Aboriginal Sport and Health Funding Program
To provide funding of up to $500 (GST exclusive) to support Indigenous Round sporting events, in Gippsland, during July 2018.
This fundingwill assist sporting clubs and organisations to conduct Indigenous Rounds events to include:
1)Welcome to Country
2)Smoking Ceremony
3)Indigenous Dance Group
Where possible events should coincide with NAIDOC week (8-15 July 2018) and include relevant local Aboriginal Organisations.
Thefunding will remain open until 18 May 2018 with applications assessed, in order of receipt, during this time. Total funding pool available is $6000.
Organisations applying may also like to look at NAIDO grant funding which closes on 3 April 2018 -
Successful projects will: -
- Host a regular season game or event thatcelebrates Aboriginal culture and community through, but not limited to:
- Welcome to Country performed by an Elder prior to games
- Acknowledgement by Aboriginal Community member
- Pre-Game Smoking Ceremony
- Performance by Aboriginal Dance Group
- Displays and activities
- Acknowledgement in Game Day Programs
- Involve and engage local Aboriginal community and organisations in celebrations and activities.
- Promote healthy lifestyles such as choosing water over sugary drinks, reducing smoking and getting active.
- Where possible, display health messages and invite health services to attend
- Partner, where possible, with local Aboriginal organisations.
Who can apply?
Local Clubs, Associations, State Sporting Associations or Aboriginal organisations, who are incorporated and have an ABN can apply for funds.
Funding conditions
Applications must be submitted on the application form attached.
Applicationswill be received until 5pm on 18 May 2018. Late applications may be considered dependant on available funds.
If successful, organisations must:
- complete, sign and return a funding agreement
- provide their ABN, GST status and bank details
- provide evidence of their insurance cover (or auspice agency)
- provide an invoice for the amount funded plus GST
- agree to all conditions of the sponsorship / grant as outlined in this document
At the completion of the project, successful organisations may be required to:
- complete a project report and evaluation within 60 days
- submit a financial statement and acquittal if requested
- participate in any overall evaluation of the Koolin Balit: Sport and Health Social Marketing Strategy conducted by GippSport
Grant application assessment
AProject Control Group will assess grant applications and allocate grant funding. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified within 14 days of the application due date. The Project Control Group comprises members representing the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and GippSport.
The Small Grants Program does not fund:
- Wages and staff costs
- Maintenance and repairs
- Capital works
- Audio visual equipment or software
- Reference material
- Personal equipment
- Individual registration fees
Successful event holders will be required to work with GippSport (Deadly Sport Gippsland) to:
- Promote identified health messages that benefit Aboriginal communities
- Provide a range of social marketing content (digital sound and vision) featuring Aboriginal people and stories that role model and celebrate healthy lifestyles. These people may include players, teams, officials, spectators, staff and event organisers
- Ensure health messages are clearly embedded into funded projects and social media content
More Information
For more informationplease callGippSport on 03 5126 1847 or email
Aboriginal Sport and Health Funding Program
Organisation Name:
(This may be an auspice agency which takes legal responsibility for insurance and financial liabilities)
Organising committee / group (if different to above):
Incorporated – (check for yes)GST registered: – (check for yes)
Do you have public liability insurance? (check for yes) amount covered:
(Organisations must ensure they have insurance for their project and successful applicants will be required to supply a copy when signing their funding agreement)
Club contactperson
Event / Game Daycontact
1. Event Details(please attach additional information if required)
1.1Game & League:
1.2Date of event:
1.3Event Description:
1.4How will Aboriginal culture be celebrated and recognised?
1.5Funding is required to conduct:
Welcome to Country
Aboriginal Dance
Smoking Ceremony
1.5We currently have in our club / organisation:
Number of Aboriginal players:
Number of Aboriginal officials and volunteers:
Expected number of Aboriginal spectators:
Other spectators:
Opposition Aboriginal players
1.6Our event will:
- Be free of alcohol and other drugs? (check for yes)
- Provide free water? (check for yes)
- Ensure healthy food options?(check for yes)
1.7Any other comments
6. Applicants Declaration
I certify that all details supplied in this application and in any attached documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and the application has been submitted with full knowledge and agreement of the management of my organisation.
I have read the guidelines and information for applicants in relation to this application form.
I understand that information provided will be used to assess this application for funding against the selection criteria and if successful, information (other than financial) may be used for publicity and promotional purposes.
I,on behalf of the above mentioned organisation,agree to work with GippSport to:
- Increase and enhance the online presence of the project, before, during and after the event.
- Promote identified health messages that benefit Aboriginalcommunities
- Provide a range of social marketing content (digital sound and vision) featuring Aboriginal people and stories that role model and celebrate healthy lifestyles. These people may include players, teams, officials, spectators, staff and event organisers
- Ensure health messages are clearly embedded into funded projects and social media content
- Recognise Department of Health and Human Services, GippSport and Deadly Sport Gippsland as a sponsor in all promotional material
- Provide an evaluation report within 60 days of the project completion if requested
- Provide a financial report and acquittal if requested
Please send completed forms to:
Mail: GippSportEmail:
PO Box 63
Newborough 3825