Gulf Area Community Social
Development Trust
Application for funding 2011
Applicants must complete this form, in accordance with the applicant guidelines, in order to be considered eligible for funding from the Gulf Area Community Social Development Trust.
Section 1—Name of applicant1.1Name and ABN of organisation
1.2Postal address
Postal address:
Street address:
(address where project will be located/based)
1.3Contact person (for enquiries during business hours regarding this application)
Position in organisation:
1.4Accountable officer (is the person responsible for managing the project)
Position in organisation:
1Gulf Area Community Social Development Trust—Application for funding 2011
1.5Primary service provided by your organisation (please tick)community / charitable / sporting
education / religious / youth
cultural / health / special interest
Section 2—Project objective
Main purpose of organisation (50 words max)
Name of project / Note: The proposed project must service the communities of Burke Shire Council, Carpentaria Shire Council, Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council and Mornington Shire Council.
Description of project
Please refer to Section 2.1 of the Applicant Guidelines
(200 words max)
Benefit to the community
Section 3—Development, submission and processing of grant applications
Applications to be submitted to: / The Secretariat
Gulf Area Community Social Development Trust
Significant Projects Coordination
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
PO Box 15517 City East, Queensland. 4002
Closing date: / Closing date for applications is 31 October 2011.
Section 4—Criteria for grant
a)Does organisation have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status?
b)Organisation’s annual budget
c)How will the trust grant funds and the associated project be managed?
d)Does the organisation have the capacity to keep separate accounting records for reporting purposes?
e)Sources of annual income
(e.g. government, fund raising, services fees and others)
f)Are any other Commonwealth or State funding sources for the proposed activities?
g)Is the project in receipt of other funds? (how much, for what purposes)
h)Has an application been made for funds from these sources and if so what is the current status of this application?
i)Does the project involve land or property not owned by the applicant? If yes please provide written evidence of the owner/s consent. / Yes / No
j)Please attach documentation to demonstrate that your organisation has members with the skill and capacity to carry out the development, implementation and management of approved project.
Section 5—Project budget
Please list items in priority order, each item should be listed and costed individually. A copy of the selected quotation for each item listed must be attached. Please see Section 5, Items 5.1 – 5.5 of the Applicant Guidelines.
Budget item / Total cost ($)
Total project cost
Less organisation’s contribution to project (if applicable)
Less funds to be raised by organisation (if applicable)
Total grant sought
Section 6—Management of approved projects
Conditions of grant / Organisations which are successful in receiving a grant will be forwarded correspondence including :
- a condition of grant
- an acquittal form
- an expenditure statement.
Signed for and on behalf of the organisation:
Position held
For more information contact :
Significant Projects Coordination
PO Box 15009 City East Queensland 4002
Ph 07 3405 5462
1Gulf Area Community Social Development Trust—Application for funding 2011