The Village of Weston

Council Meeting Minutes

June 5, 2017

The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeremy Schroeder at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call of the council members was then taken: Mr. Greg Stevens, Mr. Bill Barnhart, Mrs. Sarah Easterwood, Mr. Shad Kendall, Mrs. Dawn Blandy, and Mrs. Penny Taylor.

Minutes from the previous meeting on May 15, 2017 were reviewed and a motion to approved was made by Mrs. Easterwood and seconded by Mr. Barnhart. Approved 6 - Opposed 0.

Citizens and Visitors:

Visitors present were: Terry Green, Vera Dewitt, Arthur Dewitt, Rob Myerholtz, Rick Easterwood, Roger LaPointe (Sentinel-Tribune), Deputy Peterson, Sharon Biggins, Janet Hageman, Frank Kohler, Cory Kuhlman, Bonnie Ebka, Steve & Janet Horne.

Deputy Peterson had nothing to report. Visitors asked what is being done about the juveniles causing trouble in the village. Deputy Peterson said they are trying to enforce curfew more now that school is out. Enforcement about golf carts was also brought up since they now have to be plated. A request was made to see if a Deputy can set aside a time to inspect the golf carts for those people that cannot haul their golf cart to the Sheriff’s office. Deputy Peterson said she will pass this onto her Lieutenant.

Steve & Janet Horne were in attendance to see if they can extend their garage so they can keep their Halloween tent up all year instead of tearing it down every time. Zoning Inspector, Ken Taylor needed to look into front yard setbacks for structures.

Bonnie Ebka was in attendance to get more details about the status of the sidewalk resolution. She was told that the sidewalk resolution was tabled and those addresses on the list for 2017 got letters stating they would not have to put sidewalks in.

Sharon Biggins brought up junk cars on Taylor/Milton and Sycamore and asked what the village is doing about junk cars because some of these cars are being used as trash bins and it is disgusting to look at. Mrs. Biggins was also concerned about the vandalism and juveniles running around in the late hours. She would like to see something on the levy for a police department to get brought back to Weston. Mr. Greg Stevens brought up the community block watch, which has nothing to do with council and this program will be up and running soon with 13 total people interested.

Janet Hageman was in attendance to see the status of her zoning permit, which was approved by Ken Taylor, Zoning Inspector.

Rob Myerholtz wanted to know why the Fiscal Officer does not come to meetings. He would like to see reports written out by our Fiscal Officer, Cheryl Halter on our financial status. He would like to see her come to one of our meetings each month. He was told that a FInance Committee meeting is scheduled for 6/21 at 5pm and she will be at that meeting to ask any questions. Mr. Myerholtz was also told that she has office hours where she is available to come in and speak to.

Frank Kohler shared that the village needs come up with a positive direction plan.

Old Village Business

The reservoir repair for the east and west side was discussed. The east side is in bad shape and Mr. Stevens thinks the reservoir should be closed until it is repaired because it is unsafe. A request to have a No Swimming sign put up was made because some kids were caught swimming in the reservoir. Terry Green will be obtaining bids for the east side of the reservoir. Mrs. Easterwood requested that we should also get an assessment for the west side because it also needs fixed.

Village Tree removal is still in the process of getting bids.

Golf Carts now have to be plated and inspected by the Wood County Sheriff’s Office. Legal Counsel was asked what we should do about our current golf cart ordinance considering the new law and he suggested that we should repeal it because it is currently causing confusion.

Current Village Business

Committee Business

Upcoming Meetings:

Streets: 6/14 at 5:30pm
Finance: 6/21 at 5pm
Parks & Rec: 6/26 at 7pm
Safety: 7/3 at 6pm

Parks and Rec reported on their 5/22 Meeting. Meeting started at 7:00 p.m. members in attendance were Stephanie Monts, Dean Babcock, Dana Grano, and Council members Shad Kendall, Penny Taylor, Sarah Easterwood, and Mayor, Jeremy Schroeder. Steve Mentrek was absent. Halie Domer was in attendance and feels fields are still not being taken care of as well as they should be. She feels that they are a eyesore to see when you pull into the Village off of 235. She also says her father worked those fields everyday and took very good care of the fields when he was ball commissioner. Sarah Easterwood commented that the program needs to be rebuilt from the ground up with direction to field maintenance to what needs to be done with paperwork. Shad Kendall suggested renting equipment to get the weeds out of the small diamond. He also offered to loan a tractor to Scott for him to use to help get the small diamond in better condition. Penny Taylor suggested to ask Scott to help write up description on running the ball program with the Rec. Board. Steve Kershner from Great American Company was in attendance. He discussed different products that Rec. Board could use to raise money for the ball program. The products that he discussed were: Cookies- $17 a tub with a 40% profit, Tumblers- $20 a mug with a 40% profit, Peanut and Snacks $12-$14 for product with a 30% profit. Rec. Board was very interested in doing the sale of the Cookies and Peanuts and will be in contact with Steve to start the sale. The water at the concession stand at the time of meeting was not handled and the phone call to the Water District was still needed to get water turned on. On May 16th Scott Domer, Greg Stevens, Dana Grano met Dale Furby at the ball diamonds to discuss possible things Dale could volunteer to do. Also Scott discussed equipment and maintenance of fields. Greg Stevens was going to look into so equipment like lawn mower and or tractor for the ball fields. At this meeting no member has heard back from Greg on any equipment. Mayor Jeremy Schroeder mentioned replacing the in fields of both diamonds in the very near future and feels council would be for this project. The ball fields are currently being maintained by the Village maintenance staff but Dale is lining the fields before the games. Dean and Stephanie attended the Wood County Park District grant meeting to get the information needed to apply for the 2018 grant. There is three tier category for the grant and some changes were made for grant eligibility. Dana Grano made a motion to for go pay to hire a ball commissioner, 3yes, 0 No’s. Dana Grano resigned from Rec. Board effective May 22, 2017. Meeting ended at 8:05 pm.

Cemetery reported on their 6/1 meeting. Meeting started at 6pm with Ann Tolles, Cindy Shaffer, Jodie Domer, Tom Patton, Gary Betz, Penny Taylor and Sarah Easterwood. A motion to excuse Mrs. Stevens was made. Minutes from May meeting were approved with no changes. Mrs. Domer presented part-time employee ordinance for review before submitting to council and would like the village solicitor to review also. Mr. Patton discussed several locations at the cemetery that the drainage tile needs repair and some of those repairs might require other structural repairs. Tom & Gary have been doing their best to keep up on mowing and weed whacking, with the rain it has been challenging. Motion to move August 3, 2017 meeting to next Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 6pm was made, all approved. Meeting ended at 7pm and the next meeting is scheduled for July 6, 2017 at 6pm.

Maintenance Report

Terry Green reported on town maintenance. The pit well at the reservoir was filled with 4 ton of stone. The drainage tile on Keil Road was fixed. Mr. Green also reported that he has been doing his best on keeping up with the mowing and watering of the flowers and trees that were planted on Arbor Day. Mr. Rick Easterwood asked Mr. Green when the village will be spraying for ‘skeeters’ and no date was set but the equipment is ready to use for spraying.


Ordinance 2017-11 for ODOT to construct project within the village had its final reading. A motion to approve was made by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mrs. Blandy. Approve - 6, Oppose - 0.

Ordinance 2017-12 establishing a part-time maintenance position for Weston Cemetery and declaring an emergency was approved by Mr. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Blandy. Approve - 6, Oppose - 0.

A resolution authorizing participating in the Wood County Park District Grant program received its first reading. A motion to approve was made by Mrs. Blandy and seconded by Mrs. Taylor. Approve - 6, Oppose - 0.

Council reviewed bills to paid and warrants to be issued A motion to approve was made by Mrs. Blandy and seconded by Mrs. Taylor. Approve - 5, Oppose - 1, Mr. Greg Stevens

The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.


Jeremy Schroeder, Mayor

Stephanie Monts, Clerk