JUNE 2017
Seniors have filled out a “Post-Graduation Form” indicating which college should receive their final transcript. If your senior has not made a final decision OR changes his/her mind, please notify the Guidance Office as soon as possible so the final transcript is sent to the correct college. ALL transcripts (including NCAA) and immunization records will be sent by Thursday, July 6, 2017.
2017 Regents Schedule:
Please review the 2017 Regents Schedule. The schedule is posted on our website. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s guidance counselor.
Report cards (grades 7-11) are scheduled to be mailed by July 1, 2017. We have restated the summer school policy below so that there will be no misunderstandings. Students requiring summer school will receive permission slips in the mail in order to register for summer school. Any student who is not required to go to summer school but wishes to repeat a course or Regents exam should pick up a permission slip in the Guidance Office. At that time, we will have information on the programs offered at all local school districts regarding registration dates, times and costs. Many local summer school programs are registering that week, so please plan ahead.
CCHS Policies Regarding Exams and Summer School
Any student who fails a course required for graduation MUST repeat that course in summer
school. If the failed course is not required for graduation, it is strongly recommended that the course be repeated in summer school.
If a student fails a Regents exam but passes the course, he/she may go to summer school OR
take the exam over in August. It is recommended that students have at least 5
hours of tutoring by a certified/qualified teacher.
If a student passes both the course and the Regents exam, but wishes to raise the grade of the
exam, he/she may go to summer school OR take the August Regents exam. The
request to take the exam must be made to your public school district by their deadline date.
Grades from ALL courses and/or exams taken during the school year AND during the summer
will be recorded on the Permanent Record Card of the student. Summer school grades will not
be calculated into the student’s average.
Summer Reading Assignments:
The 2017-2018 Summer Reading Assignments are posted on our website. Please contact the guidance department if you have any questions.
AP Exam Results – Students who took the AP Exams received instructions on how to access their grades. The guidance department will be able to access the grade reports in July. Please call the guidance department if you have any questions.