Because Westport is a State Reconstituted School, it will still be held to the same benchmark reporting to which Victory Schools, Inc. is held to at the present time. BCPSS will be expected to produce the same benchmark reports to MSDE in a timely manner, with the exception of the annual audit since the school audit information will be included in the BCPSS audit reports.
3. BCPSS must submit an approved restructuring plan for the Westport Academy.
Upon motion by Dr. Benzil, seconded by Ms. Bell, and with unanimous agreement, the State Board approved this request to terminate the contract with Victory Schools, Inc. (In Favor – 11)
MARYLAND Ms. Colleen Seremet, Assistant State Superintendent, Division of
SUMMER Instruction and Ms. Stephanie Zenker, Specialist, Gifted and Talented
CENTERS FOR Education, Division of Instruction, provided a report on the 2003
GIFTED AND Maryland Summer Centers for Gifted and Talented Students. These
TALENTED centers provide advanced-level, performance based learning
STUDENTS opportunities in the visual and performing arts, engineering, creative
ANNUAL writing, history, mathematics, science and technology for
REPORT approximately 1050 students annually in Grades 3-12.
The 2003 Maryland Summer Centers served 909 Maryland students. There were several challenges which included a change in the funding cycle resulting in a transition year with reduced funding, an extended school year due to severe winter weather and a need to increase the participation of historically underrepresented populations, especially African American students.
Ms. Zenker reported that to reach underserved populations and historically underrepresented populations, several initiatives were undertaken. These initiatives included:
• creation of a Minority Enrollment Advisory Committee;
• revision of the brochure to include pictures of a more diverse
population, particularly African American students and instructors;
• streamlining of the application process to make it more user-
• use of more personal contact in recruiting African American
students; and
MARYLAND SUMMER • provision of professional development on multiculturalism.
AND TALENTED As a result of these strategies, the data for 2004, although
STUDENTS ANNUAL preliminary, shows tremendous strides in reaching the African
REPORT American population. There is a jump in participation from 12% in (continued) 2003 to 20% in 2004. A greater number of students have been
reached and now the goal is to keep them interested between now and
when the centers begin in July.
Ms. Zenker stated that the same strategies will be used to increase
the participation of the growing Hispanic population. The Minority
Enrollment Advisory Committee will be expanded to include more
representatives from the Hispanic population; promotional materials
and application form will be translated to make them more easily
accessible to the Hispanic population; and schools with large Hispanic
populations will be targeted to ensure that these materials are
disseminated appropriately.
HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Michael Cohen, President, Achieve, Inc. reviewed the study
EXIT EXAMS; on high school exit exams. Achieve has been in the middle of a series
A NATIONAL of studies that are designed to help states restore value to the high
PERSPECTIVE school diploma. Maryland is one of six states that has been examined by Achieve in reviewing high school assessments. The completed study is due to be released on June 10, 2004.
Mr. Cohen indicated that the research Achieve has recently completed documents that the knowledge and skill demands placed on high school graduates today are increasing rapidly and are far higher than most people assume that they are. In virtually every state the requirements for graduating from high school don’t measure up to what students need to know and be prepared to do. There is still a gap between what it takes to earn a high school diploma and what it takes to succeed after students leave high school.
Mr. Cohen stated that the high school assessments in Maryland are significantly more rigorous than the functional tests they are replacing. Based on the analysis of Maryland’s test and experiences with other states, there is no reason to delay implementation.
Mr. Cohen reported that 2/3’s of the new jobs available to high
school graduates require some kind of post-secondary education which might include: two year institutions, technical training programs, or apprenticeships. There is a lot of evidence that shows that too many high school graduates are unprepared academically for post-secondary education or work.
Achieve conducted a two-year study working with five states to try to identify the knowledge and skills that are essential for post-secondary success. The study shows that there was a tremendous convergence between what’s necessary for success in employment and what’s necessary for success in post-secondary education.
HIGH SCHOOL Achieve has in the last several months conducted a detailed analysis
EXIT EXAMS: of exit exams in six states. They are working with Florida, Maryland,
A NATIONAL Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio and Texas. They set out to answer
PERSPECTIVE three questions: what’s on these tests; what does it take for students
(continued) to pass; and, how well does the test measure what post-secondary educators and employers indicate is important.
Mr. Cohen reviewed data from Massachusetts which has been requiring exit exams for a couple of years. He indicated that the exit exams for Maryland are comparable to exams given in other states in content, rigor and what it takes to pass.
Mr. Cohen believes that if Maryland sets a rigorous but reasonable bar; give people time to implement; provide support needed; and, remain the course, there should be fairly reasonable gains in achievement.
UPDATE ON Mr. Ned Sparks, Executive Director, Athletics, discussed the
STATE POLICIES policies in place to promote safe and orderly athletic contests. Each
PROVIDING SAFE year approximately 80,000 interscholastic athletic contests are
AND ORDERLY conducted in Maryland public schools. These contests are an
INTERSCHOLASTIC integral part of the total school program and teach values, build a
HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS sense of school spirit and foster productive habits. They also provide an outlet for teenagers to channel energy in an orderly environment that sets boundaries for fair and equitable competition.
The primary elements for successful completion of athletic events can be grouped in three categories as follows: promotion of sportsmanship, game management, and coaching education.
Promotion of Sportsmanship
Mr. Sparks reported that local school systems hold mandatory pre-season meetings with their coaches at which time the code of ethics, state and local regulations and sportsmanship are discussed.
Game Administration
Each year athletic directors are provided with guides which include
a checklist for safety, security, and crowd controls at athletic events.
These guides are updated every year. Security plans and security
guidelines for state tournaments are also provided. Mr. Sparks
indicated that this is an unfolding area where they are inexperienced
but are learning and sharing ideas from other states.
Coaching Education
Mr. Sparks reported that current regulations require coaches to be certified teachers and to take a current course on care and prevention of athletic injuries. Training coaches has become a significant ingredient in the quest to keep the athletic program within the educational perspective. The Maryland Public Secondary School Athletic Association (MPSSAA) has formed a Coaching Certification Commission that is considering requiring additional course work for
all coaches and exploring ways for emergency coaches to gain status
as Certified Coaches through course work and successful practical
VOTING FOR The State Board cast their ballot for the Officers of the National
NASBE OFFICERS Association of State Boards of Education Board of Directors as follows:
President - Diane Fladmo, Montana
Motion by Mr. Levin, seconded by Ms. Bell. (In Favor – 11)
Southern Area Director - Brad Bryant, Georgia