Bois du Chene Condominiums
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 26, 2015 – 7:00 p.m.
Dan Mingle, President
Darren Eggebrecht, Vice President
Jennifer Davis, Secretary
Brian Pfitzinger, Treasurer
Troy Houck, Member at Large / Watermark Group:
Sandra Stoltz, CMCA
Ted Van Trabert, Property Manager
Board Members Absent: / Guests:
Jason Harlow, Unit #3101/3102
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m.
Minutes: Approval of minutes from the July 22, 2015 meeting. Troy Houck motioned to approve with corrections. Jennifer Davis to first. Darren Eggebrecht to second.
Financial Review:
· BDC Operating & Money Market Account Balance were reviewed:
o Operating account balance: $ 43,979.04
o Reserve account balance: $117,636.43
o Reserve Account-Future Projects: $ 27,975.30
Old Business
A. Elevator contract
1. Kone contract expires 12/10/15 and will auto renew for another 5 years. We must give 90 day notice to Kone to cancel which we will do in September. Kone raised their price to $305 per month in December as compared to $145 with Bagby. Replacement parts are at no charge with Bagby unless it is an act of God or vandalism. And “keeping the room at 83F degrees” can be removed from contract. (1/28/15)
2. Sandi to contact Kone by 9/9/15 to cancel, but after elevator repairs are complete. (8/26/15)
B. Spigot
1. Spigot on south side of Building 4 is missing the handle. Jim to get it fixed. (10/22/14)
2. Jim did not take action (12/3/14)
3. Jim tried to change it himself but was unsuccessful. Juan was to repair it but replaced the handle on the front of building 4 instead of the back. He will now replace the one on the back of the building. (1/28/15)
4. Handles were replaced on buildings 3 & 4 but are now missing from Building 2. (2/25/15)
5. Building 2 is still missing one spigot handle. (3/25/15)
6. Spigot on Building 2 still not replaced. Troy is going to buy one and install it so that we are not charged again. The hose on building #4 was replaced. (4/29/15)
7. Darren bought a new handle and tried to install, but it didn’t fit. Troy to find one with correct teeth size and install. (6/24/15)
8. No update (7/22/15)
9. Troy bought a new handle and installed. (8/26/15) COMPLETE
C. Alleyway wrought Iron painting
1. When will this be scheduled? To be further discussed at next meeting.(3/25/15)
2. We will probably group this project with chimney cap painting. Will revisit once we have all of the chimney cap bids. (4/29/15)
3. Jason Harlow stated at the AGM in May that he would get us bids. Sandi to send email requesting vendor contact info by 7/15/15 or bids by 7/31/15. (6/24/15)
4. Sandi stated that she emailed Jason, but received no reply. Jennifer motioned that if no reply is received by the next Board meeting on August 26, 2015 that we proceed with the bid previously obtained for approximately 12K. Darren Eggebrecht to first. Dan Mingle to second. (7/22/15)
5. Sandi did not contact Jason. Ted contacted Jason on 6/23, but he was going to Spain for two weeks. Ted contacted Jason again on 7/22 & 7/27. He met with Jason on 8/7/15 with Dan & Troy. Jason will contact Rodriguez Painting for a quote. (8/26/15)
6. Rodriquez Painting bid $9,500. Ted suggested a laborer at $10 used at Sutton Place, but he is uninsured and wants access to the units from the inside. Jason is waiting on one more bid which he hopes to have by the end of the week and we will vote by email. (8/26/15)
D. Chimney Cap Painting
1. Jim to get bids (3/25/15)
2. Sandi obtained one bid for $2,342 from Diamondback Construction/Ben Burgess. She will obtain two more. (4/29/15)
3. Sandi was not sure of the interest in this project, so she did not pursue more bids. Jason Harlow stated at the AGM in May that he would get us bids. Sandi to send email requesting vendor contact info by 7/15/15 or bids by 7/31/15. (6/24/15)
4. Sandi stated that she emailed Jason, but received no reply. Sandi to obtain a few more bids. (7/22/15)
5. Ted contacted Jason on 6/23, but he was going to Spain for two weeks. Ted contacted Jason again on 7/22 & 7/27. He met with Jason on 8/7/15 with Dan & Troy. Jason with contact Rodriguez Painting for a quote. Jason mentioned the rotted wood should perhaps be replaced with 1’ x 6’ Hardy Planks and white tipped nails as these will not rot in the future nor require painting. Jason will ask Caleb when he meets with him today to give us a quote on one chimney cap and then we can multiply by 26. He will also ask Freedom Sunrooms for a bid. (8/26/15)
E. Maintenance Calendars/Checklists
1. Darren stated he would send out the one last used after tonight’s meeting. We will update it and post to website (3/25/15)
2. We updated the calendar tonight. Darren will send revision to Dan for posting on website. (4/29/15)
3. Jason Harlow stated at the AGM last month that he would resend calendar samples for Board review for long term maintenance. Ted received a copy of this yesterday and will forward to the Board tomorrow. (6/24/15)
4. Ted emailed the calendar to the Board right before the meeting tonight. The Board will review it and discuss at the next meeting. (7/22/15)
5. Darren will send out maintenance calendar we had before AGM. The Board still has not looked at the calendars sent by Jason. (8/26/15)
F. Fascia Board #1110
1. Jim to get this repaired. (3/25/15)
2. #1110 being repaired. Contractor walked property today looking at Fascia board issues. (4/29/15)
3. Fascia board is being replaced around the property. This week the North stairway will be completed. Next week the fascia outside unit #1110 should be completed. (6/24/15)
4. Ted asked Jason for a referral for a carpenter who can do the fascia boards, but has not received a reply. The Fascia board for unit #1110 was not completed as the priority was put on the stucco wall in the back alley. Ted will make sure this fascia is repaired before the next meeting. (7/22/15)
5. WM resources have dried up. At the 8/7/15 meeting with Jason it was discussed that perhaps a few of these could be knocked out by his workers. Jason will ask Caleb tomorrow when he is on property for the stucco bid. (8/26/15)
G. Late Fees on Water bills(revisited)
1. Andrea Hurtado wants to recover late fees from 2010-2011. Melissa Miles said she would help her and check with the water company to see if that is when they switched accounting systems and if there were any problems with bills being sent out late. The HOA was receiving bills 2-3 days before they were due. (3/25/15)
2. No update (4/29/15) (6/24/15) (7/22/15)
3. Tabled until Andrea Hurtado & Melissa Miles advise further. (8/26/15)
H. Thresholds Building 4
1. Jim to have these inspected and repaired/replaced. (3/25/15)
2. Sandi to get bids for front door and French door thresholds. (4/29/15)
3. The threshold for unit #4104 was replaced last week. (6/24/15)
4. Thresholds for units 4103, 4105 and 4106 were sanded and primed, but still need to be painted. These will continue to be repaired a few at a time. (7/22/15)
5. Ted stated there are two left. Jason will ask Caleb tomorrow when he is on property for the stucco bid. (8/26/15)
I. Bylaw Amendments
1. Ted to request set of amendments filed with the City of Dallas. (6/24/15)
2. Ted retrieved some amendments, but does not believe he has a full set. He will email what he retrieved to the Board for review. (7/22/15)
3. Ted didn’t email these. He does believe that he now has a full set. He will digitize them. He did say that he did not see that the Bylaws were filed with the city. (8/26/15)
J. Flower Pot Replacement
1. Jennifer Davis to measure courtyard pots and count the number needed on property and let Sandi know so she can get a bid.(6/24/15)
2. Jennifer emailed Sandi on 6/26/15. We are in need of 2 - 26” posts and 1 - 24” pot. Sandi asked Juan for a price, but hasn’t received a reply. Calloway’s charges about $300 per pot. (7/22/15)
3. Jennifer found a basic 24” terra cotta pot online from Home Depot for $99. (Aspen-24-in-Round-Weathered-Terra-Cotta-Double-Wall-Resin). Also found more ornate resin planters 26” for $141 at Juan found 23” pots for $195(8/26/15)
4. Ted found 31” pots for $126. Tabled until February. Decision to be made before April color change. (8/26/15)
K. Rental Cap Proposal
1. Melissa Miles stated she would write a proposal for a rental cap. (5/28/15 AGM)
2. No update (6/24/15) (7/22/15)
3. Tabled until Melissa Miles makes proposal. (8/26/15)
L. Dryer Vent Cleaning & Chimney Sweeping
1. A unit had a dryer fire due to a screw that fell out and resulted in a dislodged drum which caused the electric motor to overheat and catch the lint in the trap on fire. Dan Mingle to draft letter regarding the importance of having dryer vent lines and chimneys cleaned every 2-3 years. Lonestar does both chimney sweeping and vent cleaning. The cost is $119 for one or $99 each if there is a group of four or more that would like to set up services. (7/22/15)
2. Dan to draft a letter to the community in the fall. (8/26/15)
M. Dead Bushes
1. Three boxwoods on Cole Avenue are dead and the red tipped bushes outside units 4101-4102 which were replaced at the end of October 2014 have been dead for at least three months. Troy is going to talk to Juan about these. (7/22/15)
2. Dead bushes were pulled out on 8/5/15. It is too hot to replant. They will replant in October. Two of the red tips were under warranty. (8/26/15)
N. Telephone box on the outside of Building 1 in the back alley
1. Needs to be affixed to the building. It is hanging askew. Ted will contact AT&T. (7/22/15)
2. Sandi called TWC instead of phone company. She will contact the phone company. (8/26/15)
Tabled Items:
· Landscaping replacement along Bowen
· Crepe Myrtle replacement for those removed outside units 4101 and 3101 – JM Landscape Quote (7/30/13) Crepe Myrtles are $105 each with a $65 installation fee
· Drywall to be completed in Clubhouse
· Waterproofing has been tabled until after completion of engineering report (Feb 2014)
· Pool Cushions tabled until spring 2015. (Apr 2014)
· Garage Leak under Building 2 (June 2015)
New Business:
A. Spigot Leak Building 4
1. The spigot has been repaired, but the drywall in unit #4103 needs to be repaired. (8/26/15)
B. Pool Lounge Chair Bolts
1. Lounge chair bolts all need to be tightened. Reported to WM 8/4/15. Troy said he would contact Juan. (8/26/15). COMPLETE
C. Gate Broken next to unit #2103
1. Reported 8/4/15. Door King repairman came out on 8/6/15, but the gate needs to be welded and a new Kant Slam installed. WM tried to soften the slamming with felt until it is fixed, but it didn’t work. Orion sent a welder out to fix this gate and the northeast gate on 8/13/15. (8/26/15) COMPLETE
D. Gate Not shutting next to unit #4106
1. Repaired. (8/26/15) COMPLETE
E. Broken Elevator
1. Repairman came 8/3/15, but had to order a circuit board. Repairman came on 8/8 & 8/9 and thought it was a valve. Others in the office do not agree, so they sent out a higher level tech 8/11. An email was sent that the elevator was put back in service on 8/12/15. It is running slower than usual, but is safe. Switches were ordered and replaced on 8/20/15. The elevator is still not right. Ted called Kone 8/21 and their phones were not operational. He left voicemails on 8/24/15 & 8/25/15 Patrick called back this morning and is sending out another tech to look at is as the last tech was unable to fix it. It is VERY slow.(8/26/15)
F. Dirty Pool
1. Pool reported murky on 8/3. Troy backwashed it and it was clear on 8/4/15. (8/26/15) COMPLETE
G. North Gate
1. Ted met with the welder this morning regarding the gate that is on the north side of the property. The post which includes the part of the locking mechanism that is not on the gate has shifted and he thinks the best solution is to cut the post and reinstall it straight. He can do this and install 4 handles next week for $500. This cost would not include buying the handles. Orion sent a welder out to fix this gate and the northeast gate on 8/13/15. (8/26/15) COMPLETE
H. Blinds for clubhouse
1. Ted to buy replacement blinds from Lowe’s for the one clubhouse window not covered. (8/26/15)
I. Tree in Back Alley
1. Ted thinks part of it may be rotted and may need to be removed. The Board will look at it this month and discuss at next meeting. (8/26/15)
· Meeting adjourned at 9:03 pm. Dan Mingle motioned for adjournment. Troy Houck to first. Brian Pfitzinger to second.
· Next board meeting is scheduled for September 23, 2015 at 7:00pm in the Clubhouse.
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