Eldorado Student Leadership Application Process

Dear Students in Grades 6 through 8,

At Eldorado we like to give our senior students many opportunities to demonstrate leadership and be good citizens in our school community.

The following list will explain some of the positions of responsibility available to you as a grade five, six or seven student. We will do our best to give students a leadership opportunity in at least one of their choices. Please complete the application form attached to this letter. Choose three jobs you are most interested in. On the form provided, please explain why you think you would be a good person to do these jobs. Some students may already have begun leadership roles at our new school. If you have, please indicate them on this form. This application form is to be returned to your classroom teacher by October 9, 2014.

Leadership Opportunities:

Position:Office HelpersGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. Whitnell

The office helper must be well organized and able to take directions. Duties include answering the telephone, organizing handouts for distribution to classrooms and assisting students who come to the office. Office helpers would be under the supervision of the school Office Manager.

Position:Morning AnnouncersGrade Level: Gr. 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. Ho

We need two students each day to assist with morning announcements. These students would come to the office each day at 8:05 a.m. Students must be reliable and have excellent oral speaking skills. Each pair of students will have the responsibility of morning announcements for at least two weeks.

Position:News TeamGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. Pyke and Ms. Abdur-Rashid

The Ministry of Student Voice is looking for students interested in writing articles and taking photographs about school events for a section of the school website. You need to enjoy writing and be responsible in meeting deadlines. If you think you’d like to be a news reporter this job is for you!

Position:Local Initiatives TeamGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. Hodgkinson and Ms. Zarb

The Ministry of Community Outreach is looking for students interested in supporting local initiatives (i.e., food drives, home for the holidays, etc).

Position:Global Initiatives Team Grade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Mr. Maxton and Ms. Uddin

The Ministry of Social Action and Change is looking for students interested in supporting global initiatives (i.e., We Day, fundraising for wells and water, etc).

Position:School Spirit Team Grade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. Jaramillo and Ms. Bernaski

The Ministry of School Spirit is looking for students interested in planning fun and engaging monthly school wide events (e.g., Halloween Parade, Beach Day, etc).

Position:P.A.L.S.Grade Level: Gr. 6

Staff Lead:Ms. Burroughes

We are looking for boys and girls to be recess games leaders. This job includes being responsible for equipment and teaching games like Four Square and King’s Court to other students. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play, there will be a training session for all our volunteers.

Position:Environmental TeamGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms.Cufino

Members will be responsible for recycling and for picking up and sorting recycled products from the classrooms during nutrition breaks. Members would also be asked to assess whether inappropriate or appropriate items are in the recycling bins. Members of this team will also take a leadership role in many of our fun and engaging environment initiatives and get Eldorado registered as a Peel Eco School.

Position:Library AssistantsGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Mr. Julien

Library monitors are responsible for helping to maintain the smooth running of the library. This includes checking in returned books, shelving, assisting other students, and processing new books. Students must make a commitment for one period per five day cycle. If you love books and helping others this job is for you.

Position:Pizza Day HelpersGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Office Staff

In this job you would help collect the orders, deliver pizza, and recycle pizza boxes on our weekly pizza days.

Position:Sub Day HelpersGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Mr. Zizek and Ms. Cochrane

In this job you would help collect the orders and deliver subs and juice boxes on our weekly sub days.

Position:Student ParliamentGrade Level: 6, 7or 8

Staff Lead:Mr. Maxton

These positions to be determined by students through an election in the fall. Students will take on leadership positions within the school and provide a voice for students to the school administration. A focus on community service is important for this role. Remember you can run for position every year.

Position:Student Climate TeamGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. McDougall and Ms. Purdy

We are looking for students who consistently demonstrate the character attributes of caring, co-operation, honesty, inclusivity, respect and responsibility. This team would support character and anti-bullying initiatives at Eldorado.

Position:Bus PatrollersGrade Level: Gr. 8

Staff Lead:Ms. Khurana

If you ride a bus every day and would like to help ensure the safety of students sign up as a bus patroller. This position involves training by Peel Regional Police at the safety village.

Position:Kindergarten HelpersGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Kindergarten Teachers

We need students to help out in our kindergarten classes. You will help students with routines, setting up centres, and assisting teachers with preparing for classes.

Position:Student AmbassadorsGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. Orazem and Ms. Ward

We are looking for students tohelp greet and welcome guests to our school during Open House, assemblies and performances. Ambassadors will also help new students give our new students an orientation to Eldorado.


Position:Diversity TeamGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. Uddin

At Eldorado we celebrate all cultural and religious days. As a part of the diversity team you will help create displays for special days and make announcements on the PA related to solidarity Minga and Peace Tree initiatives.

Position:Kiss & RideGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Mr. Wilkins

If you walk to school and can be at Eldorado for 8:00 a.m. we need your help with our Kiss and Ride program. As an assistant to the staff on supervision, you will walk kindergarten students from the Kiss and Ride area to the Kindergarten area.

Position:Art Display TeamGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

Staff Lead:Ms. JackmannGrade Level: Gr. 6, 7 or 8

If you enjoy decorating, this job is for you. This role will require you to work closely with Art teachers to create and maintain art displays around the school. Students will also support the primary craft club during nutrition breaks.

Remember to list three choices on your application form. With so many students to consider we will try to give everyone one of their choices. Every Eldorado student is a leader!


Mr. Van HooydonkMs. LeeMs. Ho

PrincipalVice- Principal Vice-Principal


Student Name:______



Position(s) that I am already a part of:


Position of Responsibility I would like to apply for:

First Choice:______

Second Choice:______

Third Choice:______

I have made these choices because:

Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______
