2017 Merit Badge Offerings
Below is a list of merit badges being offered at Merit Badge University. Prerequisite work is
listed in the parentheses after the name. It is strongly recommended that each scout acquire the
merit badge book for their badge before coming. Openings listed at
Art (none)
Our counselors will work with scouts to create pieces in various mediums and allow the boys to showcase their artistic abilities.
Astronomy (5,6b,8)
3…2…1… Blastoff! Scouts will explore the stars, planets, moon, and much more!
Athletics (3,5,6b)
Learn about the importance of maintaining a healthy body through physical activity as well the benefits of a healthy diet.
Chemistry (4a,7)
Learn how chemistry affects all of the aspects of our lives and the impacts it can have the world.
Citizenship in the Nation (2, 3, 8)
Scouts will examine and evaluate the importance and role of the American government and the nation’s people.
Communication(1a, 1b, 4, 5, & 7)
Communication is a very important key to leadership. Scouts will develop their skills in oral and written communication in both individual and group settings.
Cooking (2c, 4, 5, 6, & 7)
Scouts will learn the importance of food safety and will practice preparing well balanced meals for several occasions.
Dentistry (3, 4c, 6)
Scouts will have the opportunity to learn about oral hygiene and identify ways to prevent tooth loss.
Disabilities Awareness (2, 4, & 5)
Scouts will learn the importance of diversity, focused around the physically and mentally handicapped.
Electricity (2, 8, & 9)
Scouts will have a “shocking” good time learning about the fundamentals of electricity and how it is safely used.
Emergency Preparedness (1, 2c, 6c, 7, 8b, & 9)
Learn from one of our very own who was on the TV show ‘Naked and Afraid’ about all the skills necessary for emergency preparedness.
Environmental Science (3d, 3e, 3f, & 4)
Scouts will explore several forms of pollution and ways to help reduce pollution.
Farm Mechanics (1d, 3, 4, & 5)
Scouts will learn the fundamentals about the tools and modern machines involved in the agriculture business.
First Aid (2d)
The group will demonstrate proper first aidknowledge and application of the skills needed to complete this Eagle badge. Please bring a First-Aid Kit.
Game Design (5, 6)
Love playing games? Create your own game and try out new games created by other scouts.
Geocaching ( 7,8,9)
Geocaching describes a hiding place on planet Earth – a hiding place you can find using a GPS unit.
Law (4, 7, 8)
Scouts taking this badge will learn this history and importance of laws and the judicial system as well discovering the public’s perception on Law.
Medicine (7a, & 10)
Our counselors will work with the scouts to evaluate the importance of medicine and good health in today’s world and work as a group to determine how those concepts are important to them as individuals and as a society.
Public Speaking (2)
Scouts will be able to prepare and present speeches on different topics to their peers.
Signs, Signals, & Codes (7,9)
Scouts will be able to explore different codes and signs used to communicate in a variety of ways.
Please note as of early December both Game Design and Citizenship in the Nation are full. As of early January Communication is also full.