A.C.E. Membership Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, December 8, 2014
Time: 4:15 pm
Location: 715 Main Street
Present: Rose Bird, April Waters, Ko’ona Cochrane, Mary Van Eerd Cook, Deborah Clark
Regrets: Renee McGurry, Val Noseworthy, Dino Altieri
1) Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 4:55 pm by Rose Bird
2) Adoption of Agenda:
Motion: To accept the Agenda as amended
Moved By: April Waters
Seconded By: Ko’ona Cochrane
3) Approval of Minutes:
Motion: To accept the Minutes as circulated
Moved By: April Waters
Seconded By: Ko’ona Cochrane
4) Sharing Circle: Thanks to everyone who was able to make it today.
5) Executive Director’s Report
a) Conference work is focusing on workshops and updates.
b) I sent out the Winter newsletter. I will distribute the next newsletter in mid-January.
c) I have been sending out registration and Banquet packages.
d) I have been working with Sasha Marshall regarding our Cultural Opportunities for All People. She is excited to do bring more events, programs and people into CoLTH.
e) I have spoken to Buffy Handel about co-hosting an event in December.
Motion: To enter into an agreement with the Aboriginal School of Dance to co-host the Noel Event on December 19, 2014 at Circle of Life Thunderbird House.
Moved By: April Waters
Seconded By: Mary Van Eerd Cook
Motion: To accept the Executive Director’s Report as presented.
Moved By: Deborah Clark
Seconded By: Ko’ona Cochrane
6) Financial Report
Monthly Report—Profit and Loss statement was circulated.
Motion: To table the Treasurer’s Report until details are updated.
Moved By: a) Mary Van Eerd Cook
Seconded By: Ko’ona Cochrane
7) Conference Committee Report/Business
a) Nominations/Awards Banquet—There were several late nomination submissions. The Conference Committee has been asked to decide on the path they wish to take and notify Deborah of their decision as quickly as possible.
b) Workshops-The Workshop information is being updated and added to the website. Deborah will be sending out social media tidbits to entice registrations..
c) Silent Auction—Deborah has been working on Silent Auction items. Anyone with something to donate would be appreciated.
i) Liquor and Gaming Commission-The application has been completed. The signature of the Conference/Raffle Chair is needed. Deborah will submit by the end of the week.
ii) Volunteers— Deborah contacted Brittany Ross for Conference volunteers. Brittany is happy to have a volunteer opportunity at the Conference.
8) Business Arising
a) By-Law Update-The revised By-Laws were not available. April will send the revised document for circulation on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Tabled
b) Annual General Meeting--Tabled
9) New Business
a) Aboriginal School of Dance Event—Deborah is working on a collaboration for the Event on December 19, 214. She is meeting with Buffy Handel to finalize the detail on Tuesday, December 9, 2014.
b) Grounding Aboriginal Youth in the Stories of their Elders—SEED Winnipeg is looking to have an exploratory meeting with the A.C.E. Board.
10) The Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm.