Block Schedule: Spanish Level 1 Revised 2011-2012
Spanish I Pacing Guide
Text: Realidades I
Excerpt from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study
This course is an introduction to the study of the target language and its culture. Students perform the most basic functions of the language and become familiar with some elements of its culture. The emphasis is placed on the development of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing within a given context extending outside of the classroom setting when possible. The context focuses on the students’ lives and experiences and includes an exposure to everyday customs and lifestyles. Grammar is integrated throughout the course and is selected according to the language conventions (functions).
A general introduction to the culture, its products (e.g. literature, laws, foods, games), perspectives (e.g. attitudes, values, beliefs), and practices (patterns of social interaction) is integrated throughout the course. Students acquire some insight into how languages and cultures work by comparing the target language and culture(s) to their own.
Integration of other disciplines is on-going throughout the course.
This guide is designed for a block schedule. The NC SCS goals and objectives are listed for each topic. Please monitor your pacing so that this guide may be updated as needed.
*This guide covers 90 days of instruction which is the full amount of time for the course. Please note that this does not include times for midterms and exams. You will need to plan for these pieces as you go through the course and make adjustments to units. Also, please note the asterisk on Days 1-10/ Para empezar and Days 88-90/ Unit 7B. In the Para empezar unit, material does not need to be mastered as it is recycled throughout the course. Unit 7B needs to be introduced and done to the extent that the preterite is addressed with students so that they have exposure to endings and formations before entering Level II. This means pulling in –er and –ir endings in the preterite which are not addressed in the unit.
Theme/ Time / Topic / NC SCSObjectives / Chapter / Suggested
Vocabulary / Grammar / Culture
Days 1-10 Para empezar
**These skills will be addressed throughout the course so, mastery is not needed at this point! Keep that in mind with pacing! / Greetings, Introductions / Tú vs. Ud. / Geography of regions, maps
Showing respect
Social interaction –handshake/kiss, etc. / 1.01, 1.02, 1.05,1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.06
4.01, 4.02, 4.04, 4.06
5.01, 5.02, 5.05, 5.06
6.01 / Para Empezar
1A / Role-play greetings, introductions
Spanish names / 1A / Why Study Spanish? Video
Class Direct’ns / Simple commands / 1A / Play Simón dice w/ body parts
Body Parts / 1A
Numbers 1-100 / 1A
Time / Use of 24 hour clock
Salvador Dalí / 1A / Divide class into 2 teams. Have one student from each team come to the board. Teacher calls out a time and students have to write it digitally. First student to get it correct earn a point for their team.
Salvador Dalí – La persistencia de la memoria
Classroom objects / Gender / Mayan alphabet / 1.01, 1.02, 1.05, 1.06, 2.01, 2.06
3.01, 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.06, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.07, 5.10
7.06 / Para Empezar
Regional differences w/ vocabulary / Definite articles / Aztec calendar / 1A / Research the Aztec calendar stone
Calendar & Holidays / Punctuation, accent marks / Fiesta de San Fermín / 1A / Research cultures that use glyphs
Weather/Seasons / 1A / Write a description of today’s weather and illustrate it.
Callout a month and have students identify the correct season.
Copy the weather forecast from the newspaper and ask questions about the weather/temperature in various locations.
Alphabet / Note: Ch, ll, rr are not letters of the alphabet / 1A / Use sign language to teach the alphabet.
Have students spell their names orally and using sign.
¿Qué? / 1A / Use ¿Que es? w/ body parts, classroom objects; ¿Que hora es?; ¿Que tal?
Unit Assessment
Days 11-16 Mis amigos y yo
/ Activities / Gustar / Pablo Picasso / 1.01, 1.02, 1.06, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.054.06, 4.07, 5.01, 5.02, 5.07
7.06 / 1A ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
1B / Research Pablo Picasso
Likes, dislikes / Infinitives / Dances of SS Countries / 1B / Make a graphic organizer of likes / dislikes.
As possible, teach students basic steps to various dances.
Negative statements / Rhythm instruments / 1B / Write an email about yourself
Pronunciation of a, e, i / Media Sources of Spanish in community / 1B
Activities / Gustar / Frida Kahlo / 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.05
4.04, 4.05, 4.065.01, 5.02, 5.04, 5.05
6.03, 6.04, 7.04, 7.06 / 1A, 1B / Research Spain (Project over both units)
Unit Assessment
Days 17-22
Yo soy… / Likes, dislikes / Indef. Articles / Poetry-Diamante / 1B Y tú, ¿Cómo eres?
1B / Poll the class for likes and dislikes – put this in graph form
Descrip. Adj. / Pronunciations of o, u / Simón Bolívar / 1B / Make a list of careers where Spanish would be helpful
Cognates / Agreement & Position of Adj / 1B
Discrip adj. / Use of adjectives / El Caribe / 1B / Research Frida Kahlo
Definite and indefinite articles / 1B
Email pen pal / 1B / Write a poem en diamante
Unit Assessment
Days 23-28La escuela
/ Schedules / Subj. Pronouns / Mayan numbers / 1.01, 1.02, 1.05, 1.062.01, 2.06, 5.01, 5.02, 5.04, 6.02, 7.05 / 2A Tu día en la escuela
1C / Research Fernando Botero
School subjects / -ar verbs in present tense
*always teach the vosotros form / Community Opportunities to study Spanish / 1C / Compare Roman numerals and Mayan numbers
Ordinal Numbers / Pronunciation of “c” / 1C / Explore uses of the 24 hour clock
¿Quién? / 1C / Use ¿Que es? w/ body parts, classroom objects; ¿Que hora es?; ¿Que tal?
Span. Language school in Costa Rica / Present tense-ar verbs / Soccer cheers in Spanish / 1.01, 1.02, 1.05, 1.06, 2.01, 2.06, 4.06
5.09, 5.10 / 1C
Schedules / México / 1C
School subjects / Have students ask classmates their favorite class and record answers as a graph. Discuss the results of their graphs – what are the most/least popular classes, etc.
Unit Assessment
Days 29-34La escuela / More classroom objects / Plurals of nouns, articles / Currency exchange rates / 1.01, 1.02, 1.05, 1.06, 2.01, 2.06, 3.02, 4.05, 5.01, 6.02
1.02, 1.05
2.01, 2.02, 2.04, 2.05
4.02, 4.05, 4.06 / 2B Tu sala de clases
1C / Illustrate the use of ¡ojo! Write about your opinion of uniforms for school
Locator words
(prepositions) / Hay, estar / Juana Inés de la Cruz / 1C / Reading comprehension: el UNICEF
¿Dónde? / Pronunciation of “s” / 1C / Use ¿Donde? w/ locator words and classroom objects
UNICEF reading comprehension / Reading strategies / School customs, cultures / 1C / Discuss differences in school customs, p. 116
Writing about school / Writing strategies / América Central / 1C / Write to a pen pal in Mexico about your school
Unit Assessment
Days 35-40 La comida
/ Foods, beverages for breakfast, lunch / -er, -ir verbs in the present tense*always teach the vosotros form
Gustar/Encantar / Murillo / 1.02,1.04, 1.051.06, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06, 3.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06 5.02, 5.03, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 6.01, 7.03 / 3A ¿Desayuno o almuerzo?
1D / Discover the local availability of foods from Spanish-speaking countries.
Preferences / Common adverbs / Food customs, origins / 1B. 1D / Bring various tropical fruits / vegetables; have students try to identify / sample them
¿Cuál? / Letters h and j / Recipes / 1D / Make churros y chocolate or purchase churros at local panadería
Use ¿Cual? to point out different foods
Local Latino restaurants, food stores / 1D / Brainstorm food combinations from US culture as well as Latino cultures
América del Sur / 1D / Research products/foods from South America
Unit Assessment
Days 41-46
La salud / Foods, beverages for dinner / Ser / Diego Rivera / 1.02,1.03, 1.04 1.06, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03 2.04, 2.05, 2.06 / 3B Para mantener la salud
1D / Make a poster in Spanish promoting healthy eating habits.
Food pyramid / Plurals of adjectives / La Tomatina / 1D / Research food festivals in Spanish-speaking countries.
Categorize foods in to the food pyramid groups.
Health / Pronunciation of “l,” “ll” / Los mercados / 3.01,4.02,4.03
6.02,7.06 / 1D / Research herbal remedies in various cultures
Quantity / Other origins of words / América del Sur (sur) / 1D / Reading: La comida de los atletas
Make a poster and suggestions for better health.
¿Por qué? / 1D / Compare our farmers’ markets to los mercados
Use ¿por que? to discuss healthy lifestyles, pp. 150-151
Unit Assessment
Days 47-52Tiempo Libre
/ Places in community / Ir / Goya / 1.02,1.03,1.05 1.06,2.01,2.022.03,4.05,4.06
5.09,7.06 / 4A ¿Adónde vas?
1E / Create a Guía del ocio, p. 170-a
Frequency words / Asking questions / Plaza / 1E / Students make migajón, p. 170-a at home for extra credit
All interrogative words / Contraction of al / 1E / Role-play introducing a new student to your school
Use Gramactiva video to illustrate interrogative words
Stress, accent marks / 1E
Estados Unidos (Spanish influence) / 1E / Rhymes, children’s games
Unit Assessment
Days 53-58
Tiempo libre / Activities outside school / Other perspectives on leisure activities / 4B ¿Quieres ir conmigo?
1E, 1F
Feelings, me gustaría / 1E, 1F
Invitations / 1F / Have students invite each other to do various activities/go places
Time expressions / 5.01, 5.02, 5.05 / 1E, 1F / Recycle schedule vocabulary – what time of day have various classes
Jugar / Famous Hispanic Americans / 1E. 1F / Writing an invitation
Pronunciation of “d” / 5.02 / 1E, 1F / Researching famous Hispanics
1E, 1F / Reading comprehension: Hispanic Golfers
Estados Unidos / 4.04, 4.05, 7.06 / 1E, 1F / Brainstorm known Hispanic influence in US culture
Unit Assessment
Day 59-64 Mi familia / Family members, pets / Tener / Mexican artists / 1.01,1.021.04,1.05,1.06,2.012.02,2.04,2.06
6.01,7.04,7.06 / 5A Una fiesta de cumpleaños
Party activities / Possessive adjectives / Papel picado / 1G / Creating a family tree.
Have students make papel picado.
Party objects / Diminutives / Spain’s royal family
How last names are obtained / 1G / Celebrating a quinceañera
Have students figure out what their last name would be using Hispanic tradition.
Pronunciation of “p, t, u” / Importance of family / 1G / Watching video mystery segment
Birthday celebrations, quinceañera / 1G
-ísimo ending / 1G
Unit Assessment
Days 65-70
Las celebraciones de mi familia / Descriptive adjectives for people / Venir / Extended families / 1.01,1.02,1.04 1.05,1.06,2.01 / 5B Vamos a un restaurante
Table setting / Pronunciation of “b, v” / Meal customs / 2.02,2.03,2.042.05,3.01,3.02
7.03,7.04,7.06 / 1H / Writing a restaurant review
Restaurant words / Uses of ser vs. estar / Restaurant etiquette / 1H / Designing a menu in Spanish
Menus / 1H / Watching video mystery segment
Hold a Hispanic foods day
Have students create menus for various mealtimes.
Set up a “restaurant” in class – have students order food and drink – use plastic food or pictures to give them their “order”.
Reading comprehension: Santa Fe / 1H
Unit Assessment
Days 71-76En casa / Items in a bedroom / Comparisons, superlatives, opposites / Contemporary Latin recording artists / 1.02,1.03,1.04 1.05,1.06,2.01
4.06,5.01,5.02 5.04,5.07,5.10
7.02,7.05,7.06 / 6A En mi dormitorio
1I / Latin Grammy awards
Electronic equipment / Poder, dormir / Salvador Dalí / 1I / Explore the meaning of colors
Colors / Pronunciation of “r, rr” / Influence of Spanish architecture / 1I / Research examples of Spanish architecture in communities
Luminarias / 1I / Make luminarias
Comparison words / siesta / 1I / Reading Comprehension: Teen’s room
1I / Writing: Personality of student’s room
1I / Watching video mystery segment
Unit Assessment
Days 77-82
La casa / House, apt. vocabulary / Spanish architectural features / 1.02,1.03,1.05 2.01,2.02,2.05
4.07,5.01,5.02 5.03,5.05,5.07
7.02,7.06 / 6B ¿Cómo es tu casa?
1J / Reading, writing real estate ads.
Have students write/present descriptions of their dream house.
Present students with pictures of houses and written descriptions. Have them match the descriptions to the appropriate house.
Affirmative tú commands / Patios / 1J / Reading Comprehension: Cantaclara
Household chores / Present participles –ar, -er -ir / Commonalities in Folktales: Cinderella / 1J / Recycle gustar/encantar – what do they like to do/not like to do at home.
Watching video mystery segment
Present progressive tense / Textile art / 1J
Common suffixes / 1J
Pronunciation of “n, ñ” / 1J
Unit Assessment
Days 83-87De compras
/ Clothing / Demonstratives / Joan Miró / 1.02,1.04,1.051.06,2.01,2.02 2.03,2.04,2.05
4.01,4.02,4.04 4.05,4.06,5.01
7.04,7.05,7.06 / 7A ¿Cuánto cuesta? / Reading Comp: Clothing in Panamá
Shopping / Stem-changing e>ie verbs / Clothing in Panamá / Research Latino designers, clothing lines, stores
Numbers 100-1000 / Pronunciation of “z” / Fernando Botero
Carolina Herrera and other Latino designers / Skit: Shopping trip
Currencies / Have a fashion show in class.
Show ads for clothing stores from target countries and ask questions about pricing, colors, articles of clothing, etc.
Non-verbal language / Watch video mystery segment
Puerto Rican poem / Research currency exchange rates
Kuna Indians/ Molas / Make molas
Unit Assessment
Days 88-90***
/ Shops, gifts, accessories / Preterite of regular –ar verbs, -gar, -car verbs / Ñandutí (Paraguay) / 1.02, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 3.01, 3.02, 4.01-4.06, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.06, 5.10, 6.1, 6.02, 6.04, 7.02, 7.04-7.06 / 7B ¡Qué regalo! / Reading Comprehension: Shopping Centers in Span.-speaking countriesRastro (España) / Writing: Gift Student Received
**As time allows, students need exposure to preterite endings/formation. / Past expressions / Preterite of –er, -ir verbs (**Add these
in so that students are exposed before Level II)