MS 3: Papers of Samuel Applegate, 1892-1925Alaska State Library
AlaskaState Library
Historical Collections
Applegate, Samuel
Papers of Samuel Applegate, 1892-1925
MS 3
ACQUISITION:In 1968 Jess and Meidel Applegate donated various artifacts and personal papers of their father Samuel Applegate to the AlaskaStateMuseum. The papers and some photos were transferred to the library.
ACCESS: The collection is unrestricted, however the volumes are very fragile and the bindings have deteriorated.
COPYRIGHT: Request for permission to publish or reproduce material from the collection should be discussed with the Librarian.
Samuel Applegate arrived in Alaska in 1881 where he was stationed at Unalaska as a weather observer for the U.S. Weather Bureau. Later he entered the fur trade and was the first to use some of the small Aleutian Islands as fox farms. Records of the fur trade operation are included in the papers. He did extensive trading and exploring of the Aleutians. His papers include hand-drawn maps and charts of the HerendeenBay area where he and some partners attempted to explore a coal deposit; also sulphur mining activity on Unalaska Island. He had a trading post at Nikolski on Umnak Island. The collection includes various account books and records of the store and the schooner EVERETT HAYS.
The files contain correspondence relative to business activity, salmon cannery development and other topics. There are major files of letters regarding Applegate's concerns about several government employees: H.G. Seller, a sanitary officer and teacher for the U.S. Bureau of Education at Atka; N.E. Bolshanin, deputy collector of customs, Unalaska. For additional material on Harry G. Sellers and wife, Kathryn D. Sellers, who served as U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs teachers at Atka, see microfilm Ar 37, Roll 2 (general correspondence, Atka).
The collection includes material on trade with the Aleuts and Box 2, Folder 12 includes several letters from the Dr. A.W. Newhall family at Unalaska. It also includes an account of a trip from Unalaska to Barrow in 1925 on the vessel CHAS. BROWER and an account of the revenue cutter TAHOMA shipwreck on Sept. 20, 1914.
The Applegates lived at Unalaska and their sons were born there.
Box 1 Business Records
1Copy book of letter sent by Samuel Applegate, Unalaska, 1900-1920. (see Appendix A)
2Account ledger of Schooner EVERETT HAYS, store at Umnak and Fox Island, 1909-1916.
3Native accounts, Schooner EVERETT HAYS, 1907-1911.
4Account ledger, Schooner EVERETT HAYS, 1900-1919.
5Bills and financial records with bill received,. i.e. Alaska Commercial Company, Mathew Turner of San Francisco, 1891-1918.
6Bills and financial records with Umnak Store.
7Bills and financial records with Alaska Commercial Company.
8Bills and financial records, miscellaneous.
9Log of the Schooner EVERETT HAYS.
Subject: Passage from San Francisco, California to Unalaska, Aleutian Islands, February 23, 1905 - March 29, 1905.
10Seller, H.G. (Sanitary Officer and Appointee of U.S. Bureau of Education, Atka.)
Notes on H.G. Sellers by Samuel Applegate, October 10, 1912. Notes on H.G. Sellers affairs at Atka by A.C. Goss, n.d.
Copies of letters from S. Applegate to Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior, February 9, 1914 and to William Hamilton, Bureau of Education, September 12, 1912, and a reply from P.R. Claxton, Commissioner of Education, October 8, 1912, & Notes concerning Mr. A.C. Goss by S. Applegate, November 30, 1913.
Reply from the Department of the Interior by the Assistant to the Secretary (Adolph C. Miller) to S. Applegate, March 5, 1914.
Copy of a letter from S. Applegate to the Secretary of the Interior to A.C. Goss, n.d.
Copy of a letter from Clara Goss to S. Applegate, March 6, 1915.
Copy of a reply from S. Applegate to the Secretary of the Interior, March 25, 1915-
Letter from P.R. Claxton, Commissioner of Department of the Interior Bureau of Education to S. Applegate, April 26, 1915.
Copy of a letter from Mrs.-Applegate to P.R. Claxton, Commissioner, Bureau of Education, May 3, 1915.
Letter from C.W. Marvin, Secretary of U.S. Department of Agriculture, to S. Applegate, June 26, 1915.
Letter from S. Applegate to P.P. Claxton, Commissioner of Bureau of Education, June 28, 1915.
Copy of a letter from C.W. Marvin, Secretary of Department of Agriculture, to A.C. Goss, July 14, 1915.
Letter from H.F. Christoffers, Bureau of Fisheries, to A.C. Goss, August 27, 1915.
Letter from E.W. Nelson, Assistant Chief, U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey, to S. Applegate, August 28, 1915.
Subject: Seller's trade dealings-with natives while a government employee, effort to injure the business of Mr. A.C. Goss, adultery charges.
Correspondence with U.S. General Land Office, 1901; U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey and U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries, 1916; U.S. Surveyor General, 1916; Alaska Territorial Treasury, 1916; Territorial license for saltery season, 1918 at Unimak.
1Letter from Charles Davidson, U.S. Surveyor General, October 23, 1916.
Subject: Applegate inquiry for the map showing cannery sites between the Alaska Peninsula and the Kuskokwim River, Alaska.
2Copies of Applegate letters to Mr. A.K. Fisher, U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey: March 9, 10, 11, 1916; Mr. H.M. Smith, Commissioner of Fisheries; March 3]i 1916; with replies from Mr. A.K. Fisher, U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey: March 16, 1916; March 17, 1916; Mr. H.M. Smith, Commissioner of Fisheries: March 18, 1916, March 21, 1916; Mr. H.F. Moon, Acting Commissioner of Fisheries: April 10, 1916; copies of letters from S. Applegate to Commissioner of Fisheries, March 31, and 10, 1916; and a copy of Permit No. 6. Permit to engage in fisheries operations within the AleutianIsland reservation, Alaska, January 15, 1916.
Subject: Applegate maintains Makushin site is not suitable for cannery operation. M.E. Bolshanin, deputy collector of customs, prepared a petition signed by Aleuts wanting a cannery established to provide jobs.
3Letters from the U.S. General Department of the Interior, General Land Office, October 12, 1901 and October 29, 1901.
4Letter from S. Applegate to W.G. Smith, Territorial Treasurer, Aug. 31, 1916; Letters from W.G. Smith to S. Applegate, Sept. 19, 1916 and January 18, 1917.
Subject: License tax for vessels. File includes -- License application for canneries; license application for ships and shipping; delinquent tax notice.
Territory of Alaska license for saltery season 1918, at Unimak, dated November 12, 1918 at Valdez, Alaska, District Court, Third Division.
6Sketch maps of Herendee6 and NolleBay coal deposit exploration.
BOLSHANIN, N.E. (Deputy Collector of Customs, Unalaska)
7Letter from S. Applegate to A.K4 Fisher, Bureau of Biological Survey, April 12, 1916.
A few notes concerning Bolshanin, Deputy Collector of Customs, stationed at Unalaska, Alaska, July 28, 1916.
Letters from A.C. Goss to S. Applegate, October 24, 1916; November 9, 1916; and November 13, 1916.
Copies of letters from A. C. Goss to H.J. Christoffers, U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, October 29, 1916; November 9, 1916; and November 13, 1916.
Memorandums concerning Larsen and Bolshanin. n.d.
Subject: Correspondence and memorandums on Bolshanin by A.C. Goss and Samuel Applegate, April -- November 1916.
8Copies of letters from S. Applegate to J.B. Crowby, Treasury agent, September 16 and 17, 1895, and March 15, 1896.
Copies of letters from S. Applegate to the Sec. of the Treasury, May 20, 1898 and December 30, 1901.
Memorandum from Office of Fox Breeders Protective Association of Alaska, April 1, 1897.
Letter from C.S. Marnlen, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Department, to S. Applegate, May 22,,1894.
Letter from J.B. Crowby, Treasury agent, to S. Applegate, Sept. 17, 1895.
Letter from S. Applegate to Mr. Redpath, March 15, 1896.
S. Applegate's receipt for FoxIsland license, June 19, 1900.
Copy of a letter from S. Applegate to whom it may concern, May 20, 1898.
Letter form S. Applegate to the Secretary of the Treasury, April 20, 1894.
Letter from O.L. Spauty, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, to S. Applegate, August 21, 1900.
Letter from S. Applegate to the Treasury Department, May 20, 1898.
Copy of a petition by native hunters, May 10, 1901--Mazushim and May 12, 1901--Unalaska.
Letter from I. Dumlof, Commissioner of Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, to S. Applegate, April 27, 1915.
Letter from S. Applegate to the Secretary of Commerce, July 15, 1914.
Memorandum Regarding Fox Farming from the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, January 1, 1914.
Letter from H.M. Smith, Commissioner of Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, to S. Applegate, July 7, 1913.
Telegram from H.M. Smith, Commissioner, Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, to S. Applegate, July 8, 1913.
Letter from N.L. Barnof, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey , to S. Applegate, July 7, 1913.
Subject: Applegate lease of Samalga, Skagul, Ogluiga, Unalga, Rat and SimichiIslands for fox ranches. File includes: U.S. Department of Commerce Memorandum Regarding Fox Farming, Janurary 1, 1914.
9Letter from H.M. Smith,-Commissioner, Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, to S. Applegate, April 21, 1913.
Letters from E.P. Bertholf, U.S. Revenue Cutter Service, to S. Applegate, February 26, 1912 and April 30, 1913.
Convention Between the United States and Other Powers Providing for the Preservation and Protection of Fur Seals, 1911.
Petition by native hunters, May 12, 1901.
Letter from A.K. Fisher U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey to S. Applegate. February 28: 1916.
Copy of a letter from S. Applegate to A.K. Fisher, Bureau of Biological Survey, to S. Applegate, March 9, 1916.
Letter from S. Applegate to A.K. Fisher, U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey, March 15, 1916.
Letter from S. Applegate to the Secretary of the Treasury, October 20, 1894.
Letters from O.L. Spauty, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, to S. Applegate, October 19, 1892; March 27, 1901; July 15, 1901; and February 6, 1902.
Letter from S. Applegate to the Attorney General, October 4, 1902.
Subject: Native fur trade, stocking Attu foxes on Agattu, sea otter hunting, fur seal hunting.
10Statements of sale of fox furs from S. Applegate to Seattle Fur Sales Agency, December 28, 1909; October 5, 1910; November 27, 1911; October 4, 1912; December 19, 1913; February 20, 1914; February 27, 1914, October 30, 1914; April 23, 1915; May 14, 1915; October 13, 1917; October 15, 1917; December 6, 1917; September 23, 1918; October 12, 1918; and October 30, 1918.
Letter from F.M. Wooduff, Seattle Fur Sales Agency, to S. Applegate, February 26, 1914.
Forms showing sale of fox furs from S. Applegate to C.M. Lampson & CO., (London Office of Alfred Fraser (New York), February 23, 1910; April 9, 1910; July 20, 1910; December 3, 1910; Aprill 18, 1912; November 13, 1912; April 29, 1914.
Statements of sale of furs from S. Applegate to Alaska Commercial Co., San Francisco, California, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, igo4, 1905, 1906, 1908, & 1915.
Letter from N.E. Bolshanin, U.S. Deputy Collector of Customs, Unalaska, to whom it may concern, September 18, 1911.
Notes on sea otter hunting, 1892-1911 & fox hunting, 1901-1915.
Newspaper clippings, Seward, May 21, 1900. The price of furs.
Subject: Applegate fur trade accounts. London and Seattle exchange, 1900-1918. Fur trade statistics, 1892-1915.
11Four Groups, Makushin Sulphur Mining Co., Located June 7, 1906, Filed August 18, 1906 in District Court, District of Alaska, Third Division.
Map:Makushin Sulphur Mining Company claims.
Letter, November 13, 1906 to S. Applegate from S.A. Crandall, Deputy Clerk of the District Court, Third Division, acknowledging fees received for recording Maskushin Sulphur Mining Co. claims. Includes receipt.
Assessment work done on sulphur claims for the Sulphur Mountain Mining Association, 1899-1905.
12Letter from Mrs. Clare Goss, Unalaska, to Mrs. Applegate, November 10, 1916.
Subject: Epidemic at JesseLeeHome, Bolshanin--Larsen trade with
Letters from S. Applegate to Major R.K. Evans, Headquarters Department of the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks, Washington, March 18 and April 25, 1903. Letter-from Major R.K. Evans to S. Applegate, February 6, 1903.
Subject: Request for information on a journal kept by Carl Christian Peder Anderson (or Charles W. Anderson) and certificate of his death. Mr. Anderson died on or about June 20, 1999 at Unimak Island.
Letter from Mary Winshell, Unalaska to Mrs. Applegate, May 26, 1918.
Subject: Meeting about the Red Cross, Libby McNeil Co. cannery crew visit, school activities.
Letter from Andrew Braid, Acting Superintendent, U.S. Coast and IGeodetic Survey to S. Applegate, June 21, 1900; Copy of a letter from S.P. Langley, Sec. Smithsonian Institution to Henry S. Pritchett, Superintendent, U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, June 12, 1900; Letter from S. Applegate to Andrew Braid, October 15, 1900.
Subject: Sites of locality suitable as a preserve for aquatic mammals in Alaska.
Recipe for Chills, by S. Applegate. Dated March 10, 1875.
Picture post card of Belcroff Development Company's cyanide plant, Unga, Unga Island, Alaska, dated March 17, 1915.
Letter from R. Rathbun, Assistant SecretaryNationalMuseum, to SApplegate, May 3, 1907.
Subject: Identification of enclosed star fish photograph as a Basket-star.
Letter from Chester (Newhall), Unalaska to Friend (Uncle Frank?), August 5, 1915.
Subject: Account of a trip from Stoneham, Massachusetts to Alaska, 1915.
Letter from S. Applegate to Sis (Clare Applegate), June 28, 1918
Subject: Applegate business affairs at Umnak.
TAHOMA (Revenue Cutter); account of the shipwreck in the Aleutians, September 20, 1914 and rescue of crew and passengers taken to Unalaska.
A.W. Newhall, M.D.: Letters to Mr. and Mrs. Applegate, January 23, 1925, and August 13, 1925; Account of a trip from Unalaska to Barrow, 1925; Copy of a letter from Jack?, New York City to Dr. Newhall, June 13, 1918.
Subject: Medical missionary work at Unalaska and Barrow under Presbyterian Board of Home Missions.
13Map of Umnak Island
Jesse Lee Home Christmas programs. Unalaska. 1907, 1912, 1915.
APPENDIX A: MS 3 – Box 1 – Item 1: Copy book of letter sent by Samuel Applegate, Unalaska, 1900-1920. Letter Inventory
Samuel Applegate papers
Book cover
Height – 12 ¼ inches
Width – 10 inches
Spine – 3 inches
Height – 12 inches
Width – 10 inches
Spine and Cover
Inside Cover: [advertisement] Shea Smith & Co. “The Chicago Impression Book”
[Pages 1- 41: Missing]
Page 42: July 14, 1906, District Court, Valdez, Alaska.
Page 43: [Missing]
Page 44: [Missing]
Page 45: [July 14, 1906, District Court, Valdez, Alaska. page 2]
Page 46: [July 14, 1906, District Court, Valdez, Alaska., page 3]
Page 47: [July 14, 1906, District Court, Valdez, Alaska., page 4]
Page 48: July 16, 1906, Collector of Customs, Juneau, Alaska.
Page 49: July 14, 1906, Alaska Commercial Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Page 50: Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC.
Page 51: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 2]
Page 52: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 3]
Page 53: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 4]
Page 54: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 5]
Page 55: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 6]
Page 56: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 7]
Page 57: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 8]
Page 58: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 9]
Page 59: [Jan. 5, 1900, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 10]
Page 60: Sheet of explanation accompanying chart by S. Applegate from Kodiak
Island to YunaskaIsland, January 5th, 1901.
Page 61: [Sheet of explanation accompanying chart by S. Applegate from Kodiak
Island to YunaskaIsland, January 5th, 1901. Sheet # 2]
Page 62: [Sheet of explanation accompanying chart by S. Applegate from Kodiak
Island to YunaskaIsland, January 5th, 1901. Sheet # 3]
Page 63: Jan. 5, 1900, Superintendent, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC.
Page 64: [Jan. 5, 1900, Superintendent, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington
DC. page 2]
Page 65: Sept. 8, 1900, Office, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC.
Page 66: Jan. 5, 1901, Supt., US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC.
Page 67: [Jan. 5, 1901, Supt., US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 2]
Page 68: Jan. 5, 1901, Supt., US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC.
Page 69: Jan. 5, 1901, Honorable Secretary of the Treasury, WashingtonDC.
Page 70: [Jan. 5, 1901, Honorable Secretary of the Treasury, Washington DC., page 2]
Page 71: Sept 22th 1901, Hon. Sectry. of the Interior, WashingtonDC.
Page 72: Oct. 4th, 1902. Supt., US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC.
[No Pages 73-77]
Page 78: Nov. 5, 1903, Supt., US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC.
Page 79: [Blank Page]
Page 80: [Nov. 5, 1903, Supt., US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 2]
Page 81: [Nov. 5, 1903, Supt., US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington DC., page 3]
Page 82: Sheet of Explanation – Sketch of Lazy HarborAlitakBay – Kodiak Island
Alaska. S. Applegate. Summer 1903.
Page 83: [Sheet of Explanation – Sketch of Lazy HarborAlitakBay – Kodiak Island
Alaska. S. Applegate. Summer 1903.] Sheet 2
Page 84: [Sheet of Explanation – Sketch of Lazy HarborAlitakBay – Kodiak Island
Alaska. S. Applegate. Summer 1903.] Sheet 3
Page 85: Sept 20th 1904 Prof. George Davidson, 2221 Washington St.San Francisco, Cal
Page 86: [Sept 20th 1904 Prof. George Davidson, 2221 Washington St.San Francisco,
Cal., page 2]
Page 87: [Sept 20th 1904 Prof. George Davidson, 2221 Washington St.San Francisco,
Cal., page 3]
Page 88: Sept 30, 1905, A.F. Rodgers, Assistant: Coast and Geodetic Survey, San
Francisco, Cal.
Page 89: Received from S. Applegate the following instruments belonging to the US.
Coast and Geodetic Survey returned under instructions in letter Washington Feb
20, 1905.
Page 90: Sept 30th 1905, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC.
Page 91: [Sept 30th 1905, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC, page 2]
Page 92: [Sept 30th 1905, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC, page 3]
Page 93: [Sept 30th 1905, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC, page 4]
Page 94: May 25, 1906, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, WashingtonDC
Page 95: Sept. 30, 1905, Ms. M. McLaren Fernielee, Myrtle England.
Page 96: [Sept. 30, 1905, Ms. M. McLaren Fernielee, Myrtle England, continued]
Page 96a: Sept 10, 1905, Lowell Standley Carrollton Sr.
Page 96a verso: [Sept 10, 1905, Lowell Standley Carrollton Sr., continued]
Page 97: [Blank Page]
Page 98: April 6, 1906, Gustar Nickaurr, San Francisco, Cal.
Page 99: April 5, 1906, Special Power of Attorney
Page 100: July 18, 1906, District Court, Valdez, Alaska
Page 101: July 26, 1906, Andrew Anderson, Kodiak Alaska.
Page 102: Aug. 1, 1906, District Court ValdezAlaska
Page 103: Aug. 1, 1906, Westram Dry Goods Co., Seattle Wash.
Page 104: Aug. 1, 1906, Friend Rose.
Page 105: [Aug. 1, 1906, Friend Rose, page 2]
Page 106: [Aug. 1, 1906, Friend Rose, page 3]
Page 107: [Aug. 1, 1906, Friend Rose, page 4]
Page 108: [Aug. 1, 1906, Friend Rose, page 5]
Page 109: Aug 10, 1906, P.C. Stamp Works, Seattle, Wash.
Page 110: [Blank Page]
Page 111: Style and quantities of strict stamping figures, aluminum letters and aluminum
checks for S. Applegate, Unalaska, Alaska.
Page 112: August 17, 1906, Messrs Schawbacker Bros. & Co., Seattle, Wash.
Page 113: August 17, 1906, Retail Store Marshal Fields Co., Chicago, Ill.
Page 114: August 17, 1906, Schlessinger & Mayer, 129 State St., Chicago, Ill.
Page 115: August 17, 1906, Fur Trade Review, 690 Broadway N.Y. City
Page 116: August 25, 1906, A.H. Dacy Esq., Nome, Alaska.
Page 117: [August 25, 1906, A.H. Dacy Esq., Nome, Alaska.]
Page 118: August 31, 1906, Messrs. Lofstad & Evans, San Francisco, Cal.
Page 119: [Blank Page]
Page 120: [August 31, 1906, Messrs. Lofstad & Evans, San Francisco, Cal.]
Page 121: August 31, 1906, Marshal Fields Co., Chicago, Ill.
Page 122: [Blank Page]
Page 123: August 31, 1906, Lyon Bros., Chicago, Ill
Page 124: August, 30, 1906, Mr. Blackford, Nome, Alaska.
Page 125: [August, 30, 1906, Mr. Blackford, Nome, Alaska, continued]
Page 126: Oct. 3, 1906, P.C. Stamp Works, Seattle, Wash.
Page 127: Oct. 3, 1906, Kreilschrimer Bros. Seattle, Wash.
Page 128: Oct. 4, 1906, Dr. J.A. Silverman, Kodiak, Alaska.
Page 129: Oct. 5, 1906, Friend Harry.
Page 130: Oct.15, 1906, J.M. Hanson, Lexington, Ky.
Page 131: Oct. 20, 1906, S.A. Crandall, Deputy, Clerk, District Court, Valdez, Alaska.
Page 132: Oct. 25, 1906, Mr. Goss, Kodiak, Alaska.
Page 133: [Oct. 25, 1906, Mr. Goss, Kodiak, Alaska, continued]
Page 134: Nov. 5, 1906, Paul Saukey, Seattle, Wash.
Page 135: [Nov. 5, 1906, Paul Saukey, Seattle, 2]
Page 136: Nov. 10, 1906, J.C. McCracken, Valdez, Alaska
Page 137: Nov. 30, 1906, Capt. McKenny, San Francisco, Cal.
Page 138: Dec. 20, 1906, A.E. Chapman, Esq., Benicia, Cal.
Page 139: [Dec. 20, 1906, A.E. Chapman, Esq., Benicia, Cal, continued]
Page 140: Dec. 29, 1906, Messrs Kreilschrimer Bros. Seattle, Wash.
Page 141: Dec. 29, 1906, Friend Harry.
Page 142: [Dec. 29, 1906, Friend Harry, page 2]
Page 143: [Missing]
Page 144: Dec. 29, 1906, Lyon Bros., Chicago, Ill.
Page 145: [Dec. 29, 1906, Lyon Bros., Chicago, Ill, page 2]
Page 146: [Dec. 29, 1906, Lyon Bros., Chicago, Ill, page 3]
Page 147: Oct. 26, 1907. Anton Larson [Grocery Order]
Page 148: Dec. 30, 1906, Marshal Field & Co., Chicago, Ill.
Page 149: [Dec. 30, 1906, Marshal Field & Co., Chicago, Ill, page 2]
Page 150: [Dec. 30, 1906, Marshal Field & Co., Chicago, Ill, page 3]
Page 151: Dec. 31, 1906, Prof. Geo. Davidson, San Francisco, Cal.
Page 152: [Dec. 31, 1906, Prof. Geo. Davidson, San Francisco, Cal., page 2]
Page 153: [Dec. 31, 1906, Prof. Geo. Davidson, San Francisco, Cal., page 3]