Minutes of the 1st Meeting of the

Food, Environment, Hygiene & Works Committee (2014-2015)
Central and Western District Council

Date: 16th January 2014

Time: 2:30 p.m.

Location: Conference Room

14/F, Harbour Building

38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong



Mr LEE Chi-hang, Sidney*

District Council Members

Mr CHAN Choi-hi*

Mr CHAN Ho-lim, Joseph*

Mr CHAN Hok-fung*

Ms CHENG Lai-king*

Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan(2:30 pm – 5:24 pm)

Mr CHEUNG Yick-hung, Jackie*

Mr HUI Chi-fung(2:30 pm – 2:42pm

5:02 pm – end of the meeting)

Hon IP Kwok-him, GBS, JP(2:30 pm – 4:14 pm)

Miss LO Yee-hang(2:30 pm – 6:05 pm)

Mr KAM Nai-wai, MH*

Miss SIU Ka-yi*

Mr MAN Chi-wah, MH(3:45 pm – end of the meeting)

Mr NG Siu-keung, Thomas, MH, JP*

Mr WONG Kin-shing*

Mr YIP Wing-shing, BBS, MH, JP*

Co-opted Members

Mr CHAN Wing-hang*

Mr LI Po-ming(2:30 pm – 5:13 pm)

Mr LUI Hung-pan*

Ms NG Hoi-yan, Bonnie*

Mr YEUNG Ho-kei*

Mr YEUNG Hok-ming*

Remarks: / * / Members who attended the whole meeting
( ) / Time of attendance of Members


Item 7(i)

Mr YIP Ming-bor / Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Central/Western)
Mr WONG Yiu-wah / Highways Department / Chief Technical Officer/West
Mr SHIH Yung-chi / Drainage Services Department / Engineer/Central and Western 1
Mrs CHEUNG CHOY Suk-ling, Aka / Buildings Department / Building Surveyor/A3-SD
Mr LAW See-hon, Sean / Environmental Protection Department / Senior Environmental Protection Officer (Regional South) 1

Item 7(ii)

Mr CHEUNG Hoi-yin / Drainage Services Department / Engineer/Project Management 9
Mr CHU Kwai-ching / AECOM Asia Company Limited / Senior Resident Engineer

Item 8

Mr KWAN Tung-hoi / Highways Department / District Engineer/West
Mr WONG Ka-lok / Drainage Services Department / Senior Engineer/Project Management 3
Mr CHEUNG Hoi-yin / Drainage Services Department / Engineer/Project Management 9
Mr CHU Kwai-ching / AECOM Asia Company
Limited / Senior Resident Engineer

Item 9

Mr HO Lai-wa / Water Supplies Department / Senior Engineer/Hong Kong 2
Mr WONG Lap-chi / Water Supplies Department / Engineer/Hong Kong (Distribution 2)
Mr LAM Heung-kan / Water Supplies Department / Engineer/Consultants Management (15)
Mr LEE Kin-wai / Water Supplies Department / Engineer/Consultants Management (11)

Item 10

Mr YUK Wai-fung / Efficiency Unit / Project Adviser
Mr LAM Kwok-wai, Simon / Efficiency Unit / Chief Management Services Officer
Mr HO Lai-wa / Water Supplies Department / Senior Engineer/Hong Kong 2
Mr WONG Lap-chi / Water Supplies Department / Engineer/Hong Kong (Distribution 2)
Mr LAM Heung-kan / Water Supplies Department / Engineer/Consultants Management (15)
Mr LEE Kin-wai / Water Supplies Department / Engineer/Consultants Management (11)

Item 11

Ms CHEUNG Suk-ling, Cindy / Transport Department / Senior Transport Officer/Bus/HK 2
Ms YEUNG Lok-kei, Kiki / Transport Department / Engineer/Wan Chai 2
Mr Li Kwong-wai, Paul / New World First Bus Services Limited / Head of Engineering
Mr Wong Kin-fu, Keith / Leadtops Raymond Ltd. / Assistant Project Manager

Item 12

Mr YIP Ming-bor / Food and Environmental
Hygiene Department / District Environmental Hygiene
Superintendent (Central/Western)
Mr Tsang Chi-bun / Hong Kong Police Force / Central District Assistant Police
Community Relations Officer
Mr TSE Pui-hung / Hong Kong Police Force / Neighbourhood Police Coordinator,
Police Community Relations Office
(Central District)
Mr TO Man-fai / Hong Kong Police Force / Western District Assistant Police
Community Relations Officer
Mr FAN Ka-yin / Hong Kong Police Force / Western District Neighbourhood Police

Item 13

Mr YIP Ming-bor / Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Central/Western)

Item 14

Mr YIP Ming-bor / Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Central/Western)
Mr MOK Chi-wo / Housing Department / Property Service Manager/S(KWH) 5
Mr CHOI Yiu-kwok,
Kent / Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Deputy District Leisure Manager(Central & Western)2

Item 15

Mr LAW See-hon,
Sean / Environmental Protection Department / Senior Environmental Protection Officer (Regional South) 1

Item 16

Mr YIP Ming-bor / Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Central/Western)

Item 17

Mr YIP Ming-bor / Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Central/Western)
Mr CHOI Yiu-kwok,
Kent / Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Deputy District Leisure Manager(Central & Western)2

In Attendance

Miss CHOW Ho-kiu, Cheryl, JP / Central and Western District Office / District Officer
Mr CHAN Yun-man, Winston / Central and Western District Office / Assistant District Officer
Ms WONG Ming-wai / Central and Western District Office / Senior Executive Officer (District Council)
Ms YEUNG Lai-ching, Regent / Central and Western District Office / Senior Executive Officer (District Management)
Mrs CHEUNG CHOY Suk-ling, Aka / Buildings Department / Building Surveyor/A3-SD
Mr LAM Chi-ming, Kempis / Lands Department
(District Lands Office, Hong Kong West and South) / Senior Estate Surveyor/Central
Mr Tsang Chi-bun / Hong Kong Police Force / Central District Assistant Police Community Relations Officer
Mr TSE Pui-hung / Hong Kong Police Force / Neighbourhood Police Coordinator, Police Community Relations Office (Central District)
Mr TO Man-fai / Hong Kong Police Force / Western District Assistant Police Community Relations Officer
Mr FAN Ka-yin / Hong Kong Police Force / Western District Neighbourhood Police Co-ordinator
Mr YIP Ming-bor / Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Central/Western)
Mr CHOI Yiu-kwok,
Kent / Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Deputy District Leisure Manager(Central & Western)2
Mr TSANG Kam-fung,
Harry / Civil Engineering and Development Department / Engineer 11 (Islands Division)
Mr LAW See-hon, Sean / Environmental Protection Department / Senior Environmental Protection Officer (Regional South) 1


Miss YIP Kit-wai,
Angel / Central and Western District Office / Executive Officer (District Council) 3

Absent with Apologies

Mr CHAN Chit-kwai,
Stephen, BBS, JP
Dr Malcolm LAM

Opening Remarks

The Chairman welcomed Members and representatives from government departments to the 1stmeeting of the Food, Environment, Hygiene & Works Committee (FEHWC) (2014-15). The Chairman also welcomed MrKent CHOI,Deputy District Leisure Manager(Central & Western)2 of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)who was the replacement ofMs TAM Yin Ting. In addition, the Chairman welcomed Mr Harry TSANG,Engineer 11 (Islands Division) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) who attended the meeting on behalf ofMs Doris YAU, Senior Engineer 8 (HK Island Division 1), Mr TO Man-fai,Western District Assistant Police Community Relations Officer of the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) who attended the meeting on behalf of Mr Billy CHING,Police Community Relations Officer (Western District), andMr Tsang Chi-bun,Central District Assistant Police Community Relations Officer of the HKPFwho attended the meeting on behalf ofMr LAU Kar-ming,Police Community Relations Officer (Operations 2)(Central District) who was on leave. Moreover, he welcomed the six new Co-opted Members to the meeting for the first time.

Item 1:Adoption of Agenda
(2:30 pm)

3.The agenda was revised on 15 January 2014. Members had no comments and the agenda was adopted.

Item 2:Confirmation of the minutes of the 11thmeeting of FEHWC on
17 October 2013
(2:31 pm – 2:32 pm)

4.Members had no comments on the minutes of the 11thmeeting of FEHWC and the minutes were confirmed.

Item 3:Confirmation of the minutes of the 1stFEHWC special meeting on
9 January 2014
(2:32 pm – 2:33 pm)

5.Members had no comments on the minutes of the 1stspecial meeting of FEHWC and the minutes were confirmed.

Item 4:Reports of the Chairman and working groups
(2:33 – 2:35 pm)

6.The Chairman said that the reports of working groups had been passed to Members on 8 January. Moreover, the Secretariat had passed the following papers to Members through circulation:

No. / Document Title / Circulation Date
83/2013 / The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD)Anti-mosquito Campaign 2014 (Phase 1) in the Central and Western (C&W) District / 23 December
84/2013 / Funding Application of Working Group on Greening and Beautification Works in the C&W District: Green Old Buddies 2013 / 31 October
85/2013 / Funding Application of Working Group on Greening and Beautification Works in the C&W District: “Green Promotional Stalls” of Hong Kong Flower Show 2014 / 1 November
86/2013 / The FEHD Anti-rodent Campaign 2014 (Phase 1) in the C&W District / 28 November
87/2013 / The FEHDprogress report of minor works in the C&W District / 3 December
88/2013 / The FEHDYear-end clean-up Campaign 2014 in the C&W District / 10 December
15/2014 / Renovation Works of the Public Toilet atStar Ferry Multi-storey Car Park by the FEHD / 2 January
Item 5:Terms of reference, organisation and composition of FEHWC (2014-15)
(2:35 pm – 2:37 pm)

7.The Committee endorsed that the FEHWC of this year should continue to adopt the terms of reference (Annex I of C&W FEHWC Paper No. 5/2014), organisation and composition of the FEHWC (2012-13) (Annex II of C&W FEHWC Paper No. 5/2014).

Item 6:Composition and related arrangements of the working groups under FEHWC(2014-15)
(2:37 pm – 2:44 pm)

8.The Committee endorsed that the terms of reference (Annex I of C&W FEHWC Paper No. 6/2014) and composition of the FEHWC (2012-13) (Annex II of C&W FEHWC Paper No. 6/2014) be adopted for various working groups for the time being. The working groups could revise the terms of reference but the revisions concerned had to be submitted to the Committee for approval.

9.The Committee endorsed the formation of the following four working groups as more than four Members joined them and the chairmen were elected at the meeting as follows:

Working Group / Chairman / Nominator / Seconder
Working Group on Greening and Beautification Works in the C&W District / Dr Malcolm LAM / Mr Sidney LEE / Mr CHAN Choi-hi
Concern Group on the Development of Markets in the C&W District / Mr WONG Kin-shing / Ms CHENG Lai-king / Mr HUI Chi-fung
Concern Group on Urban Renewal Projects in the C&W District / Ms CHENG Lai-king / Mr WONG Kin-shing / Mr HUI Chi-fung
C&W District Environmental Protection and Improvement Working Group / Mr Joseph CHAN / Mr Sidney LEE / Mr YIP Wing-shing
Item 7:(i) Standing item – Bad smell problems with the drains in Belcher Bay
(2:44 – 2:45 pm)

10.Miss Cheryl CHOW, District Officer (Central and Western) reported that various departments would continue with the repair, maintenance and clearance of drainage as well as the follow-up work of misconnection of drainage systems in private buildings.

Item 7:(ii) Standing item – Progress of local sewerage works
(2:45 pm – 2:50 pm)

11.Mr CHEUNG Hoi-yin, Engineer/Project Management of the Drainage Services Department (DSD) reported to the Committee that since the last report, 6 projects were completed, 8 projects were in progress and 5 projects were expected to commence in the next six months. In response to the recommendations of the FHWHC atthe last meeting, the department had stated the revised completion date of the drainage works in the paper.

12.The Chairman asked Members to raise questions and express their views, which were summarised below:

i.Mr Joseph CHAN asked the department the reasons for not reporting the progress of the drainage improvement works at the upper reaches in the C&W District.

ii.The Chairman said the paper indicated that a number of projects would be completed in March 2014, but the report of the department indicated that 5 projects were expected to commence in the next six months. He asked the department to give an account ofthe scheduleof the upcoming works.

13.Mr CHEUNG Hoi-yin said that as the drainage improvement works in the upper reaches in the district had beencompleted, they would not be reported again.

14.Mr CHU Kwai-ching, Senior Resident Engineer of AECOM Asia Company Limited pointed out that the department expected to complete the works in the first quarter of 2014, and therefore the anticipated completion dates of most of the projects stated in the paper wereMarch 2014.

15.The Chairman indicated that Members had raised questions on the works at upper reaches at thelast meeting. He proposed that Members should submit papers to the FEHWC for the DSD to follow up if they had any enquiries aboutthe drainage improvement works at the upper reaches. Moreover, the agenda item would be reported for the last time at thenext FEHWC meeting if the department could complete all the works by March 2014.

16.Mr CHU Kwai-ching added that as the result of the trial run implemented last week was unsuccessful, the two projects No. S4A and S4B would be delayed. The department would report the latest progress of the works at thenext FEHWC meeting.

17.The Chairman suggested the concerned departments submit supplementary documents before the meeting to accurately indicate the completion dates.

Item 8:Concern over the arrangement of claims for residents suffering from losses caused by main burst
(2:50 – 3:10 pm)

18.The Chairman asked Members to raise questions and express their views, which were summarised below:

  1. Miss LO Yee-hang asked the DSD when the investigation of main burst and the drainage rehabilitation works would be completed. She also asked whether the report would be submittedto the FEHWC for perusal upon completion of the investigation. Miss LO Yee-hang appreciated that DSD and contractor promptly solved the problem after the incident had taken place. She hoped that the department would continue to render assistance to the affected residents to claim for their losses.
  1. Mr YEUNG Hok-ming appreciated the prompt response of the DSD in handling the incident. He pointed out that, however, no department had taken responsibility for the incident so far. He hoped that the DSDwould render assistance to the residents to claim for their losses.
  1. Mr CHAN Choi-hisaidthat the department concerned should expedite the processing of claims, and requested the DSD to provide a complete report on the incident.

19.Mr WONG Ka-lok, Senior Engineer/Project Management 3 of the DSD responded that the DSD’sprojectconsultant and contractor representative had sentofficers to the affected units on the material day to inspectthe situation. The contractor had provided emergency aid to residents on the material day and in the following days, including solving the electricity problem and cleansing the affected units, etc. The loss adjuster appointed by the insurance company had sentofficers to visit the affected residents and units on the day after the incident had taken place in order to inspectthe situation of property damage for follow-up action. In response to Miss LO Yee-hang’s enquiry, the contractor and projectconsultant had provided general information about the incident to loss adjuster for investigation. The loss adjuster indicated that the investigation was expected to be completed by late February and theresponsibility would be clarified. The DSD would follow up the incident proactively. He saidthat as the incident was under investigation, the DSD would, uponcompletion of the investigation,seek legal advice and contact the insurance company and contractor, to see whether it was possible to disclose the findings of the investigation. Moreover, the DSD and WSD had had a meeting to review the points to note for the future works. He hoped that the drainage works would be completed by March.

20.The Chairman asked Members to raise questions and express their views, which were summarised below:

  1. Mr CHAN Choi-hiremarkedthat the DSD should submit the report as soon as possible and expeditethe process of claims.
  1. Mr YEUNG Hok-ming pointed out that anowners’ corporation (OC) had told him that the external wall of the property was affected. He requested the DSD to follow up the claims.
  1. Mr CHAN Hok-fungsaidthat the DSD should enhance contingency management. For instance, when an unpredictable incidenthappened, the DSD should turn offthe stopcock as soon as possible to minimise the loss of residents.
  1. Miss LO Yee-hang indicated many waterworks and drainage works were in progress in the C&W District. She proposed that the DSD should prepare a contingency plan to prevent recurrence of similar incidents.

21.Mr WONG Ka-lok responded that the DSD had obtainedthe general information. The insurance company would processthe claims upon completion ofthe investigation by theloss adjuster and clarificationof responsibility of the incident. In response to Mr YEUNG Hok-ming’s enquiry, he had been informed that the OC wouldappoint an insurance company for estimationand recovery of damages. Relevant parties could have further discussions later. In response to Mr CHAN Hok-fung’s enquiry, the DSD had liaised with the WSD after the incident had taken place to get information of the distribution of stopcocks. The DSD would coordinate with the WSD on the works in the future.

22.Mr CHU Kwai-ching, Senior Resident Engineer of AECOM Asia Company Limited said that as the OC could not be reachedtoconfirm whether the letter related to the claims had beenreceived, a copy of theletter issued by the loss adjuster to the OC had been passed to the OC through the management company.