Surname/Last/Family name: / First names:
Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms etc): / Date of birth (DD/MM/YY):
1BCS membership
Are you a BCS member No Please complete all sections
(the information you provide will be used to assess your application for membership alongside the assessment for CITP registration)
Yes BCS Membership number:
Please complete questions 2 and 3 if your details need to be updated.
All applicants must complete sections 4, 5 and 8.

2Home details

Town/City: / Postcode: / Country:
Telephone: / Telephone (mobile):

3Work details

Organisation name:
Your current job title:
Town/City: / Postcode: / Country:
Telephone: / Preferred mailing address (please tick): Home Work
Contact email: / Alternative email:

4Open Group certifications (Please note that only IT Architects and IT Specialists can apply via this route)

Certification / Certification level
Certified Architect / Master (level 2)Distinguished (level 3)
Certified IT Specialist / Master (level 2)Distinguished (level 3)
Date of certification or most recent validation:
Certification expiry date:
Please note: Your Open Group certificate must have at least 6 months validity from the date of your application for CITP status.
Certification verification: please enclose an authenticated copy of your certificate

5Additional assessment to complete the registration as a Chartered IT Professional

Your certification verifies all criteria for CITP registration except breadth of IT knowledge.
Please provide a copy of your CV and a statement setting out how you meet the criteria against which breadth of IT knowledge is assessed in the space provided.
You must show you have knowledge of the broad scope of IT beyond that required for your own area of specialism.
Your evidence will be personal to you and should complement your depth of knowledge. You are not expected to evidence technical knowledge related to disciplines outside your area of specialism.
Please make sure you include your academic qualifications and other training and development you have undertaken in either your CV or your breadth of IT knowledge statement. If you hold academic qualifications that have been accredited by BCS you should identify these and include the level of accreditation. You can check if your qualifications are accredited at
Your CV and statement will be assessed by a volunteer BCS Chartered assessor.
Principles of information technology
Knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to information technology / Can you list any qualifications, training and/or other experience where you have gained this knowledge?
Essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to information technology may include:
i. methods and issues involved in developing and deploying systems to meet specific objectives;
ii. methods, techniques and tools for information modelling, software development;
iii. building information systems architecture and related technologies for developing information systems;
statistical principles related to the study of IT.
Exploitation of information technology
The commercial, economic and process aspects of the development, use and maintenance of information technology including management techniques and information security / What knowledge do you have about the exploitation of IT including management techniques and information security?
How is technology used to achieve objectives?
Legal, social, and ethical factors relating to information technology
The ability to recognise all aspects of the environment in which information technology resides, including regulatory frameworks, political influences and accountabilities. / You need to show you recognise the legal, social, ethical and professional issues which may affect the work of the computer professional.

Breadth of IT Knowledge statement (please continue on additional sheets if necessary)

Open Group CITP and Membership Application form May 2018

6Fees and method of payment
When your application is received you will be contacted and asked for payment of the appropriate fee.
For the latest fees, please visit
If you are not already a BCS member you will also be asked to pay the subscription fee for Chartered Professional Membership.
Current members will not need to make any additional membership payment until their next membership renewal date.
7How we use your data at BCS
We’ll store your basic personal information, such as your name and email address, so we can process your application and communicate with you about your membership and registration. This includes welcome communications, and information about accessing and getting the most from your membership and registration, as well as information about your renewal.
We’ll always keep your information safely and never pass it to a third party without your permission. Full details of our data protection and privacy policies are available online at
Public CITP register
Please let us know here if you would like to appear on our public register of CITP members – the register displays your name only and does not include contact details.

Would you like to appear on the public register of CITP members? Yes No
Marketing preferences
We're involved in a wide range of activities in the BCS Group, driven by our royal charter and our purpose to make IT good for society. If you’d like to know more about these, as a member you can log in to MyBCS and tell us your marketing preferences.

I wish to apply for registration as a Chartered IT Professional and/or membership of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT. I confirm that, if accepted I will be governed by the Society’s Charter, Bye-Laws and Regulations from time to time in force. I will maintain the dignity and welfare of the Society, conduct myself honourably in the practice of my profession and will abide by its Code of Conduct from time to time in force
If you are returning your application by email and are unable to sign it, please tick the box below to indicate your agreement to the declaration.
I agree to the declaration
9Submitting your application
You should send this application form to:
by email:
/ or by post:
BCS Customer Service Department
Block D, North Star House, North Star Avenue
Swindon SN2 1FA

If you require this document in accessible format, please call +44 (0) 1793 417 600

Open Group CITP and Membership Application form May 2018