The Amity Tales
By: Zach Hennis
The Roast
Episode 1
Season 1
Roll Opening Credits.
Open In On:
A small, dark Street.
The CAMERA Flash Cuts to shots of different houses and streets in the small town of Amity.
The streets are completely empty.
We hear a creepy, dark, evil laugh.
Then the creepy voice starts talking.
Jim Gales(Voice Over)
Ha. Ha. Ha. Welcome to Amity.
SuperImpose: The Amity Tales
Cut To: Int. Jim Gales House-Kitchen-Night
He puts a roast in the oven.
Jim Gales
Since it has been built, Amity has been home to some of the world’s most deranged psychopaths and evil spirits. I’m here to tell you the stories of those…whackos, and let the world know what a hellhole Amity is.
He pauses for a moment. Then points to the oven.
Jim Gales (Continued)
You know, cooking this roast reminds me of the first story of horror that I will tell you.
It begins with a cute little babysitter…
Fade Out:
Super Impose: “The Roast”
Fade In On:
Int. House-Night.
We see a young female babysitter sitting on the couch with her arms and legs crossed and she has an angry look on her face.
A few moments later we hear the doorbell ring. The babysitter goes and answers it. She opens the door. No one is there.
We hear the back door slam open. The babysitter turns around frightened. The camera turns.
It’s Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.
Mrs. Stevens
So how did Isobelle behave?
She was a little brat.
The parents get a worried look on their faces.
Babysitter (Continued)
I never want to babysit here again.
The babysitter storms out of the front door and slams the door behind her.
Mrs. Stevens
What are we going to do about this? That’s the fifth babysitter in the past two weeks.
Mr. Stevens
Let’s just try one more babysitter and see how it works out. If Isobelle doesn’t behave for her then we’ll just have to stay home from now on.
Mrs. Stevens
Cut To:
Ext. School-Day
We see a girl walking. Another girl runs up beside her.
Why didn’t you wait on me?
I waited twenty minutes.
I had detention.
Did you get caught smoking in the bathroom again?
No, but speaking of smoking, are you going to the party tonight?
What? It’s the biggest party this town has ever had.
I know, but I have to babysit.
Lucy, when are you gonna stop using your brain, and start using everything else?
Look, I’m babysitting for the Stevens tonight and I get paid one hundred bucks for three hours of babysitting their precious Isobelle.
Whatever. See ya Monday.
Michelle runs off.
Have a good time.
Cut To:
Int. Stevens’ House-Night
Mrs. Stevens is putting all of her jewelry on.
Mr. Stevens is sitting on the couch with Isobelle, talking.
Mr. Stevens
Now Isobelle, promise me that you’ll be a good girl tonight for Lucy.
I promise daddy.
Mr. Stevens
Okay, you can go play now.
Isobelle runs upstairs.
The doorbell rings.
Mr. Stevens gets up and goes over and answers the door.
It’s Lucy.
Mr. Stevens
Oh, Hi Lucy.
Hi Mr. Stevens.
Lucy walks in the house.
Hello Mrs. Stevens.
Mrs. Stevens
Hi Lucy.
You look gorgeous tonight.
Mrs. Stevens
Oh thank you Lucy.
Mr. Stevens
Now Lucy, we are going to the La Sala Resaurant. If you need anything, I mean anything at all just call my cell phone. The number is on the kitchen table.
Okay. You two have a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens leave.
Cut To: Int. Restaurant-Night
P.O.V. on Mr. and Mrs. Stevens waiting on there dinner.
Mrs. Stevens
I’m gonna go give Lucy a call.
Mr. Stevens
Mrs. Stevens
I just want to see how Isobelle is behaving.
Mr. Stevens
Okay. But I’m sure that they’re fine.
Mrs. Stevens gets up and walks over to a payphone at the front of the restaurant.
She dials the number.
Hello. Stevens’ residence.
Mrs. Stevens
Hi Lucy, this is Mrs. Stevens. How are things going?
Oh, things are going just fine.
Mrs. Stevens
Well, I just rang up to see if Isobelle was misbehaving.
No… She’s just fine.
Mrs. Stevens
Well, help yourself to any food or drinks that you want.
Oh, thanks a lot Mrs. Stevens, oh and by the way, I put the roast in the oven.
Mrs. Stevens
Okay Lucy, Bye, Bye.
Mrs. Stevens walks back to the table and sits down.
Mr. Stevens
So… how are they?
Mrs. Stevens
Mrs. Stevens gets a dreaded look on her face.
Mr. Stevens
Mrs. Stevens
Lucy said that she put a roast in the oven. I never asked her to do that.
Mr. Stevens
That’s impossible. We don’t even have a roast.
Mr. Stevens also gets a dreaded look on his face.
They get up and run out of the restaurant.
Cut To:
Ext. Stevens House-Driveway-Night
The Stevens’ pull up in their car. They rush out of the car and run up to te front door and bust into the house.
When they get in the house they see Lucy lying on the couch with a poison syringe by her hand. She is dead.
They run into the kitchen. There is black smoke coming from the oven.
Mr. Stevens opens the oven. The smoke clears and we see the burned body that was once Isobelle.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are yelling and crying.
Fade Out:
Fade In On:
Int. Jim Gales House-Night
Jim Gales
You see how crazy some people can be. Lucy is one of the more sane people compared to the others.
Jim Gales pulls his roast out of the oven.
Jim Gales
Mmm… Smells good.
Jim Gales begins an evil laugh as we…
Fade Out: To Black.
Roll Ending Credits.