Attachment 5
VISION 2020 UK Learning Disability Group
Terms of Reference
1 Purpose of the Group
The Group will focus on the specific needs of children and adults who have a learning disability and provide a unified approach to issues relatingto vision and learning disability across the UK.
2 Aims of the Group
Devise an annual plan of work which supports the themes, values and goals of VISION 2020 UK and the outcomes of the UK Vision Strategy.It shall be specific to the needs of children and adults who have learning disabilities. The aims will include:
- Raising awareness and understanding of the eye health needs of people who have learning disabilities,in order to prevent avoidable blindness and raise public awareness of the issues and problems relating to sight loss
- Improving the quality of services provided to visually impaired people who have learning disabilities
- Improving the training available to professionals providing advice and services to people who have learning disabilities
- Improving communication about the importance of eye care and vision for people who have learning disabilities between organisations within the learning disability sector
- Improving the availability of information to visually impaired people who have learning disabilities
- Ensuring that the views of people with learning disabilities are heard when planning eye care and vision services
- Ensuring that the views of visually impaired people with learning disabilities are heard when planning services and their opinions sought on key issues affecting their lives
3.Group membership and quorum
The following will be invited to be members of the group:
College of Optometrists
Optical bodies (FODO,AOP, ABDO etc)
The British and Irish Orthoptic Society
RoyalCollege of Ophthalmologists
Carer organisation
User organisation
Rehabilitation worker for the visually impaired
Senior Social Worker – sensory impairment (Social Services)
Senior Learning Disability Nurse (NHS)
Valuing People Now team member
Learning Disability Researcher
Group members will be encouraged to attend meetings or to nominate a suitable replacement (deputy) to attend on their behalf, but must recognise that actions and recommendations can be made and agreed in their absence.
The Quorum for meetings of the Committee will be 6 or 40%, whichever is the smaller.
Meetings will normally be held every three (3) months with dates scheduled twelve (12) months in advance.
The Chair may at anytime convene additional meetings where necessary in order to consider and plan activities linked to the annual workplan.
In the event of a vote being required, the chair shall have a deliberative vote and shall have a casting vote where necessary
Group members will be responsible for:
- Devising an annual workplan
- Overseeing the delivery of agreed workplan objectives
- Developing a process to monitor and evaluate the achievement of workplan goals
- Reporting on progress to the VISION 2020 UK trustee body
- Reporting on progress to group members’ respective organisations and to other interested parties
- Promoting and leading the process of change within their respective organisations/departments.
6.Conduct of business
- Meetings will be called and managed by the Group’sChair.
- Agenda items will link to the agreed workplan and Group’saim and purpose
- Additional items should be submitted to the Chair 2 weeks prior to the meeting dates.
- Meeting papers will normally be circulated seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
- Minutes, highlighting action points, will be produced and distributed to Group members.
The group will report to and produce a summary report for VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd trustees.
- The Group will agree and approve the minutesof meetings.
In the first instance the appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair will be through application and a closed voting system.
- The Chair will serve for one two years initially and may be appointed for a further year at the discretion of Group members.
- Role of Chair: to control and direct the proceedings, carry the authority to keep order, and maintain progress in line with the agenda and represent the committee to both the board of VISION 2020 UK and outside organisations.
The members will agree priorities, activities and desired outcomes at the beginning of each year and report to VISION 2020 UK and nominating organisations on progress towards achieving those outcomes at the end of each year.
The Group will report to:
•The VISION 2020 UK Board on a regular basis through the VISION 2020 UK CEO.
•To Committee member organisations through their representatives.
Fees and Expenses
Members are not paid fees. Expenses should be claimed from the nominating organisation in accordance with their own standing orders in force at the time.
The terms of reference will be reviewed after two years