Minutes of the meeting of the PlanningCommittee held on Thursday 27th August2009 at 1930hrs (7.30pm)at the King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown.
Chairman – Cllr Mrs R Lovett
Vice-Chairman – Cllr Mrs C Lugg
Cllr T CorderyCllr M JohnsonCllr J Muggleton Cllr J Wilson
In Attendance:
Officers:Mr Paul Falconbridge -DeputyTown Clerk
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs L Dedman (Unwell).
Cllr J Muggleton declared a personal interest in application number 3/09/0649/COU and abstained from voting.
It was
That the minutes of the meetings held on 23rd July 2009 (Pages 2497-2501) and 13th August 2009, having been previously circulated be signed by the chairman as a true and correct record with the following amendment to the minutes of the meeting on the 13th August 2009 delete ‘Cllr Mrs S Lugg’ and insert ‘Cllr Mrs C Lugg’.
The plans were considered by the Committee and its observations were recorded as listed in the attached schedule on pages2545 - 2546of the minutes.
Thelists of East Dorset District Council planning decisions were noted.
The lists of East Dorset District Council tree decisions were noted.
- Update on the Local Development Framework
Due to the well publicised delays caused by the challenges to the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) the publication of the LDS and LDF will have to be delayed. The outcome of the RSS will have direct implications on the East Dorset and Christchurch Councils ability to publicise the update of the Local Plan. The whereabouts of the RSS document are currently unknown. The Councils were jointly going to publicise an amended timetable for the LDF but again this has been delayed but they intend carry on with progressing the core strategy despite these delays. It has been made clear by planning Inspectors that there is a requirement to progress the scheme as they will not look favourably if it is not continually progressed as they will deem this unacceptable.
It is very unlikely that the current publication date set for the LDF of Spring 2011 will be able to be met but the local authorities will continue to make progress pending the formalisation of the RSS.
Further information could be available later this month as the head of Forward Planning at East Dorset, Mr Richard Henshaw, could have more information to divulge and some additional thoughts on the current situation. A Press Release has been prepared by the various departments but, again they are waiting on the outcome of the RSS.
- Decision Notice
App No: 3/09/0466/HOU
Site: 22 West Moors Road, Ferndown
Proposal: Side conservatory
Decision: PERMIT
- Planning Appeals
App No: 3/09/0316/FUL
Site: 102-122 Ringwood Road, Longham, Ferndown
Proposal: Erection of a terrace of three cottages adjacent to care home under construction
Detail: Any comments or statements should be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate no later than 29th September 2009.
App No: 3/08/1154/FUL
Site: 10 Egdon Close, Ferndown
Proposal: Erection Front shed (retrospective)
Detail: Any comments or statements should be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate no later than 16th September 2009.
App No: 3/09/0209/FUL
Site: Dudsbury Golf Club, 64 Christchurch Road, Ferndown
Proposal: Single storey conservatory extension to Spikes Bar
Detail: Any comments or statements should be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate no later than 11th September 2009.
- Enforcement Notices
Site: Land at 294 Ringwood Road
Detail: Breach of Conditions
Site: Land adjacent 10 Egdon Close
Detail: Change of use of land for the erection of a wooden shed and the stationing of a plants and a fence.
The comments of the planning committee regarding the flow of information between the local authorities in conjunction with the DAPTC.
The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be held on Thursday 17th September2009.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at2054hrs (8.54pm).
Chairman ______Date: ______
FerndownTown Council planning applications discussed and comments made at the meeting of 27 August 2009
1App No:03/09/0566/HOUWard:Stapehill
Applicant:Mr David Martin, AH Design, 168 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset,
Site:Mr Aart Langen, 8 Hayes Close, Ferndown, Dorset, BH212JL
Proposal:Two storey front extension and raise roof to provide accommodation at
first floor to include dormer window, roof lights and juliet balcony to front
- The proposal is too large for the size of the plot
- Overdevelopment
- Over looking issues for neighbouring properties
- Overbearing form of development
2App No:03/09/0616/FULWard:Ferndown Central
Applicant:Mr Phil Holdcroft, Savills, Priors Walk, East Borough, Wimborne, Dorset,
Site:J S Bloor (Newbury) Ltd, 579-583 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset
Proposal:Erect 12 dwellings, landscaping and alterations to existing access
This is the kind of development that is needed within Ferndown. There are too many flats within the town and a lack of family houses that are needed.
3App No:03/09/0649/COUWard:Longham Parish
Applicant:CW & RC Shrimpuin, Architects and Town Planners, 11 Cardiff Road,
Luton, Bedfordshire
Site:Sandbourne Trust, 417 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset
Proposal:Change of use of dwelling to christian meeting room
- The change of use would be detrimental to the amenity of the neighbouring properties due to the noise created by people arriving for the early morning services and also during the service itself
- The use of a public right of way as means of access the site is wholly inappropriate
4App No:3/09/0535/HOUWard:Stapehill
Applicant:The Design Bureau, 57, Fernheath Road, Bournemouth, Dorset,
Site:Mr Barker, 54, Martindale Avenue, Wimborne, Dorset, BH212LF
Proposal:Proposed creation of an Access off Wimborne Road West
- The property already has an access off of Martindale Avenue
- The creation of an access off of Wimborne Road West would interrupt the free flow of traffic
- Opposite the access is a busy garage that would exacerbate the traffic flow problems
FerndownTown Council planning applications discussed and comments made at the meeting of 27 August 2009
5App No:3/09/0664/OUTWard:Ferndown Links
Applicant:Tanner & Tilley Planning Ltd, 4, Beresford Road, Bournemouth, Dorset,
Site:Lloyd Builders Investments Ltd, 4 Carroll Avenue, Ferndown, Dorset
Proposal:Outline Application for Demolition of Existing House and Erection of a 44
Bedroom Nursing Home
- Narrow private road with ditches on either side of the road with no streetlighting and the infrastructure would not cope with the additional through put of traffic that will be created
- No room for passing vehicles in Carroll Avenue
- The access to the site is poorly thought out
- No turning areas for vehicles described on the site
- Out of proportion to existing properties in Carroll Avenue
- Out of character with the surrounding properties
- Loss of trees on the site in this sylvan setting
- Out of keeping in the New Road Special Character Area
- If development is given permission a condition should be included that states that all contractors vehicles should be parked on the site during construction
Planning Meeting
27th August 2009