Pastor: Fr. Ray Kosmicki 308-754-4649
1405 Custer St., St. Paul, NE 68873
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
Reconciliation: 4:30 p.m. Saturday
or by appt. with Fr. Ray 754-4649
Parish Office: 754-4002
713 Elm St.
St. Paul, NE 68873
Marriage & Baptism Preparation:
Appt with Fr. Ray, please call 754-4649
Sts. Peter and Paul Church Website
Weekly bulletin and Ministry List can be found on the Church Website:
Church Directory website:
Check us out on Facebook
Church Office Secretary: Marie Platek 754-4002
Farwell/ Elba Secretary: Kathy Gorecki 336-3351
Religious Ed. Coordinator/ St. Paul
Angela Jirak 754-7866
Religious Ed Coordinator / Farwell
Kathy Gorecki 336-3351
Religious Ed Coordinator / Elba
Cynthia Paczosa 863-2134
Lenten Brown Bag Talk
Lenten Brown Bag Talks will again be held at
St. Mary’s Cathedral Square for five Wednesdays during Lent, beginning Feb. 20 from 12 noon to 1 p.m.
Guests are invited to bring their sack lunches, drinks will be provided. This years speakers and topics are:
Feb. 20 – Bishop William Dendinger – Psalms in the Life of the Church.
Feb. 27 – Fr. Rich Piontkowski – Indulgences
March 6 – Fr. Sid Bruggeman - Reconciliation
March 13 – Kathy Hahn - Marriage Tribunal / Annulment
March 20 – Fr. Jonathan Sorensen – All about Blessings
If you are new in the Parish and would like to become a member, please see Father Ray after Mass for information and a registration form.
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish
713 Elm St.
St. Paul, NE 68873
St. Anthony’s St. Joseph’s
Farwell, NE Elba, NE
January 27, 2013
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Message from our Bishop
This month the Annual Diocesan Stewardship Appeal, Living Our Faith, Sharing Our Gifts…Together begins.
The Appeal will fund ministries throughout Central and Western Nebraska. This is a wonderful opportunity to assess our stewardship of time, talent and treasure.
All families are asked to discern their gifts and participate according to what they have received.
In order for our parish to reach its’ goal all families are asked to consider a gift of at least 10% over their annual parish contribution. This may be a one-time gift or a pledge, payable over eight months. Your contribution to the Diocesan Stewardship Appeal may also be made online at
Diocesan Appeal Sunday is the weekend of Feb.10.
You received information in the mail detailing this appeal. The mailing includes a letter from Bishop Dendinger, a brochure and a pledge envelope to be used on the Diocesan Stewardship Appeal Weekend.
We are asked to sit down and evaluate all our circumstances – our time, talent and treasure, and how we can contribute. Christ calls us to make a difference where we can. Ask yourself…is this an area where I can make a difference?
Ministers for Weekend Mass 2/2 – 2/3
Saturday 2/2 5:00 p.m.
Intro: Julie Dush
Greeters: Kenny & Sharon Tibbetts
Jake & Deanna Bauer
Lector: Nathan Bauer
EMHC’s: Jake & Deanna Bauer
Rick Harrahil
Music: Julie Dush
Servers: Adam & Katherine Bauer
Rosary: 4:35 p.m. Jim Leonard
Sunday 2/3 8:00 a.m.
Intro: Phil Lukasiewicz
Greeters: Alex & Elaine Kulwicki
Ron & Diane Kulwicki
Lector: Michael Thede
EMHC’s: Ron Kulwicki, Mitch & Patty Sok
Music: St. Anthony Singers
Servers: Jadyn Wood, Riley Fowler & Nathan Scheer
Rosary: 7:30 a.m. Marty Costello
Sunday 2/3 10:00 a.m.
Intro: Betty Van Dyke
Greeters: Paul & Carolyn Scarborgough
Bill & Karen Northrup
Lector: Mel Schmaderer
EMHC: Steve & Jodi Studnicka & Ryan Lodge
Music Betty Van Dyke, Sherry & Darren Kosmicki
Servers: Carson & Camryn Morgan
Abby Elstermeier
Rosary: 9:30 a.m. / Volunteer
Events This Week
Monday 1/28 Bible Study @ 9:30 a.m. in Convent
Tuesday 1/29 Quilting @ 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday 1/30 Religious Ed 7 p.m.
Grades 5 – 11
Wednesday 1/30 That Man Is You 6:15 a.m.
Sunday 2/3 Religious Ed. Preschool – 4th
8:50 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.
Sunday 2/3 Bible Study in School Basement
8:50 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.
Vocation Awareness Week
Vocation awareness week is from February 13 – 19.
Your daily prayers are requested for a positive response for those who are called by God. Amen.
Mass Intentions 1/28 – 2/3
Monday 1/2810:00 a.m. / Matelyn Mass
Martha Lukasiewicz
+by Family
Tuesday 1/29 8:00 a.m.
Ernest Woitalewicz
+by JoAnn Urbanski
Wednesday 1/30 8:00 a.m.
Jim Hirschman
+by Dan Hurt
Friday 2/1 9:45 a.m. / Heritage
Zig Kosmicki
+by Rev.Walter Phelan
Saturday 2/2 5:00 p.m.
Lorraine Swinarski
+by Jim Swinarski
Sunday 2/3 8:00 a.m.
People of the Parishes
Sunday 2/3 10:00 a.m.
Bernard & Kay Yax
+by Family
Sts. Peter and Paul 1/20
General Fund $2,750.00
Latin America 33.00
Plate 449.41
Appeal 67.00
Total $3,299.41
Parish Hall $120.00
Maintenance 100.00
Parish Hall Envelopes $ 199,838.68
Memorials 113,286.00
Fundraiser Committee 82,411.55
Investments 13,139.28
St. Anthony
1/20 General Fund $266.00
St. Joseph
1/20 General Fund $95.00
Tis the Season
During the season of Flu and cold, you may still choose to join hands at the Our Father and a friendly hand shake at the Sign of Peace. You may also choose to fold or open your hands at the Our Father and give a polite bow and friendly smile at the Sign of Peace. These choices are yours in all seasons.
Thank You Ladies
The Parish Family has been Blessed this week by a gift of $10,000 from the Council of Catholic Women of
Sts. Peter and Paul. We are proud of your many good works and prayers. Great work! Our prayer of gratitude and encouragement are with you and those who help you with this labor of love.
Father Ray
Look to Lent 2013
February 13 is the beginning of the 40 days of Lent with Ash Wednesday.
Mass Times are: St. Paul- 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m. with Father Harry Kurtenbach at the evening Mass.
Elba will have Mass at 7 p.m. with Father Ray.
Farwell will have Mass at 7 p.m. with Father Alex.
Upcoming Events….Lenten Fish Frys
Fish Frysare planned for every Friday at Sts. Peter and Paul Church from 5 to 7 p.m. during Lent.
Welcome one and all. Many volunteers are needed. Please respond to your call to action. Thank You.
Diocesan Stewardship Appeal Timetable:
Events to watch for in the upcoming weeks:
January 27, 2013 – Pastor announces at all Masses the beginning of Stewardship Appeal.
January 28, 2013 – Diocesan Mailing sent to all parishioners.
February 3, 2013 – Chairperson to speak at all Masses.
February 10, 2013– Stewardship Appeal Sunday
A quick journey through the Bible Study is back on schedule. We will meet every Sunday morning at
8:50 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. unless otherwise announced.
If you are looking for a great gift for that new baby we invite you to come look at the Baby Quilts the
Sts. Peter and Paul Quilting Ladies have for sale.
Call 754-7863 or 754-4204 to see the quilts or for more information.
Note of Gratitude
The Parish of Sts. Peter and Paul is blessed by the continual work of the Fund raising team for the planned ParishCenter. Great job!
Religious Ed News – St. Paul
The Religious Ed program is offering free babysitting
(for Sts. Peter and Paul Parishioners only ) on
February 8th from 5:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. in the basement of Sts. Peter and Paul school. Your child (ren) must be at least 3 yrs in age and be potty trained. The children will be able to play games and watch age appropriate movies in a warm and safe environment.
You must pre-register for this event and space is limited. Registration forms can be found in the back of the church and must be turned in by February 3rd, no exceptions. This will allow us to make sure we are staffed appropriately.
Upcoming Events….
The Religious Ed Classes at Sts. Peter and Paul will be doing a Fundraiser starting February 10th .
They will be selling Eilleen’s Cookie Dough. Please help support our Religious Ed. program with this fundraiser.
Looking for Sponsors..….The Family Fun
Run Committee is looking for Sponsors for the Family Fun Run which will be held on April 13 as a fund raiser for Sts. Peter and Paul Religious Ed Program.
As a Sponsor, the name of your business will be put on the back of a T-Shirt and the cost of the ad is $50.
If interested call Angie Jirak @ 754-7866
Core Catechist Class
Catechists from St. Joseph’s, St. Anthony’s and
Sts. Peter and Paul and neighboring Parishes will be invited to attend the required Core Catechist Classes which will be held at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in March. Meeting time will be every Tuesday in March from 6:30 p.m. till 9:30 p.m. in the Gathering Area.
CCW Dues are now due for 2013. Dues are still $6.00.
You may also send to Rita Borzych at 1321 Wallace St.
St. Paul, NE 68873. All Ladies of the Parish are members.
Hearing Assistance…
These are now located at the Book Shelf in the Gathering area of the Church. These are remote wireless units with individual head phones.
We welcome this assistance at our Parish.
Letter of support from Sts. Peter and Paul
Your financial records of donation for 2012 were sent in the mail this week. You may also need this for tax purpose. Thanks for sharing Time, Talent and Treasure.
A way of Life for Believers!
We now have a website for the Grand Island DCCW.
Check it out at
February Pre-Lenten Retreats with Julie Carrick,
Carrick Ministries, “An Evening With Mary” will be ath three locations.
See for details on this nationally known ministry.
February 10th - Mullen St. Mary’s Parish ( daytime event.)
February 11th - Alliance Holy Rosary Parish, begins with a soup supper at 6 p.m.
February 12th - Kearney Prince of Peace, begins with a soup supper at 6 p.m.
Prince of Peace Parish – Pre Lenten Retreat
“An Evening with Mary and the Apostle”
Speaker: Julie Carrick in Concert
Tuesday, February 12 at 7 p.m.
2407 West 56th St., Kearney, NE
Flyers can be found on church door for more info.
Liturgical Minister List The new Liturgical Minister List can be found in the back of the Church. We do have a shortage of Altar Servers for the 8 a.m. and the 5 p.m. Masses. If any server would prefer those times please contact Kathy Hahn at 754-5111 .
CEC – Catholics Encounter Christ Weekend
Catholic Encounter Christ weekends are:
February 22-23-24 and March 15-16-17.
Call Greg at 308-930-0109 or notice the poster at the entrance of the Church. A promising way to revitalize your Faith! Registration forms can be found in the back of Church or call the Church Office.
American Cancer Society – DAFFODIL DAYS
Every year the American Cancer Society Daffodil Program brings hope to people with cancer and their families across the country. The individual boquet is $10…and the vase and bouquet is $15 and the Bear and a bunch is $25. Call Kathy Gorecki @ 336-3351.
Deadline is February 22, 2013.
Check out the new books at our Church Library.
Our Church Librarian, Barb McIntyre does a great job keeping it updated and interesting!
News from St. Anthony
St. Anthony’s 8th Annual Sweetheart Dinner will be held at the LouisPawloskiCommunity Center on Sunday,
February 17. Hors de oeuvres begin at 5:30 p.m. and supper at 6:00 p.m. This year’s menu is Windsor Loin, Baked Potatoes, Vegetable, Salad & Dessert.
The cost is $30.00 per ticket. Please contact Tracey Lukasiewicz at 571-0419; Michelle Woitalewicz
336-3241 or Thereasa Nealon 336-3349 to make reservations. Seating is limited so call early.
CCW Meeting
There will be a CCW Meeting at St. Joseph, in Elba,
on Tuesday, February 5th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Basement. Items on the agenda are the Kolache Shootout and Parish Committees.
Advisory Council Meeting
Advisory Council of St. Joseph will meet Wednesday, February 13th after the 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service at Elba. Ordinary business is on the agenda.
Polka Mass – Kolache Days
Sunday, February 17set for a Polka Mass at 10 a.m.
at St. Joseph’s followed by dinner in the Parish Hall Basement. The Kolache Days also include polka music and a baking contest at the school. Welcome one and all to this mid winter celebration.
"...So long as we have the gift of life we must protect the gift of life. So long as it is threatened, so long must it be defended. This is the time to brace ourselves for the long term. We are today laying the foundations for the prolife movement of the twenty-first century. Pray that the foundations are firm, for we have not yet seen the full fury of the storm that is upon us. But we have not the right to despair. We have not the right and we have not the reason to despair if we understand that our entire struggle is premised not upon a victory to be achieved but a victory that has been achieved. If we understandthat, far from despair we have right and reason to rejoice that we are called to such a time as this, a time of testing, a time of truth. The encroaching culture of death shall not prevail, for we know, as we read in John's Gospel, 'The light shines in the darkness, and thedarkness has not overcome it.' The darkness will never overcome that light."
--Rev. Richard John Neuhaus
( Ann Rief – Pro-Life Coordinator)
CCW – Council of Catholic Women
Every Catholic woman, by virtue of her baptism, is a member of the council.
We are also part of the DCCW – Diocesean Council of Catholic Women (which includes all the parishes of the Grand Island Diocese (,and the NCCW – National Council of Catholic Women. (
We belong to the Grand Island District, which includes Grand Island, St. Libory, St. Paul, WoodRiver, Ravenna, and Shelton. The moderator is Fr. Ray Kosmicki, District CCW Vice President is Barb Sack, Mary Sack Hedrick is the Service Commission Chairman &our Parish Representative and Becky Knox is the Service Commission Co-Chair.
The NCCW acts through each and every one of its members and affiliates to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.
*Seminarian Fund: The DCCW has donated $10,000 each year for the past two years.
*Water for Life: Help fund safe, clean water to all of the world’s people.
*Campaign for Human Dignity/Respect for Life: Improve the lives of those less fortunate.
*Best Choice Labels: Each Label is redeemed for 3 cents & helps the Mission II Haiti Program.
*Please place the UPC symbols of these brands found at Skagway & SuperSaver in the back of church.
*Dresses/Pants for Africa: Sew pillowcases into dresses (patterns available from Mary Sack Hedrick)
*Your Change Can Change Lives: Our pocket change will help those less fortunate. Drop your change in the display in back of church to help build houses for those in desperate need
PLEASE JOIN US. A Pre-Lenten Retreat“An Evening with Mary” will be held on February 12th,at the Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Kearney, NE. A soup supper will be served starting at 5:30, with the program to begin at 7:00. A free will offering will be collected for the program. The presenter will be Julie Carrick, Carrick Ministries. See for more details. This is a good way to begin Lent and bring a friend with you. *Legislative Day is on March 19th. The GIDCCW will be the host this year. More details will be coming but the day starts with coffee and rolls at 8:30, an opportunity to meet with senators, view a session, Mass at St. Mary’s at 11:00 and lunch at the Governor’s mansion. Join your CCW friends from the state to view your Legislature at work.
*Spring Assemblywill be April 26 -27th at Halsey. The theme this year will be “Passing on Our Faith Journey”. The main speaker will be Elizabeth Bunbury of the Answered Prayers Cross, Inc., a full circle ministry created by women for women and their families. Their goal is threefold: to provide emotional support through shared stories of hope; to deepen faith through spiritual connections; and to provide financial assistance through small one-time grants given with love. Each of these goals is accomplished through the production and sale of crosses made from clay. Elizabeth will make presentations on Friday evening and Sat. morning and participants will be given an opportunity to make a cross. Please go to for more info about this organization.
*Monthly Parish CCW Meetings, 1st Monday of each month.
*Committees: Ministry for Christians Fighting Cancer, Welcoming, Funeral & Bingo Committees (the circles host bingo at HeritageLivingCenter each month).