Course Name:DEVM F040 ADVANCED MATH FAST TRACK: Elementary/Intermediate Algebra Review
Semester:Maymester 2010 May 17-28
Meeting Times:MTWRF 9:00–11:00 a.m.
Location:GRUE 305
Instructor:Debra M. Moses
Office:TVC Rm 120D
Mailbox:Gruening 5th Floor, Developmental Education Dept.
Phone:Office: 455-2856 Home: 451-8389
Text:Advanced Fast Track A Review of ElementaryIntermediate AlgebraSecond Editionby Bill Coe, MontgomeryCollege
Credits:1.0 credits
Course Description:This one-credit course is a 20-hour intensive reviewof math concepts prior to the Summer 2010and Fall 2010 semesters, covering elementary and intermediate algebra topics that prepares qualified students to potentially improve their math course placement. Students should have a history of being successful in equivalent levels of math, although they may not recall enough information to place well on the placement test. Students who are successful in this class have the possibility of advancing through one or twosemesters of developmental math.
Student Learning
Outcomes:To demonstrate mastery of elementary and/or intermediate algebra skills required to be successful in a developmental math course.
To recognize that solution processes are multifaceted and be able to use the necessary logic and formulas in a path to solution.
To communicate solutions to problems verbally and in writing, using a logical, clear and concise sequence of thought.
To demonstrate an improved comfort level when applying critical thinking and problem solving skills.
To work collaboratively with others to enhance mathematical understanding through problem solving.
Prerequisites:The prerequisite for this course is placement into DEVM 060 or DEVM 105, by a placement test (preferably ACCUPLACER) or completion of a Developmental Math course with a grade of C or better.
Grading:Grading will be Pass/Fail.
To receive a grade of Pass:
-Take Accuplacer Pre-Test on Day 1
-Take Accuplacer Post-Test on Day 10
-Attend 9 out of the 10 days of the course
Attendance Policy:It is the student’s responsibility to arrive at each class session, prepared with text and materials. It is to the student’s advantage to attend every class in order to keep up with the material and to be successful in the course. Remember, this review course covers 2 semesters in 2 weeks! Attendance is a critical piece to success in this course.
Testing:A test will be given at the end of the elementary section(week 1) Those students achieving a score of 70 or better on the elementary algebra test may continue with the intermediate algebra portion during the second week. Those achieving less than a 70 on the elementary algebra test will join the Math Fast Track class during the second week, to cover elementary algebra.
Calculator Use:Calculator use is permitted.
Math Lab:A tutor is available everyday that the class is in session in GRUE 305. (11:00-12:00 am).
Accommodations:Any student who feels he or she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss his or her specific needs. Please contact Disability Services at 474-7043, located at the Center for Health and Counseling, second floor Health, Safety and Security building, to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
ACCUPLACER:In addition to the classroom testing, all students will take the ACCUPLACER test on the first and last day of the course. The final placement score will be taken into consideration for the Summer and/or Fall 2010 semester math placement.
Class #DateTopics
1-Working with Formulas
2- Solving Inequalities
3- More on Graphing
4- Rules for Exponents
2T May 185-105- Scientific Notation
6- Special Products of Binomials
7- Intro to Factoring
8- Factoring Squares
9- Factoring Using Grouping
10- Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
3W May 1911-16 11- Rational Expressions: Mult
12- Rational Expressions: Div
13- Rational Expressions: Add & Sub
14- Systems of Equations: Graphing
15- Systems of Equations: Substitution Method
16- Systems of Equations: Elimination Method
4R May 2017-21 17- Radicals
18- Pythagorean Theorem
19- Quadratic Formula
20- More Word Problems
21- Elementary Algebra Practice Test (homework)
5F May 2122-23 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA TEST 22-The Basics of Linear Functions
23-Function Notation
6M May2425-28 25-Rational Exponents
26-The Basics of Exponential Functions
27-More on Exponential Functions
28-Solving Equations With Constant Exponents
7T May 2530-34 29-The Basics of Logarithmic Functions
30-Solving Logarithmic Equations
31-Properties of Logarithms
32-Natural Logarithms
8W May 2636-39 33-The Basics of Quadratic Functions
34-Complex Numbers
35-Solving Non-Linear Systems of Equations
36-The Basics of Rational Functions
9R May 2740-44 37-Solving Rational Equations
38-The Basics of Radical Functions
39-Solving Radical Equations
40-Intermediate Algebra Practice Test (homework)