Course Selection Sheet 2014 – 2015School Year
Colonel Gray Senior High School
Student: / POD: / 3 Year Homeroom:Choice / Code / Course Name / Program / Grade / Prerequisites and Recommendations
English Courses
101 / ENG421A / English / Academic / 10 / Required: Minimum of 60% in grade 9 English
102 / ENG431A / English [General] / General / 10
103 / ENG451A / English [Practical] / Practical / 10
104 / ENG521A / English / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: ENG421A
105 / ENG531A / English [General] / General / 11 / Prerequisite: ENG431A or ENG421A
106 / ENG551A / English [Practical] / Practical / 11 / Prerequisite: ENG451A
107 / ENG621A / English / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: ENG521A
108 / ENG621AL / English / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: ENG521A (teacher recommendation)
109 / ENG631A / English [General] / General / 12 / Prerequisite: ENG531A or ENG521A
110 / ENG651A / English [Practical] / Practical / 12 / Prerequisite: ENG551A or ENG531A
Language Courses
213 / LSK551A / Life Skills English / Practical / 10/11
216 / WRT421A / Writing / Academic / 10 / Recommended: Minimum of 60% in English
813 / RES701B / Literacy Skills 1 / Open / 10/11/12 / Recommended course to increase literacy skills in the practical program
814 / RES701C / Literacy Skills 2 / Open / 10/11/12 / Recommended course to increase literacy skills in the general and academic program
818 / RES701D / Literacy Skills 3 / Open / 10/11/12 / Recommended course to increase literacy skills in the general and academic program
214 / MED531A / Media / General / 11
215 / WRT521A / Creative Writing / Academic / 11 / Recommended: Minimum of 60% in ENG421A, and a desire to write at a high level.
201 / COM801A / Communications / Open / 11/12
208 / FRE421A / Core French / Academic / 10 / Grade 9 Core French or equivalent
210 / FRE521A / Core French / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: FRE421A
217 / FRE621A / Core French / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: FRE521A
209 / FRE421F / French Language Arts / Academic / 10 / Required: Grade 9 French Immersion
211 / FRE521F / French Language Arts / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: FRE421F
212 / FRE621F / French Language Arts / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: FRE521F
225 / EAL701A / EAL Beginner Listening Speaking / Open / 10/11/12 / EAL701A and 701B are usually concurrent courses
226 / EAL701B / EAL Beginner Reading Writing / Open / 10/11/12
227 / EAL701C / EAL Intermediate Level / Open / 10/11/12
228 / EAL701D / EAL High Intermediate/Advanced / Open / 10/11/12 / Required to register for academic English
Math Courses
301 / MAT421A / Math / Academic / 10 / Minimum of 60% in Grade 9 Academic Math
303 / MAT421K / Math [Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathmetics] / Academic / 10 / Replacing MAT431A
304 / MAT451A / Math [Practical] / Practical / 10
305 / MAT521A / Math / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: MAT421A
306 / MAT521B / Math [Science] / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: MAT421A
316 / MAT521E / Math [Science Elective] / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: MAT421A
307 / MAT531A / Math [General] / General / 11 / Prerequisite: MAT431A or MAT421A
314 / MAT801A / Math [Career Math] / Open / 11/12 / Prerequisite: MAT431A or MAT421A
308 / MAT551A / Math [Practical] / Practical / 11 / Prerequisite: MAT451A
313 / MAT651A / Math [Practical] / Practical / 12 / Prerequisite: MAT551A
310 / MAT621A / Math [Arts] / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: MAT521A
311 / MAT621B / Math [Science] / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: MAT521B
309 / MAT611B / Math [Intro Calculus] / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: MAT621B
Science Courses
401 / SCI421A / Science / Academic / 10 / Minimum of 60% in grade 9 Academic Science and Grade 9 Academic Math
403 / SCI431A / Physical Science [General] / General / 10
417 / SCI701A / Applied Science / Open / 10/11
415 / SCI461A / Physical Science (Modified) / Practical / 10 / Grade 10 practical program.
408 / AGS801A / Agriscience / Open / 11/12 / Recommended: SCI431A or SCI421A
414 / BIO801A / Human Biology / Open / 11/12 / Recommended: SCI431A or SCI421A
406 / CHM521A / Chemistry / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: SCI421A, recommended 60% in MAT421
407 / PHY521A / Physics / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: SCI421A, recommended 60% in MAT421A
404 / BIO521A / Biology / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: SCI421A
409 / BIO621A / Biology / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: SCI421A
412 / CHM621A / Chemistry / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: CHM521A
420 / ENV621A / Environmental Studies / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: Science 421A
413 / PHY621A / Physics / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: PHY521A; Recommended: min. 65 % grade 11 Math & Physics.
Social Studies Courses
501 / CAS401A / Canadian Studies / Open / 10
502 / GEO421A / Geography of Canada / Academic / 10 / Required: 60% in grade 9 Social Studies
503 / HIS421A / Ancient and Medieval History / Academic / 10 / Required: 60% in grade 9 Social Studies
504 / HIS421G / Le Canada Dans le Monde [FI] / Academic / 10 / Required: 60% in grade 9 French Immersion
522 / SOC451A / Practical Social Studies / Practical / 10
520 / APA801X / Aboriginal Peoples of Atlantic Can. / Open / 11
505 / GEO521A / Global Studies / Academic / 11 / Recommended: HIS421A or GE0421A
506 / GEO531A / World Geography / General / 11
507 / HIS521A / Modern World Survey / Academic / 11 / Recommended: HIS421A or GE0421A
508 / LAW521A / Law [Introduction] / Academic / 11 / Recommended: HIS421A or GE0421A
509 / LAW521F / Le Droit [FI] / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: French Immersion
510 / LAW531A / Canadian Law / General / 11
511 / POL521A / Politics [Introduction] / Academic / 11 / Recommended HIS421A or GE0421A
523 / SOC851A / Practical Social Studies / Practical / 11
516 / CIV621F / Civilisations Comparées [FI] / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: French Immersion
512 / ECO621A / Economics [Introduction] / Academic / 12 / Recommended for students interested in business
Part of the Business Academy Diploma Program
521 / GEO621A / Global Issues / Academic / 12
513 / GEO631A / Global Issues [General] / General / 12
514 / HIS621A / Canadian History / Academic / 12
515 / HIS621B / P.E.I. History / Academic / 12
525 / HIS631A / World Survey / General / 12
518 / POL621A / Advanced Political Studies / Academic / 12
519 / SOC621F / L'Individu en Société [FI] / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: French Immersion
700 / ART401A / Visual Arts / Open / 10/11
727 / DRA701A / Dramatic Arts / Open / 10/11
708 / ART501A / Visual Arts - Intermediate / Open / 11 / Prerequisite: ART401A
728 / DRA801A / Dramatic Arts / Open / 11/12 / Prerequisite: DRA701A
729 / DRA621A / Dramatic Arts / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: DRA701A
716 / ART601A / Visual Arts - Advanced / Open / 12 / Prerequisite: ART501A
732 / ART621A / Visual Arts / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: ART501A
702 / MUS421A / Music [Band] / Academic / 10 / Required: Grade 9 Band or audition.This is an all year course scheduled with PED401A
712 / MUS521A / Music [Band] / Academic / 11 / Prerequisite: MUS421A
713 / MUS521X / Music [Jazz Band] / Academic / 11 / Required: Consultation with band instructor
721 / MUS621A / Music [Band] / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: MUS521A
722 / MUS621X / Music [Jazz Band] / Academic / 12 / Required: Consultation with band instructor
726 / MUS801A / Styles of Popular Music / Open / 11/12
733 / MUS801AX / Styles of Popular Music / Open / 11/12 / Learning through performing and production
Automotive Technology
658 / AUT701A / Intro to Auto Service / Open / 10/11 / Prerequisite for all other automotive courses
CTE Skilled Trades Certificate course
659 / AUT801A
AUT801D / Basic Power Train
Steering Systems / Open
Open / 11/12
11/12 / Prerequisite: AUT701A – double class
CTE Skilled Trades Certificate courses
Carpentry Technology
648 / CAR701A / Intro to Carpentry Technology / Open / 10/11 / Prerequisite for all other carpentry courses
CTE Skilled Trades Certificate course
654 / CAR801 / Single section Construction (Semester 1) / Open / 11/12 / Prerequisite: CAR701A
CTE Skilled Trades Certificate course
655 / CAR802 / Double Section Construction (2ndSemester - 2 credits) / Open / 11/12 / Prerequisite: CAR701A - – double class
CTE Skilled Trades Certificate courses
Foods Services
609 / FDS421A / Foods and Nutrition Science / Academic / 10/11 / CTE Skilled Trades Certificate courses
641 / CUL801B / Culinary Skills B / Open / 11/12 / Prerequisite: FDS421A - CTE Skilled Trades Certificate course
Welding Technology
617 / WEL701A / Introduction to Welding / Open / 10/11 / Prerequisite for all other welding courses CTE Skilled Trades Certificate course
632 / WEL801A / Shielded Metal Arc Welding / Open / 11/12 / Prerequisite: WEL701A - CTE Skilled Trades Certificate course
Business Education
614 / BUS701A / The World of Business / Open / 10/11 / Part of the Business Academy Diploma Program
709 / ENT521A / Entrepreneurship / Academic / 11 / Part of the Business Academy Diploma Program
669 / OMT801A / Office Management Technologies / Open / 12 / Prerequisite: ITC401A - Part of the Business Academy Diploma Program
717 / ACC621A / Accounting Principles / Academic / 12 / Recommended for students interested in business Part of the Business Academy Diploma Program
Career Education and Personal Development
605 / CAR701X / Crafts / Open / 10/11
606 / CAR701Y / Visual Communications 1 / Open / 10/11
670 / CEO401A / Career Explorations & Opportunities / Open / 10/11
634 / DES701A / Design and Drafting Technology / Open / 10/11/12 / For students interested in engineering,technologies,or skilled trades and part of CTE Skilled Trades
703 / FAM421A / Family Life / Academic / 10 / This course is a full semester Family Living course
705 / PED401A / Physical Education / Open / 10 / Required for all grade 10 students – Activity based
608 / PSI701X / Fashion / Open / 10/11/12
616 / CMM801A / Creative Multimedia / Open / 11/12 / Recommended: CAR701Y or ITC401A
610 / CWS502A / Cooperative Work Study / Open / 11/12 / Required: CWS application and interview
711 / GAE521X / Scottish Gaelic 1 / Academic / 11/12
618 / HOS801A / Hospitality and Tourism / Open / 11/12
619 / LEA801X / Leadership / Open / 11/12 / This is a personal development course.
714 / PHP501A / Peer Helper / Open / 11/12 / Required: PHP application and interview
621 / PSI802Z / Child Care Services / Open / 11/12 / Double class- all morning
623 / CWS602A / Cooperative Work Study / Open / 12 / Required: CWS application and interview
628 / DYF701A / Designing Your Future / Open / 11/12 / Prerequisite for Transitions602Y
719 / FAM621A / Family Life / Academic / 12
720 / GAE621X / Scottish Gaelic 2 / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: GAE521X not offered in 2014-2015
737 / HSG621A / Housing / Academic / 12
723 / PED621A / Leadership / Academic / 12 / Academic classroom based course- gr. 12 only
724 / PED801A / Physical Education - Life Style / Open / 11/12 / Activity based course in the gym
Recommended: PED401A
739 / PED801F / Physical Education - Fit / Open / 11/12
725 / PHP601A / Peer Helper / Open / 12 / Required: PHP501A application and interview
730 / PSY621X / Introductory Psychology / Academic / 12 / Grade 12 students only
625 / TRA602Y / Transitions / Open / 12 / Prerequisite: DYF701A or CEO401A and application process
Communication and Information Technology
701 / ITC401A / Info. Tech. and Communication / Open / 10/11
710 / CMP521A / Introductory Computer Studies / Academic / 11 / Recommended: ITC401A and MAT421A
718 / CMP621A / Computer Studies 2 / Academic / 12 / Prerequisite: CMP521A
Independent Studies
740 / ISC521A / Independent Studies Course / Academic / 11 / Must be pre-approved by Administration
741 / ISC621A / Independent Studies Course / Academic / 12 / Must be pre-approved by Administration
Special Program Models
812 / ALT700 / General Alt Program Gr. 10 / General / 10 / Non- semestered program for grade 10 general courses
816 / RES701A / Resource Credit / Open / 10/11/12 / (please include notes to explain the resource request- must be referred by teacher / POD
125 / TRA700A / Transition Action Plan / Open / 10/11/12 / Program is based in the Learning Centre
801 / GRAD900 / Graduated Semester 1 / 12 / Indicates that courses must be scheduled in 1st semester – Student completing grad requirements
Note: Full time students should choose 8 courses plus an alternate listed below.
If not (course code)______then (course code) ______
This is an alternate course selection to provide scheduling options.
Student Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______
Teacher Advisor:______
Math PathwaysScience Pathways