Olde English Village
503 Westbrook Street, South Portland, Maine 04106 Phone: (207) 774-3337
Name:______Phone #______
Address: ______
Street City State
Present Landlord / Previous Landlord / In case of emergencyName: / Name: / Name:
Address: / Address: / Address:
City State Zip / City State Zip / City State Zip
Phone# # of years / Phone# # of years / Phone # Relation to you.
Present Employer / Previous Employer / Spouse’s Employer
Firm Name / Firm Name / Firm Name
Address: / Address: / Address:
City State Zip / City State Zip / City State Zip
Phone# # of years / Phone# # of years / Phone# # of years
Position Salary / Position Salary / Position Salary
Please list names of all people who will be living in the apartment (including yourself)
Name / Sex / Social Security # / Date of Birth / Age / Occupation1.
Banks Automobiles
Savings______Year and Make Plate Number
Checking______1) ______
2) ______
Credit References
1.Name:______Address: ______
Why are you moving? ______
How did you hear about us? ______
Have you ever been Convicted of a crime? ______
All rent is due on the first day of the month in advance
The understood warrents and represtents that all statements contained herein are true and agrees to enter into a standard rental housing association lease should this application be accepted. This lease may be terminates by lessor should any statements made herein be proven to be false. Should the applicant give a deposit for an apartment and then refuse that apartment or refuse to sign a lease or it is discovere that statements herein are false, the amount of such a deposit shall be retained by the landlord as damages and the applicant shall be liable for any damages in excess of any deposit given.
This application does not guarantee an apartment to the applicant.
By signing below I am allowing Olde English Village to do a credit check on me through a credit bureau
Signature Date