Introduction to Solid Food Sessions-No longer running due to lack of capacity/funding but parents can still get support around introduction to solid foods by:

  • Contacting the Children’s Centres where the programmes called ‘baby and me’ run (Wanstead (020 8496 0032), Loxford (02085143128) and NewburyHall (02087089423) Children’s Centres) to book on to this as week 6 covers introduction to solids.
  • Children’s Centre and early year setting to ensure that they have copies of the start for life ‘introduction to solid food’ booklet which can be made available to go through with parents/carers for advice and support on the introduction of solids.This can be ordered and downloaded from:
  • Parents/carers can also be directed to the baby feeding cafes which take place weekly across Redbridge for advice around infant feeding and introduction of solids. Contact 02088224157 for details of these groups.
  • Parents/carers can also be directed to a member of the health visiting team (or any of the Family Support Workers who have had training in relation to introduction to solids).
  • Parents/carers can also ask staff at the healthy child clinics around introduction to solids.

Healthy Eating for Parents and Tots (1-4 years)

A healthy eating session for families with children between 1 and 4 years of age.Session lasts approximately an hour covering information on foods, drinks, snacks and vitamins as well as tips for fussy eaters. Parent/carers attending will have the chance to have their questions answered. Parent/carers can be signposted to this session (no referral necessary).No need to book but places are limited. As this is a parent/carer education session children do not need to attend although they are welcome to.

Fussy Eaters WorkshopA workshop for families with children aged between 1 and 4 years that are picky, fussy or difficult eaters. Families will get the chance to discuss ways of managing fussy eating and have the opportunity to look at setting a goal which is followed up 6 weeks later by telephone call from the team.Referral needed for this session. Referrals accepted from children’s centre staff and health staff as well as from parent/carers. Please note first line fussy eating advice is given in the healthy eating workshops and should be the first option to support families if they have not already attended a healthy eating session.As this is a parent/carer education session children do not need to attend although they are welcome to.

PODS (2-4 years)An 8 part healthy lifestyle programme for 2 to 4 year olds and their families. This programme takes place once a week and gives parent/carers the opportunity to discuss healthy eating for toddlers, including portion sizes, fussy eating and how to choose healthy foods. Children and their parents will also get the chance to play some fun and active games together each week. Parent/Carer can contact the venue where PODS is going to be held to arrange to book or healthy eating team will accept referral from parent/carer or professional working with the family. Children are required to attend this programme with their parent/carers.

Please note-extended family members are welcome to attend any of the above sessions as it can often help to support the parent and child and share the information with the wider family.

5-18 year olds-all of the following are free workshops which will take place in Redbridge.

One off sessions in schools in Redbridge:

For children of primary school age.

These sessions are specifically for children who have been measured as being above a healthy weight. Children identified through the national child measurement programme in reception and year 6 are invited to attend. Families who have children of ages not reception or year 6 can access these sessions if child is above a healthy weight.

Parents/Carers attend the session with their child/children. Session takes place after school.

Session runs for approximately 1 hour.

One day holiday healthy lifestyle Sessions.

Run during the school holidays. Runs from 10-2pm (4 hours).

Age range 5-13years but flexible.

Parent/carer attends with their child.

Incorporates key healthy lifestyle messages in an interactive way, includes physical activity games, preparing a healthy lunch and sharing it, covering key points on snacks, drinks, making healthy choices and goal setting.

For children who are identified as being above a healthy weight where parents/carers have been unable to attend a week programme.

1-2 sessions are planned for each school holiday.

No holiday sessions take place between December and January.

Parents/carers with young people over 14 years of age can have the opportunity to meet with healthy eating team for one to one support (if not under the care of the Dietitian for being overweight).

For more information on any of the above groups please contact the Healthy Eating Team by calling 020 8822 4142 or emailing .

Redbridge Healthy Eating Team: Referral Criteria

Please ensure that if you are completing a referral, that the family have consented and that the family are ready to look at engaging with the healthy eating team.

Under 2Years

Referral to the Healthy Eating Team should be made if one or more of the following apply to the child:

  • Upward crossing of weight across 2 major centile*
  • Weight is on or above the 99.6th centile*
  • Weight is 2 major centiles above length*
  • One or more parent is classified as obese
  • Fussy eaters
  • Parents/carers persist to offer a poor quality diet for the child following initial guidance from frontline staff (including health visitors, nursery nurses or other trained workers).

Please note, if there is a concern over infant feeding(breast /formula feeding) please contact the Redbridge Infant feeding Team on:Telephone: 020 8822 4157 Email:

2 to 4 Years

Referral to the Healthy Eating Team should be made if one or more of the following apply to the child:

  • BMI is above the 91st centile**

If BMI is above the 91st Centile and a co-morbidity is present please refer thechild to their GP.

  • One or more parent is classified as obese
  • Fussy eaters
  • Parents/carers persist to offer their child a poor quality diet following initial guidance from frontline staff (including health visitors, nursery nurses or other trained workers).

5to 18 Year olds

  • BMI is on or above the 91st centile**

If BMI is above the 91st Centile and a co-morbidity is present please refer thechild to their GP.

*when measured using the UK WHO growth charts**when measured using the UK90 BMI centile charts

You can find out whether a child is above a healthy weight using the NHS BMI calculator at

For staff referring who have access to Redbridge RiO.Please create a referral to the healthy eating team for the child on RiO (no need to complete referral form). Contact Healthy Eating Team if you require assistance in doing this. When creating a referral please ensure you have an up to date telephone contact number for the family which is on RiO.

For staff referring who do not have access to Redbridge RiOplease complete the attached form, scan and send to the e-mail address:.

Redbridge Healthy Eating Team Referral Form

Please complete this form and return to the Healthy EatingTeam

Date of referral
Name of Parent/Carer
Name of Child
Date Of Birth
M F / Child NHS number
Address including post code
Phone Number(s)
E-mail address:
Current School (if 4 years +)
Please circle Workshop of Interest / Fussy eating* PODS
* If referring for fussy eating has parent attended or been signposted to a healthy eating session which cover basic fussy eating advice? If not please signpost to healthy eating group first.
Reason for Referral
As a referrer-will you be planning to review this child? / Yes / No If Yes when is review planned for?
Additional Relevant Information (e.g. disability)
Interpreter / Yes / No If Yes, language:

Weight and Height (if available)

0-2 years / Over 2 years
Weight (kg) / Weight (kg)
Weight Centile / Height(cm)
Length (cm) / BMI (weight(kg)/Height2 (m2))
LengthCentile / BMI Centile (from the WHO charts)
Date of Measurement:

Details of Referrer

Name of Referrer / Designation:
Team Name and Work Address
Phone Number
Email Address