- It is essential to read the constitution of the club before completing these papers. Ask your local chapter secretary for a copy if you do not have one.
- Completing these “papers” do not guarantee you becoming a Nominee, Prospects, Companion or Member of God's Squad Christian Motorcycle Club.
- These application papers are not a test of education or writing ability. Feel free to express your thoughts in your own words and culture. These papers may be conducted in an oral form if required. If reading and writing are a problem to you please ask our assistance.
- Papers are not seen as a test to pass. We simply want an overall understanding of who you are and where you are coming from.
- Please feel free to ask a senior executive member for assistance with biblical and theological questions. Care & Communication Pastors would be ideal for this. “Papers” should also be a learning experience for you.
- On completion of these papers a personal interview may be required.
- Please return completed papers (its a good idea to make a copy for yourself) to your local chapter president who will forward them to:
The International Secretary
PO Box 463
Boronia, 3155
Before you begin this document your attention is drawn to the statement of Faith and the statement of purposes as are found in the Care and Communication Concern Articles of incorporation. All are required to subscribe to this Statement Of Faith.
We believe in the historic Christian doctrines as defined in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds. We believe in the necessity of the practical application of Christian Grace and Love, that is:
- faith without works is dead being alone; and
- If a rich person sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against his brother how can he claim he loves God.
We accept, in ecumenical balance, a wide range of denominational emphasis and administrative methodologies as valid and believe in cooperative ventures for both propagation of the truth of the Gospel and Relief of suffering in the human family.
The name of the Incorporated Association is Care & Communication Concern - Welfare Services Incorporated (hereinafter called "the Association"). The purposes for which the Association is established are:
a)To provide a base for Christian mission and proclamation with an Australian accent and to declare basic Christian beliefs and responses in a culturally understandable fashion.
b)To provide education seminars for secondary schools and tertiary institutions, applying Christian beliefs and concern to the current historic and social milieu with respect to both personal and corporate human need.
c)To train teams in communication methods with respect to human dignity, worth and individual need.
d)To develop written and audio-visual materials appropriate to the previous aims.
e)To research current shifts in religious and social thinking with a view to relevant, intelligible and compassionate responses.
f)To provide expertise to the wider society and church agencies in the form of training schools and seminars.
To seek the help of persons and organisations in sympathy with the objects of the Association, and to work in close co-operation with governmental, social and community agencies, including those that are associated with local churches. To maintain and service agencies of the community and to establish and develop other agencies such as God's Squad appropriate at any particular time for the fulfillment of the above objectives.
Applicant's Name:
Date started hanging around or started communicating with God’s Squad:
Date you wrote your initial letter of intention to God’s Squad:
Date you were officially made an associate:
Date you received these application papers:
Phone Nos.
Date of BirthPlace of Birth:
Marital Status (Tick Box)
If married give Spouse's Name:
Name and Ages of Children or Dependants:NAMEAGE
What is your current occupation?
How long in current occupation?
If unemployed, how long have you been in need of work?
Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any criminal act?
If Yes, please give details
Have you served in an armed service or law enforcement service?
If Yes, please give details
How long have you known Christ as Lord and Saviour?
What is your Church preference?
What is your local Church affiliation?
Minister's NamePhone
Are you active in your Church?
If Yes in what capacities?
What is the significance of church membership and attendance to you?
How do you understand God’s Squad’s relationship with C&CC Communities of faith?
Are you prepared to be a part of a C&CC Community of faith as part of a commitment to God’s Squad?
Why do you think the club places such a high priority on attendance at a C&CC community of faith?
What do you understand the relationship to be between Care & Communication Concern and God’s Squad?
- What was your background (family and social) before becoming a Christian?
- Give an account of your Christian experience and conversion.
- Give your own definition of a Christian. Using Biblical verses outline God's plan of forgiveness and salvation.
- Have you ever lead a person to Christ?
If Yes, where and when?
Would you know how to lead someone to salvation and new life in Him?
- What are your views about authority and historical accuracy of the Bible?
- What do you think about the relationship of the Gospel to the poor and powerless?
- How do you view the sacraments?
Communion or the Lord's Supper
What do you think a Christian Biker's position ought to be for each of the following areas? These are areas related strongly to the outlaw bike scene.
- Law Breaking.
- The Use of Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco or Marijuana.
- Sexual Freedom (so called).
- Marriage and Divorce.
- Violence.
- Please list training programs, Cell Groups and Bible Studies in which you have been involved.
- Have you assumed leadership in any capacity in Church or secular situations?
Please give details.
- What fruit has resulted from your Christian service and witness?
- What do you believe is the unique function of God's Squad Christian Motorcycle Club?
- Do you have any preferences for particular aspects of God's Squad Ministry?
- What is your motive in seeking a position in God's Squad?
- Tell us of your call by God to this Club?
There are some areas where Christians differ in their beliefs. While we do not require uniformity in all these areas, it is important for us to know what you believe. Please make notes on your beliefs in each of the areas listed below.
AThe Second coming of Christ.
BGod's sovereignty and human free will.
CThe gifts of the Holy Spirit and miracles today.
DGrace, Law, Guilt and Forgiveness.
ELeadership, authority, obedience and individual freedom.
FPolitics, Social concern and the Gospel.
- How many years have you been a motorcyclist?
- What is your experience of the motorcycle scene?
- What styles of riding have you done, and in what field?
- What led you to the bike scene?
- Why do want to minister in this way?
- Considering anti-motorcyclist attitudes among the general public, how do you view this ministry in and through a motorcycle club?
- Have you any special training or abilities to offer in this ministry? For example, mechanical ability, ambulance training etc.
- Are you prepared to be involved in other aspects of God's Squad Ministry, other than in the bike scene, through Care and Communication Concern? For example, Youth Rallies, VFL School's Ministry, Missions. Etc.
- What is the attitude of your wife/husband or children to your proposed ministry in God's Squad Christian Motorcycle Club?
- What is the spiritual life and commitment of your family members?
- Are they sacrificially and wholeheartedly committed to Christ and the evangelisation and healing of the world?
- How healthy is your relationship with your family at this stage?
- What do you expect to contribute to this ministry?
- What do you expect this ministry to contribute to you?
- Do you have any commitments which might conflict with fulfilling your obligations as a God Squad member?
- To working in a team?
- To discipline, leadership and accountability?
- To personal spiritual life? For example, Bible reading, prayer.
- Do you give regularly, consistently, proportionately and sacrificially of your finance to God's work of evangelism and social care and concern? Yes/No WHY or WHY NOT
- How many hours per week do you reasonably think you can give to this ministry?
Why do you want to join this ministry?
Applicant signature:Date:
(Type your name if submitting electronically)
Last update 13 July 2006Page 1 of 12 pages