Precalculus Miller--2014/2015

Text: Precalculus, Blitzer, Robert. Pearson, 2010.

Instructor Information: Instructor: Carol Miller

E-Mail Address:

Planning: 8:00—9:45 Daily

Help Hours: 7:30-8:00 Daily, 3:40-4:45 W

Course Description:

Precalculus is a course designed to offer trigonometry and more advanced algebraic concepts to students preparing for academic/technical college experiences. Other students may also desire a formal background in mathematics and will benefit from this course. Precalculus is interesting and challenging, but the pace can be very demanding and intense. Only students who have demonstrated high performance by scoring grade “C” or better in previous math courses may takePrecalculus.

Course Outline:

1st9 Wks: Right Triangle Trigonometry2nd 9 Wks: Polynomial Equations

Trigonometric Functions Solving Trig Equations

Trig Functions & Oblique Triangles Conic Sections

Graphing Trig Functions Polar Coordinates

Inverse Trig Functions Exp & Log Functions

Trigonometric Identities Rational Functions & Limits

Mid-Term Exam: Oct 16 Final Exam: Jan 8


In order to prepare students for the academic atmosphere of college the grading policies in

this course closely resemble those at the university level. The majority of a student’s grade

will come from their scores on the in-class tests and final exam. Grades will be assigned as

follows: In-class tests (up to 50%), exam (up to 20%), homework (up to 5%), review

assignmentsandquizzes called spirals (up to 5%),and in-class activities such asquizzes,

in-class assignments,projects, labs, group assignments (up to 20%). Homework will be

graded on completeness.Students are allowed to work in study groups, tutoring circles, or

to ask the teacher for help on the homework. Students will not be permitted to use notes,

textbooks, or other assistanceon tests and the final exam. No extra credit is offered in

this course. Makeup work will only be providedfor a student who has a school-excused

absence and must be completed within one week of the absence.

Student Expectations:

Regular attendance is critically important for success. The school attendance policy will be

followed at all times. No more than 5 excused or unexcused absences are allowed. Medical

excuses are handled by the administration. Also, missing more than 30 minutes of a class

counts as an unexcused absence.

Students are expected to be on time and prepared forclass. Preparedfor class means that

the student is dressed appropriately (with ID visible), has completednecessary

homework; has turned off and properly stowed all personal electronic devices;and has

appropriate materials for note-taking, textbook, and calculator. The student willconduct

his/herself in such a manner as to maximize the learning experience for the entire

class while showing respect for the instructor and other students.

Academic Integrity:

Academic Integrity is submitting one's own work and properly acknowledging the

contributionsof others. Any violation of this principle constitutes academic dishonesty and

may result in afailing grade and disciplinary action. Forms of academic dishonesty include

the following:

Plagiarism – submitting all or part of another's work as one's own in an academic exercise

suchas an examination, a computer program, or written assignment.

Cheating – using or attempting to use unauthorized materials on an examination or

assignment, such as using unauthorized texts or notes or improperly obtaining

(or attemptingto obtain) copies of an examination or answers to an examination.

Collusion – helping another commit an act of dishonesty, such as substituting for an

examination, completing an assignment for someone else, supplying or

distributing an exam orloaning work for the purposes of copying.

Fabrication – altering or transmitting, without authorization, academic information or


(adapted from PiedmontTechnicalCollege, Greenwood, SC for the SC Curriculum Alignment Project)

Note: The instructor reserves the right to alter, add to, or delete requirements of the syllabus

based upon her judgment of what is best for the educational purposes of a particular class.