May 2015


Shmuel E. Schacham


Date & place of birth: December 3, 1949, Tel Aviv, Israel

Family status: Married, 6 children

Academic Degrees:

B.Sc. in mathematics and physics, 1971; Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

M.Sc. in physics, 1973; Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, 1978; Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Academic & Professional Appointments:

1970 – 1971 Teaching & research assistant, physics department, Bar Ilan University.

1976 – 1978 Research assistant, Northwestern University.

1977 – 1978Physics instructor, Hebrew Theological College, Skokie, Illinois.

1978 – 1981Manager of optic group, Fibronics, Haifa.

1981 – 1985Lecturer, department of electrical engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel.

1985 to 1989Senior lecturer, department of electrical engineering, Technion, Haifa.

1988 to 1989Resident scientist, Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC).

1989 to 1994Senior research associate, National Research Council & NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.

1989 to 1995Senior research associate, department of electrical engineering, Technion.

1992 to 1997Senior lecturer, department of electrical and electronic engineering, College of Judea and Samaria, Ariel, Israel.

1992 to 2004Head, dept. of electrical and electronic engineering, College of Judea Samaria.

1994 to 2009Dean, faculty of engineering, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israel.

1997 to 2005Associate Professor, department of electrical and electronic engineering, College of Judea and Samaria, Ariel, Israel.

2005 to dateProfessor, department of electrical and electronic engineering, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israel.

1995 to dateSenior adjunct teaching associate, department of electrical engineering, Technion.

2009 to dateDean of Students, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israel.

2003 to dateMember, Academic Council, Shaanan College.

2000 to dateMember, Board of Directors, Regional R&D of Samaria and Jordan Valley.

2003 to dateMember, Engineering Council, Israel Electrical Engineers Society.

2004 to dateMember, Board of Directors, Israel Electrical Engineers Society.

Public Appointments:

2005-2008Member, Haifa City Council

2005-2009Member, Board of Directors, Haifa Theater.

2010To dateMember, Board of Directors, Ariel Theater.

Research & Professional Experience:

1970 – 1971Towards M.Sc. degree: Liquid Crystals; Non linear optics - Bar Ilan University and Weizmann Institute (advisers: Prof. S.Strikman and Prof. M. Luban).

1974 – 1975Operation research, Artillery headquarters, I.D.F.

1974 – 1975Development of equipment for low temperature - Weizmann Institute.

1976 – 1978Towards Ph.D. degree: Fiber optics; laser techniques - Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (advisers: Prof. M. Epsteinand Prof. M. Marhic).

1978 – 1981Development and production of fiber optical components. Senior researcher in government financed projects, Fibronics Ltd., Haifa.

1981 to dateProperties, characterization & modeling of semiconductors.

1988 to 1989Optical interconnects - MCNC, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

1989 to 1994Properties and characterization of MODFET structures - NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.

1994 to 1995Novel switching mechanism based on type II superlattice (Ministry of Sciences)

1992 to 2004Establishing and directing the program towards first degree in electrical and electronics engineering, College of Judea andSamaria.

1999 to 2005Preparation of the program towards MSc in electrical and electronics engineering, College of Judea and Samaria.

1999 to 2005Preparation of the program towards MSc in electrical and electronics engineering, College of Judea and Samaria.

2006 to 2007Preparations towards evaluation of the department of electrical and electronics engineering by the HEC.

Teaching Experience:

1970 – 1971Freshman physics: Bar Ilan University.

1977 – 1978Freshman physics: Hebrew Theological College.

1981 to dateUndergraduate Courses: Semiconductor devices.

Electricity and electronics.

Electromagnetic fields.

Introduction to electrical engineering (electricity 1).

Switching circuits.

Digital circuits.

Electronics 2 (for mechanical engineers).

Physics of semiconductors.

Electro-Optical semiconductor devices.

Optical properties of semiconductors.

Graduate Courses: Narrow bandgap semiconductors.

Semiconductor lasers.

Characterization of semiconductor devices.

Awards & Honors:

B.Sc. - Magna cum laude.

Award for excellence in physics studies (Bar Ilan University).

Walter P. Murphy tuition fellowship (Northwestern University).

First place Sigma Xi symposium, Northwestern University Technological Institute, 1978.

Senior associateship of the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences and Engineering, 1989-1994.

Best paper of the year award, 1994, NASA Lewis Research Center.

The Henri Gutwirth Fund for Promotion of Research Award, 1995.

Honorary Fellow, SEEEI, November 2011.

Membership in Conference Organizing Committees:

Israel IEEE Conference- technical coordinator, 1987.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2000.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2001.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2002.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2003.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2004.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2005.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2006.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2007.

The Fifth International Conference onMathematical Modeling and Computer Simulationof Materials Technologies, MMT 2008, Conference Organizing Committee, 2008.

Workshop on Electronic Materials and Superconductivity, Co-Chairman, 2008.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2008.

The Sixth International Conference on Academe and Excellence in the Test of Time – Quality Measures in Research, Teaching and Community Service, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Israel, September 8-9, 2009. Steering Committee.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2009.

Member of Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2010.

Chairmanof Academic Committee, Conference of Israel Electrical and Electronic Society, 2011.

Israel Physical Society, Scientific AdvisoryCommittee, 2011

Professional Publications:


1)S.E. Schacham, M.E. Marhic and M. Epstein, "Efficient White Laser Illuminators for Plastic Fibers", Applied Optics 16, 1041-1044 (1977).

2)S.E. Schacham, M.E. Marhic and M. Epstein, "Time Multiplexing of Multi-color Lasers", Proceeding of IEEE 65, 1410-1411 (1977).

3)S.E. Schacham, M.E. Marhic and M. Epstein, "Simultaneous Oscillation of Competing Laser Transitions", Applied Optics 17, 459-462 (1978).

4)M.E. Marhic, S.E. Schacham and M. Epstein, "Misalignment in Imaging Multifibers", Applied Optics 17, 3503-3506 (1978).

5)S.E. Schacham, M.E. Marhic, C. Kot and M. Epstein, "Coupling of Rigid to Flexible Imaging Multifibers", Applied Optics 17, 3818-3821 (1978).

6)E. Finkman and S.E. Schacham, "The Exponential Optical Absorption Band Tail of Hg1-xCdxTe ", J. Appl. Phys. 56, 2896-2900, (1984).

7)H. Pratt, S. Schacham and S. Barak, "A Pattern Reversal Stimulator Using Optical Fibers", Electro-Enceph. and Clin. Neurophysiol. 59, 172-174 (1984).

8)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "A New Method for Measuring Ambipolar Mobility and its Implementation in p-Type HgCdTe", J. Appl. Phys. 57, 1161-1164 (1985).

9)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Recombination Mechanisms in p-Type HgCdTe: Freezeout and Background Flux Effects", J. Appl. Phys. 57, 2001-2009 (1985).

10)S.E. Schacham and H. Pratt, "Detection and Measurement of Steady-State Evoked Potentials Using a Lock-in Amplifier", J. Neurosurg. 62, 935-938 (1985).

11)E. Sapir, S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "A Heterodyne Technique for Measuring Photodetector Frequency Response without RF Interference", Review of Scientific Instruments, 529-533 (1986).

12)Y. Hod, H. Pratt and S.E. Schacham, "Comparison of Fiber-Optical and Video Monitor Stimulators in Normals and Multiple Sclerosis Patients", Electro-Enceph. and Clin. Neurophysiol.,64, 411-416 (1986).

13)S.E. Schacham, "Time and Field Dependence of Excess Carrier Concentration in Semiconductors", Infrared Physics 26, 201-208 (1986).

14)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Light Modulated Hall Effect for Extending Characterization of Semiconductor Materials", J. Appl. Phys. 60, 2860-2865 (1986).

15)D. Levy, S.E. Schacham and I. Kidron, "Three-Dimensional Analytical Model for Photovoltaic Detector Arrays", Proc. IEDM 1986, pp 373-376.

16)A. Fraenkel, S.E. Schacham, G. Bahir and E. Finkman, "Lifetime and Carrier Concentration Profile of B+ -Implanted p-Type HgCdTe", J. Appl. Phys.60, 3916-3922 (1986).

17)D. Levy, S.E. Schacham, and I. Kidron, "Three-Dimensional Analytical Simulation of Self and Cross Responsivities of Photovoltaic Detector Arrays", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-34, 2059-2070 (1987).

18)A. Kepten, Y. Shacham-Diamand, and S.E. Schacham, "Novel InSb / Photochemical Native Oxide Interface", J. Appl. Physics, 64, 2813-2815 (1988).

19)D. Levy and S.E. Schacham, "Three Dimensional Excess Carrier Distribution in Semiconductor Imaging Array", J. Appl. Phys. 64, 5230-5233 (1988).

20)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Magnetic Field Effect on the RoA Product of HgCdTe Diodes", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A7, 387-390 (1989).

21)E. Finkman and S.E. Schacham, "Surface Recombination Velocity of Anodic Sulfide and ZnS-Coated p-HgCdTe", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A7, 464-468 (1989).

22)Y. Raniel, H. Pratt, E. Neyman and S.E. Schacham, "Miniature Fiber-0ptic Pattern Reversal Simulator for Determination of Visual Evoked Potentials Threshold: Comparison with Snellen Acuity", Graefe's Arch. For Clin. & Exp. Ophthal. 227,212-215 (1989).

23)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Interface Properties of Various Passivations of HgCdTe", SPIE Proc. 1106, pp. 198-205, (1989).

24)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of the Contribution of the Graded Region to the Current and RoA Product of HgCdTe Diodes", SPIE Proc. 1106, pp. 206-212, (1989).

25)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Surface and Implantation Effects on pn Junctions", Semiconductor Sci. Technol. 5, s41-s44 (1990).

26)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Properties of Insulator Interface with p-HgCdTe", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A8,1171-1173 (1990).

27)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Contribution of the Graded Region of HgCdTe Diode to its Current", Optical Engineering, 29, 800-803 (1990).

28)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Interface Properties of Various Passivations of HgCdTe", Optical Engineering, 29, 795-799 (1990). (also SPIE Proc. 1106, pp. 198-205, 1989).

29)S. E. Schacham, "Reflecting Boundary Conditions for Graded p-n Junctions", J. Appl. Phys., 68, 865-867 (1990).

30)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Surface Electrons in Inverted Layers of p-HgCdTe", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. vol. 161, pp. 277-283, 1990.

31)S.E. Schacham, T.G. Tessier, H. Merkelo, L.-T. Hwang, and I. Turlik, "Waveguides as Interconnects for High Performance Packaging", in "Multichip Modules", R.W. Johnson, R.K.F. Teng, and J.W. Blade Eds., IEEE Press, NY 1991, pp. 547-556 (also IEPS Conf. Proc., pp. 1003-1013, 1989).

32)S.E. Schacham, R.A. Mena, E.J. Haugland, and S.A. Alterovitz, "Reduced Mobility and PPC in InGaAs/ AlGaAs HEMT Structure", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 240, pp 517-522, 1992.

33)S.E. Schacham, H. Merkelo, L.-T. Hwang, B.D. McCredie, M.S. Veatch, and I. Turlik, "Comparative Evaluation of Optical Waveguides as Alternative Interconnections for High Performance Packaging", IEEE Trans. CHMT, 15, 63-72 (1992).

34)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Saturation Current and Excess Carrier Distribution in Exponentially-Graded Junctions", J. Appl. Physics. 71, 5033-5040 (1992).

35)A. Fenigstein, S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, "Covered Electrode HgCdTe Photoconductor under High Illumination Levels", J. Vac Sci. Technol. B10, 1611-1616 (1992).

36)S.E. Schacham, E.J. Haugland, and S.A. Alterovitz, "Intermodulation in the Oscillatory Magnetoresistance of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas", Phys. Rev. B. 45, 13417-13422 (1992).

37)S.E. Schacham, E.J. Haugland, and S.A. Alterovitz, "Enhancement of Shubnikov- de Haas Oscillations by Carrier Modulation", Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 551-553 (1992).

38)P.G. Young, R.A. Mena, S.A. Alterovitz, S.E. Schacham, and E.J. Haugland, "Temperature Independent Quantum Well FET with Delta Channel Doping", Electronics Letters, 28, 1352-1353 (1992).

39)M. Zaaroor, H. Pratt, M. Feinsod, and S.E. Schacham, "Real Time Monitoring of Evoked Potentials in Neurological Surgery and Intensive Care Unit", Israel J. Med. Sci., 29, 17-22 (1993).

40)A. Kepten, Y. Shacham-Diamand, and S.E. Schacham, "p-Channel MIS Double-Metal Process InSb Monolithic Unit Cell for IR Imaging", Proc. SPIE Vol. 1685, 305-316 (1993).

41)S.E. Schacham, R.A. Mena, E.J. Haugland, and S.A. Alterovitz, "Room Temperature Determination of 2D Electron Gas Concentration and Mobility in Heterostructures ", Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 1283-1285 (1993).

42)A. Kepten, Y. Shacham-Diamand, and S.E. Schacham, "Monolithic Focal Plane Cell in InSb", Proc. SPIE Vol. 1735, 277-286 (1993).

43)R.A. Mena, S.E. Schacham, P.G. Young, E.J. Haugland, and S.A. Alterovitz, "Transport Properties of Epitaxial Lift-off Films", J. Appl. Physics, 3970-3976 (1993).

44)S. Maimon and S.E. Schacham, "Characterization of Deep Traps in Semi-Insulators by Current Transients", Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 70-72 (1994).

45)S. Maimon and S.E. Schacham, "Photoresponse of Semiconductor on Semi Insulator Structure", J. Appl. Physics 75, 2035-2041 (1994).

46)S. Maimon and S.E. Schacham, "Analysis of Transients in Semiconductor- Semi Insulator Junctions", J. Appl. Physics 75, 5321-5325 (1994).

47)A. Fenigstein, E. Finkman, G. Bahir, and S.E. Schacham, "Polarization Dependence of Spectral Transmission and Photoconductive Response of p-Doped Multiple Quantum Well Structure", J. Appl. Physics 76, 1998-2000 (1994).

48)H. Pratt, W.H. Martin, N. Bleich, M. Zaaroor, and S. E. Schacham, "A High Intensity, Goggle-Mounted Flash Stimulator for Short Latency Visual Evoked Potentials", Electro-Enceph. and Clin. Neurophysiol. 92, 469-472 (1994).

49)V. Ariel, S.E. Schacham, and G. Bahir, "Calculation of Semiconductor Intrinsic Properties using Nonparabolic Three-band Model", J. Appl. Physics 77, 411-413 (1995).

50)A. Fenigstein, A. Frankel, E. Finkman, G. Bahir, and S.E. Schacham, "Current Induced Intersubband Absorption in GaAs/ GaAlAs Quantum Well", Appl. Physics Lett. 66, 2513-2515 (1995).

51)S.E. Schacham, R.A. Mena, E.J. Haugland, and S.A. Alterovitz, "Two Carrier Analysis of Persistent Photoconductivity in Modulation-doped Structures", J. Appl. Physics 78, 321-329 (1995).

52)S.E. Schacham, E.J. Haugland, R.A. Mena, and S.A. Alterovitz, "Mixed Carrier Conduction in Modulation-doped Field Effect Transistors", Appl. Physics Lett. 67, 2031-2033 (1995).

53)R.A. Mena, S.E. Schacham, E.J. Haugland, and S.A. Alterovitz, S.B. Bibyk, and S.A. Ringel, "Subband Quantum Scattering Times for AlGaAs/GaAs Obtained Using Digital Filtering", J. Appl. Physics 78, 3940-3944 (1995).

54)R.A. Mena, S.E. Schacham, E.J. Haugland, and S.A. Alterovitz, P.G. Young, S.B. Bibyk, and S.A. Ringel, "Characterization of the Transport Properties of Channel Delta-doped Structures by Light-enhanced Shubnikov - de Haas Measurements", J. Appl. Physics 78, 6626-6632 (1995).

55)S. Maimon, S.E. Schacham, G. Bahir, and E. Finkman, "Mobility Modulation in Vertical Transport of Hot Electrons in Multi-Quantum-Well Structures", Phys. Rev. B. 54, 5696-5699 (1996).

56)A. Fenigstein, E. Finkman, G. Bahir, and S.E. Schacham, "X - Γ Indirect Intersubband Transitions in type II GaAs/AlAs Superlattices", Appl. Physics Lett. 69, 1758-1760 (1996).

57)K. Weiser, F. Dahan, S.E. Schacham, M. Shur, E. Towe, and H.Park, "Laser Beam Interference Effects on the Photovoltage of a GaAs p-n Junction Diode", J. Appl. Physics 80, 5459-5463 (1996).

58)S. Maimon, E. Finkman, S.E. Schacham, D. Ritter, and G. Bahir, "Direct Determination of Electron Capture Probability in QWIPs", Proc. of The Electrochemical Society 189th Joint International Meeting: 5th International Symposium on Long Wavelength Infrared Detectors and Arrays: Physics and Applications. Paris, France, September 1997.

59)S. Maimon, E. Finkman, G. Bahir, S.E. Schacham, and P. M. Petroff, "Quantum Dots Infrared Photodetectors (QDIP)", in "Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells: Physics and Devices", S. S. Li, and Y-K. Su Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 1998, pp 133-140.

60)S. Maimon, S.E. Schacham, G. Bahir, and E. Finkman, "Limited Potential Model for Unscreened Ionized Impurity Scattering in Multi-Quantum-Well Structures", Superlattices and Microstructures, 23, 323-329 (1998).

61)S. Maimon, E. Finkman, S.E. Schacham, D. Ritter, and G. Bahir, "Measurement of Electron Capture Probability in Quantum Wells", Physica E 2, 228-231 (1998).

62)S. Maimon, G. M. Cohen, E. Finkman, G. Bahir, D. Ritter, and S.E. Schacham, "Strain Compensated InGaAs/InGaP Quantum Well Infrared Detector for Mid-Wavelength Band Detection", Appl. Physics Lett. 73, 800-802 (1998).

63)S. Maimon, E. Finkman, G. Bahir, S.E. Schacham, J. Garcia, and P.M. Petroff, "Intersublevel Transitions in InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Infrared Photodetectors", Appl. Physics Lett. 73, 2003-2005 (1998).

64)E. Finkman, S. Maimon, G. Bahir, S.E. Schacham, L. Fonseca, J.Shumway, J. P. Leburton, J. Garcia, and P. M. Petroff, "Infrared Photoconductivity Study of the Electron Structure in Self-Assembled InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Structures", Proc. of The 24th International Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS24), Jerusalem, Israel, August 1998.

65)S. Maimon, V. Immer, E. Finkman, G. Bahir, S.E. Schacham, O. Gauthier-Lafaye, S. Herriot, F.H. Julien, M. Gendry, and J. Brault, "Polarized Response in Normal Incidence InAs Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors", Proc. of The Electrochemical Society 196th Joint International Meeting: State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors XXXI, Honolulu, Hawai, October 1999.

66)E. Finkman, S. Maimon, V. Immer, G. Bahir, S.E. Schacham, O. Gauthier-Lafaye, S. Herriot, F.H. Julien, M. Gendry, and J. Brault’ "Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors in New Material Systems", Physica E 7, 139-145 (2000).

67)S.E. Schacham, E. Finkman, V. Immer, G. Bahir, S. Maimon, F.H. Julien, M. Gendry, and J. Brault, "Resonant Enhancement Due to Waveguide Effects in Quantum Dot Intersubband Transitions", Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol 87, Berlin 2001, pp. 1237-1238.

68)E. Finkman, S. Maimon, V. Immer, G. Bahir, S.E. Schacham, F. Fossard, F.H. Julien, J. Brault, and M. Gendry, "Polarized Front Illumination Response in Intraband Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors BLIP at 77K", Phys. Rev. B. 63, 045323/1-045323/7 (2001).

69)S.E. Schacham, G. Bahir, E. Finkman, F.H. Julien, J. Brault, and M. Gendry, “Temperature Dependence of Responsivity in Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors”, Physica E 17, 636-637 (2003).

70)F. Fossard, A. Helman, F.H. Julien, M. Gendry, J. Brault, E. Péronne, A. Alexandrou, S.E. Schacham, and E. Finkman, “Intraband Spectroscopy of Self Organized InAs/InAlAs Nanostructures Grown on InP(001)”, Physica E 17, 82-83(2003).

71)S.E. Schacham, W. Sheng, J.P. Leburton, F. Fossard, F.H. Julien, M. Gendry, E. Finkman, N. Shuall and G. Bahir, “Enhanced Photoconductive Signal in InAs Quantum Dots Due to Plasma Confined Microcavity”, Phys. Rev. B 68, 41309/1-41309/4 (Rapid Communication) (2003).

72)S.E. Schacham, G. Bahir, E. Finkman, F.H. Julien, F. Fossard, J. Brault, M. Gendry, “Photoconductive Spectral Analysis of InAs Quantum-Dot under Normal Incidence”, Infrared Physics and Technology 44, 509-512 (2003).

73)N. Rappaport, E. Finkman, P. Boucaud, S. Sauvage, T. Brunhes, V. Le Thanh, D. Bouchier, and S.E. Schacham, "Photoconductivity of Ge/Si Quantum Dot Photodetectors", Infrared Physics and Technology 44, 513-516 (2003).

74)F. Fossard, A. Helman, G. Fishman, F.H. Julien, J. Brault, M. Gendry, E. Péronne, A. Alexandrou, S.E. Schacham, and E. Finkman, “Spectroscopy of Electronic States in InAs Quantum Dots Grown on InAlAs/InP(001)”, Phys. Rev. B 69, 155333/1-155333/6 (2004).

75)G. Bahir, E. Finkman, F. Fossard, F.H. Julien, J. Brault, M. Gendry, and S.E. Schacham, “Intraband Polaron Dynamics of Excited Carriers in InAs/InxAl1-xAs Quantum Dots”, Phys. Rev. B 71, 075327/1-075327/5 (2005).

76)S.E. Schacham and E. Finkman, “Is there Phonon Bottleneck in Quantum Dots?”, Proc. of the Fourth Israeli – Russian Bi-National Workshop, Jerusalem 2005, pp. 240-251.

77)N. Davidovich and S.E. Schacham, "Who Needs Tutors?", 'Al Hagova' - J. on Teaching in Higher Education 4, 39-41, (2005) (in Hebrew).

78)A. Lipsky, S.E. Schacham, and M. Slonim, "Training of Electric Power Engineers in Israel", Electricity and People 8, 17-20, (2006) (in Hebrew).

79)S.E. Schacham, A. Vardi, V. Le Thanh, and E. Finkman, “Effect of Doping Location on Photoconductive Spectrum of SiGe Quantum Dots”, Phys. Stat. Sol. A 204, 477-482(2007).

80)S. E. Schacham, E. Finkman, and N. Shuall, “Numerical Solution of Schrodinger Equation for QDIPs – Bias and Doping Effects on Photocurrent”, Proc. of the Fifth Israeli – Russian Bi-National Workshop,Jerusalem 2007, 227-239.

81)A. Vardi, G. Bahir, F. Guillot, E. Monroy, and S. E. Schacham, “Quantum cascade NIR-detection at room temperature in GaN\AlN heterostructure”,Proc. of The Ninth International Conference on Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells (ITQW07), Ambleside, Cumbria, U.K September 2007.

82)A. Vardi, G. Bahir, F. Guillot, E. Monroy, M. Tchernycheva, F. H. Julienand S. E. Schacham, “Negative Intraband NIR Photoconductivity in GaN\AlN Quantum Dots”, Proc. of The Ninth International Conference on Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells (ITQW07), Ambleside, Cumbria, U.K September 2007.

83)A. Vardi, G. Bahir, F. Guillot, E. Monroy, M. Tchernycheva, F. H. Julien,and S. E. Schacham, “TE Polarized MIR Intraband Photodetection in Self Assembled GaN\AlN Quantum Dots”, Proc. of The Ninth International Conference on Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells (ITQW07), Ambleside, Cumbria, U.K September 2007.

84)A. Vardi, G. Bahir, F. Guillot, C. Bougerol, E. Monroy, S. E. Schacham, M. Tchernycheva, and F. H. Julien, “Near Infrared Quantum Cascade Detector in GaN/AlGaN/AlN Heterostructures”, Appl. Phys. Letters 92, 011112 (2008).

85) E. Finkman, N. Shuall, A. Vardi, V. Le Thanh, and S. E. Schacham, “Interlevel Transitions and Two-photon Processes in Ge/Si Quantum Dot Photocurrent”, J. of Appl. Phys. 103, 093114 (2008), also in the May 26, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale ScienceTechnology.

86)A. Vardi, N.Kheirodin, L.,Nevou, H. Machhadani, L. Vivien, P. Crozat, M. Tchernycheva, R. Colombelli, F.H.Julien, F.Guillot, C.Bougerol, E.Monroy, S.E.Schacham, G.Bahir, "High-speedOperation of GaN/AlGaN Quantum Cascade Detectors at λ~1.55 μm", Appl. Phys. Letters, 93, 193509 (2008).

87)S. Schacham and N. Davidovich, "The Essential Role of Projects in the Training of Engineers", Proc. of the Fifth Conference on Innovative Technologies in the Higher Education Pedagogics, Yekaterinburg, Russia, October 2008.

88)N. Davidovich, S.E. Schacham and Y. Ribakov, "Preferred Format of Teaching Tutorials", Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 10, 21 (2009).

89)A. Vardi, G. Bahir, S.E. Schacham, E. Monroy, P. K. Kandaswamy, and E. Monroy, "Photocurrent Spectroscopy of Bound-to-Bound Intraband Transitions in GaN/AlN Quantum Dots", Phys. Rev. B 80, 155439 (2009).

90)H. Machhadani, P. Kandaswamy, S. Sakr, A. Vardi, A. Wirtmüller, L. Nevou, F. Guillot, G. Pozzovivo, M. Tchernycheva, A. Lupu, L. Vivien, P. Crozat, E. Warde, C. Bougerol, S. Schacham, G. Strasser, G. Bahir, E. Monroy, and F. H. Julien, “GaN/AlGaN Intersubband Optoelectronic Devices”, New Journal of Physics 11, 125023 (2009).

91)M. Tchernycheva, H. Macchadani, S. Sakr, L. Nevou, J. Mangeney, L. Vivien, F. H. Julien, P. K. Kandaswamy, A. Wirthmüller, E. Monroy, A. Vardi, S. E. Schacham, G. Bahir, G. Pozzovivo, S. Golka, G. Strasser, “Nitride Infrared Intersubband Devices”, Proc. SPIE7602, 76021A(2010).