Youth Work Grants
For the provision of sessional youth work
Application Form
Section 1 –About Your Organisation
Q1. Your detailsProposed Project Name
Organisation Name
Organisation Address
Contact Person in the organisation
Contact telephone number / s
Email Address
Q2. What are the main aims of your organisation
(please bullet point in no more than 150 words)
Q3. What are the main activities your organisation currently delivers?
(please bullet point in no more than 150 words)
is the organisation managed? (eelected Committee, Steering Group, Managrds)monitoring requirements
Q4. How is the organisation managed?
(Elected Committee, Steering Group, Management Committee etc)
Q5. What is your organisations legal status ?
(Charity, Company, Unincorporated, Voluntary Organisation etc)
Section 2: About Your Intended Provision
Q7. Please provide us with details / description of your proposed sessionsInclude where you intend to run sessions, how many sessions and for how many young people (200 words max)
Q8. Which neighbourhood do you intend to deliver your sessions?
Section 3: Addressing Needs
Q9. What needs will the proposed sessions address? (200 words max).
hich neighbourhood do you intend to deliver your sessions?
As part of quality open access provision we are looking for providers who are able to reach and engage with communities of interest, particularly:
LGBT Young People, Young Parents , Young people with physical disabilities, Young People who have been affected by drug problems, Young People who have or have had mental health issues, Young People who are homeless/ been reported missing or who have run away, Young People who are from new migrant communities
Q10. How do you intend to reach and engage young people from these priority groups? (150 words max)
Q11. Will your sessions be specifically working with any of the priority groups – if so which groups ?
Q12. What age range do you intend the sessions to be for?
Section 4: Ways of Working
Q13. Describe how you would ensure that young people attending your sessions or activities have access to information, advice and guidance? (100 words max)Q14. Describe how your activities will enable young people to have their voices heard and how they will be able to be involved in the running and planning of activities?(100 words max)
Q15. Describe how you will enable young people’s learning and achievements to be recognised and learning outcomes to be achieved? (100 words max)
Q16. Describe how you will support young people to take up a range of different opportunities, including those offered by other organisations and that enable them to meet other young people from different backgrounds? (100 words max)
Q17. How will you work with other organisations to ensure that best use is made of resources available? (100 words max)
Q18. Describe how your activities will contribute to young people’s health and well-being (100 words max)
Section 5: Project Finances
Q19. Please indicate how much money (£) you wish to apply for from the Youth Provision Grant Scheme, (maximum £5,000.00) for the delivery period April 2018 – March 2019.For the period April 2018 – March 2019 (maximum £5,000)
Q20. Please provide a clear and accurate breakdown of how the money indicated in question 19 would be spent.
For the period April 2018 – March 2019
Details / Amount £
Q21. If the total cost for your intended sessions are greater than the amount you are applying for, please tell us how you intend to fund the difference. (100 words max)
Section 6: Other Information
Q22. Please indicate which of the following policies and procedures your organisation has in place.Organisation Policy / Procedure / Operating guidelines / Yes / No
Child Protection / Safeguarding Procedures
Data Protection
Equal Opportunities and Diversity
Health and Safety
Risk Assessments for the activities and venues
Volunteering Procedures
Financial Procedures
Have all staff and volunteers been DBS checked?
Do you have public liability / employer’s liability insurance?
Do you have qualified first aiders in attendance at each session?
Do you have a system of consent in place for off site activity?
If you have answered No to any of the above please explain below:
Section 7: Declaration
Q23. By completing this section you are confirming that :All the information on this application form is true and correct
You understand that the providing false or misleading information will render this application void / invalid
That you may be asked for additional information at any stage of the application process.
Please be aware that should your project be funded you would be required to have a registration system that captures details of young people attending the provisions / activities including names, postcodes and dates of birth. This information will be required to be submitted as part of the Grant monitoring process on a quarterly basis.
By signing this you also understand that should this application be successful, the information contained in this form will be used to form the basis of the Grant Agreement.
This application should be signed by two people, who are authorised to do so by the Governing Body / Management Committee.
Person 1
Position within organisation
Person 2
Position within organisation
If you are unable to provide an electronic signature within this application form please complete the details above so far as you are able and confirm by email when submitting the form that your Governing Body / Management Committee are aware of content and are supporting the application.
Section 8: What to do next
Please submit an electronic copy of your application form to:
All submissions MUST be made by the DEADLINE of 16:00 hours on Monday 5th March 2018
Between Tuesday 6th March 2018 and Monday 19th March all applications will be evaluated by the Evaluation Panel which includes Young People.
Notification of Successful / unsuccessful applications will be made no later than Friday 23rd March 2018, with successful organisations funded for projects to commence any time after Monday 2ndApril 2018.