University of Bath Sports Scholarships- 2012/13
The University of Bath has four Sports Scholarships for athletes at the University of Bath. All applications received by the closing date below will be considered by the Scholarships Award panel, and athletes will be informed as soon as possible.
All athletes successful in receiving an award must agree to the athletes agreement and any specific requests outlined by each award and continuation of the Scholarship each year will be dependant on the recipient making satisfactory academic and sporting progress.
Applications will be accepted from students on any year of their undergraduate programme.
Closing Date for all applications will be 30 July 2012.
Chris Allen Sports Scholarship
The Chris Allen Sports Scholarship is for academically able students, who also have considerable potential as a player in one of a number of specified team sports. Each Scholarship has a value of £1000 per year and will be allocated to the University tuition fees unless the recipient specifically requests otherwise.
(a) Be a “home student” as defined by the University;
(b) Be accepted on a full-time, undergraduate degree programme
(c) Have two grade A’s and one B at A level’s
(d) Sports: basketball, football, hockey, netball, rugby or volleyball.
Jeff Trendell Sport Scholarship
The Jeff Trendell Scholarship is available to students who have received a conditional offer at the University of Bath, and awards are available of £350, £500 and £750 per annum for three years (conditions apply).
(a) University of Bath Student
(b) Sports: Badminton, Football, Hockey, Judo, Netball, rugby, swimming or tennis
(c) Performance Potential- ability to become or have current status as an elite International athlete.
(d) Potential to contribute to BUCS points
(e) Recommended by University of Bath Coach
Santander Sports Scholarship
Santander Sports Scholarships are available for students who have received a conditional offer to study at the University of Bath from the UK, Iberamerican or Iberian Peninsular countries.
Awards will be between £2000- £5000 over the duration of the course (conditions apply).
(a) Student at the University of Bath
(b) Student from UK, Iberamerican Countries, or Iberian Peninsular countries
(c) accepted on a full-time, undergraduate degree programme
(d) Have the ability to become or have the current status as an elite International athlete
Bill Whiteley Scholarship
The Bill Whiteley Scholarship will provide one Scholarship each year from 2012/13 to 2017/18 for academically able sport student.
Awards will be £5000, each year for up to four years, subject to both academic and sporting progress. The Scholarship will not be paid in the placement year.
a) The must be a ‘home student’
b) Accepted on a full time under-graduate degree of at least 3yrs duration in the School of Management, Faculty of Engineering and Design or Department of Economics.
c) At least two A’s and a B (or equivalent at A Level)
d) Sports: Badminton, Football, Hockey, Judo, Netball, rugby, swimming or tennis
University of Bath Sports Scholarships- Application Form-2011/12
Name of Scholarship: Jeff Trendell Chris Allen Santander Bill Whiteley
1). What academic programme have you applied for at the University of Bath?
2). What were your examination subjects and predicted or actual A level grades
Subject Grade
…………………………………………………. ……….
…………………………………………………. ……….
…………………………………………………. ……….
…………………………………………………. ……….
Level / Competition/Teams / DateNational/ BUCS Medallist
Junior International/ Home International
Senior International
1) Please attach a supporting statement on why you want this award and how it will help you to reach your performance targets, and what you want to achieve whilst studying and training at the University of Bath (no more than one side of A4).
Please attach to your application a written reference from your current or recent sports coach and Team Bath Coach.
Sports Coach Details
Name ______
Address ______
Post Code ______
Phone ______
Email ______
Name ______
Address ______
Post Code ______
Phone ______
Email ______
Please read the following statement and sign to indicate your agreement:
I confirm that the information that I have provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I consent to my data being processed for the purposes of selection.
I agree to the Sports Coach listed above being contacted by University of Bath staff in relation to this Scholarship Application.
I understand that if, subsequent to being offered a Scholarship, information I have supplied in support of my application is found to be incorrect, and the University reserves the right to withdraw the Scholarship. Furthermore if any Scholarship monies have been received in these circumstances I agree to pay back to the University the full payments received, within 90 days of being notified of the requirement to do so.
I agree that the University may also provide the Donor with a report on my academic and sporting progress at the end of each Academic year.
SIGNED ………………………………………………………. DATE......
Please return the application form to Rachael Hares before the 30 July 2012 via e-mail – or post to:
Rachael Hares
University of Bath
Founders Hall
Claverton Down
All decisions are at the discretion of the Scholarships Awards Panel.