European Economic and Social Committee /
The Public Chamber of
the Russian Federation
Joint Workshop on Energy and Northern Dimension:
Facing Challenges and Finding Opportunities in the
Framework of EU-Russiarelations
Moscow, 29 June- 1 July2008
29 June 2008
19.00Departure to the restaurant: meeting point hall of the hotel Meridien
19.15Welcome Dinner (Restaurant “Grand Havana Room” 2, Slavanskaya ploshad)
30 June 2008
(7/1, Miusskaya ploshad, 125993,Public Chamber of Russia building, first floor, Council lounge)
8.30Departure of participants: meeting point hall of the hotel Meridien
9.00-9.30Registration and Welcome Coffee
9.30-10.00Introductory Session
- Welcome Address by the Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (PCRF), Dr. Evgeniy Velikhov
- Address by President of Section for External Relations Mr Filip Hamro-Drotz on behalf of the President of the European Economic and Social Committee
- Address by H.E. Marc Franco, Head of Delegation of the European Commission to Russia
10.00-13.45First Session on Energy: International cooperation, production, transport, markets and networks connection
- Co-chaired by Mr. Alexander Boyle, EESC Employees Group,
and by Dr. Evgeniy Velikhov, Secretary of the Public Chamber
- Mr Ulrich Weins, Head of Energy Section of the Delegation of the European Commission to Russia
- Mr. Togrul Bagirov, UN Expert on Global Energy, Executive Vice President of Moscow International Petroleum Club
- Mr. Dan Medevnikov, magazine "Expert", Director of the Department of Innovation technology
- Mr Ivan Voleš, Vice-President of the EESC Section for External Relations
11.00-11.30Coffee Break
11:30-13-45General debates
13.45-15.15Lunch (in the PublicChamber’s building)
15.15-18.00Second Session on Northern Dimension: new partnership, civil society involvement, infrastructures and environmental protection
Co-chaired byMs Mall Hellam, Member of the EESC Various Interests Group and by Mr. Vyacheslav Nikonov, Head of the Inter-Commission Working Groupon International Affairs of the Public Chamber
- Mr. Pavel Sulyandziga, Representative of the PCRF, UN expert
- Mr. Pilyasov, Head of theCentre of Development of the northern regions of the Minister of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation
- Mr Filip Hamro Drotz, President of the EESC Section for External Relations
18.00transfer to the hotel
19.00Departure to the restaurant: meeting point hall of the hotel Meridien
19.30Dinneron Moscow river
1 July 2008
8.30Departure of participants: meeting point hall of the hotel Meridien
9.00-10.40Third Session on Cooperation between the EESCand the PCRF (functionning, structures, methods) in view of the EU-Russia strategic partnership in the context of globalised markets
Co-chaired byMr. Henri Malosse President of the EESC Employers Group and by Mr.Sergey KATIRINVice-Secretary of the PCRF
Other speakers:
- Mr Filip Hamro Drotz, President of the EESC Section for External Relations
- Mr. Vyacheslav Nikonov, Head of the Inter-Commission Working Groupon International Affairs of the Public Chamber
General Debate
10.40-11.00Conclusions remarks tabled by Mr. Velikhov and Mr Hamro Drotz
11.00End of the Workshop
11.00-11.30Transfer to the hotel