Curriculum Vitae For
CWRU School of Medicine
Date: August 2013
Personal InformationName: / BECKER, Devra Beyer
School: / Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Degree: / B.A. in Linguistics and Cognitive Science
summa cum laude with Departmental Honors in Linguistics and Cognitive Science
Dates: / 1990-1994
School: / Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Degree: / M.D.
Dates: / 1995-1999
Post-Graduate Training
Institution: / Barnes Jewish Hospital/Washington University School of Medicine
Position: / Resident in General Surgery
Dates: / June 1999-August 2002
Institution: / Washington University School of Medicine/ Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Imaging Laboratory
Position: / Craniofacial Research Fellow
Dates: / September 2002-March 2005
Institution / Barnes Jewish Hospital/Washington University School of Medicine
Position / Resident in Plastic Surgery
Dates / March 2005-April 2007
Institution / Daniel Marchac, MD, and Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades
Position / Fellow in Aesthetic Surgery and Craniofacial Surgery
Dates / July 2007-December 2007
Institution / University Hospitals/Case Medical Center
Position / Fellow in Facial Surgery
Dates / January 2008-July 2008
Contact Information
Office Address: / 29001 Cedar Road, Suite 202, Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124
Office Phone: / 440-646-2164
Beeper: / 216-207-7244, #37660
E-mail: / ;
Facsimile: / 440-446-8601
Other (optional)
Home Address: / 25435 Penshurst Drive, Beachwood, Ohio 44122
Professional Appointments (list recent to oldest)
Position/Rank: / Section Chief, Plastic Surgery
Institution/Department: / Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
Dates: / November 2009-present
Position/Rank: / Staff Physician
Institution/Department: / University Hospitals/Department of Plastic Surgery
Dates: / July 2008-present
Position/Rank / Integrated Ethics Program Officer
Institution/Department: / Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
Dates: / July 2009-present
Academic Appointments (list recent to oldest)
Position/Rank: / Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery
Institution/Department: / Case Western Reserve University Medical School/Department of Plastic Surgery
Dates: / July 2008-present
Certification and Licensure
Name of Board: / American Board of Plastic Surgery
Date of Certificate: / 11/14/2009
Licensure State/Number: / 07579, valid through 12/31/2019
Name of Board / Ohio State Medical Board
Date Of Certificate / Initial licensure 7/12/2007, expiration 7/1/2015
Licensure State/Number / 35.090140
Name of Board: / Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
Date of Certificate: / Initial licensure 1/22/2001, expiration 1/31/2014
Licensure State/Number: / 2001001460
Honors and Awards
Scholarship in Teaching Award, Case Western Reserve University, 2013
Top Doctor by US News and World Report, 2012, 2013
FLEX Professional Development Program, 2012-2013. Inaugural Class, Case Medical School.
VA Quality Scholars Program, Fellow Traveler, 2012-2013. Louis Stokes VA Medical Center
Women Faculty of the School of Medicine Junior Career Development Award, 2012-2013, Case Medical School.
NIH Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program, 2003-2005
Letter of Commendation, Physiology, Washington University School of Medicine 1996
Samuel O. Thier Scholarship for Academic Excellence, 1994
Phi Beta Kappa, 1993
University Scholar Nominee, 1993
Undergraduate Fellow, 1992-1993
National Science Foundation Young Scholars Program, 1989
Membership in Professional Societies
Fellow American College of Surgeons (ACS,) (elected member)
American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS,) active member (elected member)
American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS,) active member
American Cleft Palate Association (ACPA,) active member
American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons, applicant
Association of VA Surgeons, applicant
Professional Services
Assistant Editor of the Craniofacial Section of the Plastic Surgery Education Network (PSEN). 2011 to present (Invited position)
Produce content and help develop curricula for PSEN, a national education initiative of the ASPS
Exam Item writer and In-service Exam Committee Member, American Society of Plastic Surgery/National Board of Medical Examiners 2009-present (Invited position)
Produce content, edit content, review statistics, and develop content focus for the Plastic Surgery In-service exam of the ASPS/National Board of Medical Examiners
Reviewer, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2009-present (Invited position)
Peer-reviewer of approximately 3-5 manuscripts/month
Committee Service
Organization: American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons
Committee Name/Role: Educational Committee Member
Dates of Service: 2009-present
Organization: American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons
Committee Name/Role: Newsletter Committee Member (Invited member)
Dates of Service: 2009-present
Organization: American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Committee Name/Role: Young Plastic Surgeons Committee Member
Dates of Service: 2009-present
Organization: American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Committee Name/Role: Women Plastic Surgeons Committee Member
Dates of Service: 2009-present
Organization: American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons
Committee Name/Role: Weblinks Subcommittee Chair (Appointed position)
Dates of Service: 2011-present
Organization: American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Committee Name/Role: Women Plastic Surgeons Teleconference Coordinator (Invited position)
Dates of Service: 2011-present
Organization: American Cleft Palate Association
Committee Name/Role: Ethics Committee Member (Invited position)
Dates of Service: 2012-present
Hospital Affiliate
Committee Name/Role: Louis Stokes VA Medical Center, Preventative Ethics/Committee member
Dates of Service: 2009-present
Committee Name/Role: Louis Stokes VA Medical Center Ethics Consult Service/Consult lead (Invited position)
Dates of Service: 2009-present
Committee Name/Role: Case Western Reserve University Medical School Faculty Council (Elected position)
Dates of Service: 2013-present
Educational Committees
Committee Name/Role: Case Medical School Admissions Committee/Interviewer
Dates of Service: 2008-present
Committee Name/Role: Case Medical School Committee of Medical Education (Elected position)
Dates of Service: 2013-present
Teaching Activities
Curriculum/Course Development
(title, group, date, and time dedicated to activity)
1. Plastic Surgery Residents (6 every year)
Case Medical Center
Department of Plastic Surgery
2. Multimodality Hand Conference, 2008-2012, one conference/month
3. Core Curriculum development, Department of Plastic Surgery, 2008-present, four conferences/month
4. Journal Club, item selection and program moderator, Department of Plastic Surgery 2008-present, one conference/month
5. Professor’s Rounds, curriculum development, Department of Plastic Surgery, one conference/six weeks
6. Louis Stokes VA Medical Center clerkship curriculum development and oversight, full-time clerkship
7. Mock Oral Exams, Department of Plastic Surgery, 2009-present, one Mock Oral exam/year
Invited Presentations (including post-graduate and continuing medical education) (should be numbered and in chronological order)
(title, group, date)
1. “Clinical Approach to Hand Pain” Pain Medicine Grand Rounds, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, October 16, 2008
2. ”Surgical Approach to Compression Neuropathies”, Neurology Grand Rounds, UH Case Medical Center, June 10, 2009
3. ”Everything a PCP needs to Know about Burns”, presented at Rockside Internal Medicine, 3/30/ 2009
4. “Diagnosis and Treatment of Compression Neuropathies”, Medicine Grand Rounds, UH Case Medical Center, July 29, 2009
5. ”Surgical Ethics”, Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, UH Case Medical Center, 5/4/2009
6. “Identification and Management of Nerve Injury”, General Surgery Grand Rounds, UH Case medical Center, 5/20/2009
7. “Tendon transfers”. Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, UH Case medical Center, 6/22/2009
8. “Pressure Sores”, presented Rockside Internal Medicine, 9/17/2009
9. ”Diagnosis and Treatment of Compression Neuropathies”, Family Medicine Grand Rounds, UH Case Medical Center, 12/3/2009
10. Everything a PCP needs to Know about Burns, Southwest medical Center Grand Rounds. 1/15/2010
11. How Plastic Surgeons Think, presentation to CWRU Medical School Students. 2/10/2010
12. Plastic Surgery Trauma, presentation to Case Western Reserve University students of Phi-D premedical Society. 10/07/2010
13. “Surgical Approach to Hand Pain” Pain Medicine Grand Rounds, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, July 21, 2011
14. “Burn Management for Primary Care Physicians,” Family Medicine Grand Round, UH Case Medical Center, 9/21/2011
15. “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: An approach to the Complex patient,” Pain Management SCAN-ECHO (Level I CME) Louis Stokes VA Medical Center (and satellite facilities), 7/12/12
16. “Decisions and Revisions: the Post-operative Symptomatic Patient,” Pain Management SCAN-ECHO (Level I CME) Louis Stokes VA Medical Center (and satellite facilities), 7/19/12
17. “Thinking Like a Surgeon” Presentation to Case Western Reserve University students of Phi-D Medical Society, 10/8/2012
18. “Everything a PCP Needs to Know about Burns,” presented to Parma Medical Group, 12/13/2012
19. “Tendon transfers,” Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, UH Case medical Center, 2/11/20013
20. “Plastic Surgery Principles,” Case Western Reserve University Medical School, 8/13/2013
21. “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome” Pain Management SCAN-ECHO (Level I CME) Louis Stokes VA Medical Center (and satellite facilities), 8/29/2013
22. “Cubital Tunnel Syndrome” Pain Management SCAN-ECHO (Level I CME) Louis Stokes VA Medical Center (and satellite facilities), 9/12/2013
Invited Faculty
1. Utah Facial Surgery Meeting. February 5-8, 2010. Park City, Utah.
2. Session Moderator, Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgery 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting. May 14-16th, 2010. Cleveland, Ohio
3. Invited Panelist, Residents’ Day, American Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, “Academic Practice,” Denver, CO, September 23, 2011
4. Session Moderator, American Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, Craniomaxillofacial Session, New Orleans, LA October 27, 2012
5. Invited Panelist, Residents’ Day, American Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, “Academic Practice,” New Orleans, LA, October 26, 2012
6. AMWA Leadership Workshop, panelist, February 18, 2013, Case Western Reserve Medical School
7. Invited Faculty, “How Surgeons Use the Radiology Read to Plan” PNWRS Conference, Seattle, Washington. June 1-2, 2013
8. Program Committee member, Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons, Meeting 2014
Teaching Administration (e.g. residency directorship)
(title, facility, date)
1. Clerkship Director, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
Teaching Activities (e.g. lectures to trainees, teaching rotations)
(activity, time spent, date)
1. Core Curriculum, Department of Plastic Surgery, direct teaching and moderation, one hour every week
2. Indications Conference, Department of Plastic Surgery, direct teaching and moderation, two hours every month
3. Professors Rounds, Department of Plastic Surgery, direct teaching and moderation, one hour every six weeks
4. Surgical Instruction, Department of Plastic Surgery, direct teaching and moderation, two full clinical days/week
5. Clinical Instruction, Department of Plastic Surgery, direct teaching and moderation, three clinical days/week
Research Support (list recent to oldest)
(granting agency, title of project, principal investigator, percent of effort, total direct costs awarded, dates inclusive [start – end]}
1. CRANIO Fellowship, 10/10-10/11. American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery.
2. Ethicon Grant for Visiting Professorship of Dr. Akira Yamada, 2009.
3. McDonnell Center for Higher Brain Function Grant, “Functional Neuroanatomy of Lexical Processing in Cleft Lip and Palate” Project start 7/05. Project end 7/07. Co-investigator.
4. ACPA Junior Investigators Grant, “Long-term Clinical Outcome of Surgically Corrected Unilateral Coronal Craniosynostosis on Craniofacial Development and Neuropsychological Function” Project start 4/03. Project end 7/04.
5. Undergraduate Research Program Grant, “Honorifics in the Shona Language” Project start 9/92. Project end 5/94.
Bibliography (published or in press only) (should be numbered and in chronological order)
Peer-reviewed Articles
(author(s) [list of authors], title of article, journal and year, volume, pages)
1) Devra B. Becker, John N. Jensen, Terence M. Myckatyn, Vaishali B. Doolabh, Daniel A. Hunter, and Susan E Mackinnon. Effects of FKBP-12 Ligands Following Tibial Nerve Injury in Rats. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 16: 613-620, 2000.
2) Joseph Borrelli, Jr., William Prickett, Edward Song, Devra Becker, and William Ricci. Extraosseous Blood Supply of the Tibia and the Effects of Different Plating Techniques: A Cadaveric Study. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 16(10): 691-5, 2002.
3) J. Dayne Petersen, Devra B. Becker, Christopher E. Fundakowski, Jeffrey L. Marsh, Alex A. Kane. A Novel Management for Calcifying Cephalohematoma. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 113(5):1404-9, 2004.
4) Jason Dundulis, Devra B. Becker, Daniel P. Govier, Jeffrey L. Marsh, Alex A. Kane. Coronal Ring Involvement in Patients Treated for Unilateral Coronal Craniosynostosis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 114(7):1695-1703, December 2004.
5) Devra B. Becker, Thomas Pilgram, Lynn Marty-Grames, Daniel P. Govier, Jeffrey L. Marsh, Alex A Kane. Accuracy in Identification of Patients with 22q11.2 Deletion by Likely Care Providers Using Facial Photographs. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 114(6):1367-1372, November 2004.
6) Devra B. Becker, Lynn Marty-Grames, Thomas Pilgram, Alex A. Kane, Jeffrey L Marsh. The Effect of Timing of Surgery for Velopharyngeal Dysfunction on Speech. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 15(5):804-809, September 2004.
7) Devra B. Becker, J. Dayne Petersen, Alex A. Kane, Mary M. Cradock, Thomas Pilgram, Jeffrey L. Marsh, M.D.: Speech, Cognitive, and Behavioral Outcomes in Nonsyndromic Craniosynostoses. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 116(3): 400-407, August 2005.
8) Devra B. Becker, M.D., James M. Cheverud, Ph.D., Daniel P. Govier, Alex A. Kane, M.D. Os Parietale Divisum: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Clinical Anatomy. 18(6):452-456, September, 2005.
9) Devra B. Becker, Christopher E. Fundakowski, Daniel P. Govier, Valerie B. Deleon, Jeffrey L. Marsh, Alex A. Kane. Long-term Osseous Morphological Outcome of Surgically Treated Unilateral Coronal Craniosynostosis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 117(3):929-935, March 2006.
10) Robert Foglia, Alex Kane, Devra Becker, Jose Asz-Sigall, George Mychaliska. Management of giant omphalocele with rapid creation of abdominal domain. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 41(4):704-9; discussion 704-9, April 2006.
11) Alex A. Kane, Valerie Burke DeLeon, Christopher Valeri, Devra B. Becker, Joan T. Richtsmeier, Lun-Jou Lo. Preoperative Osseous Dysmorphology in Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate: A Quantitative Analysis of CT Data. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 119(4):1295-301, April 2007.
12) Marissa J. Tenenbaum, Robert P. Foglia, Devra B. Becker, Alex A. Kane. Treatment of giant omphalocele with intraabdominal tissue expansion. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 120(6):1564-7, November 2007.
13) Lynn M. Seidenstricker-Kink, Devra Becker, Daniel P. Govier, Valerie B. Deleon, Lun-Jou Lo, Alex A. Kane. Comparative Osseous and Soft Tissue Morphology Following Cleft Lip Repair. Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Journal. 45(5):511-7, September 2008.
14) Petra A. Jacobsen, Devra B. Becker, Daniel P. Govier, Steven G. Krantz, Alex A. Kane. Ellipsoid Analysis of Calvarial Shape. Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Journal. 46(5): 487-93, September 2009.
15) Devra B Becker, Bradley L Schlaggar, Neil Sachanandani, Rebecca S. Coalson, Heather M. Lugar, Damien Fair, Leslie E. Kirschner, Alex A. Kane. Functional Neuroanatomy of Lexical Processing in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 122(5):1371-82, November, 2008.
16) Elizabeth A. Fowler, Devra Becker, Tom Pilgram, Michael Noetzel, Jay Epstein, Alex A. Kane. Neurological Findings in Infants with Deformational Plagiocephaly Compared with Controls. Journal of Child Neurology. 23 (7): 742-7, July 2008.
17) Devra B. Becker, Frances Lee, Sean Hill, Richard Nissen, Donald Huebener, Sibyl Scheve, Alex Kane. A Survey of Cleft Team Patient Experience in Obtaining Dental Care. Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Journal. 46(4): 444-7, July 2009