Project Plan

To bring together all sections of Hulme’s diverse communities to celebrate Hulme’s artistic heritage on Saturday 30th July 2011.


Manchester Creative Collective
Manchester City Council
Zion Art Centre
Venture Arts
Hulme Community Garden Centre
Big Life Company
City South Housing Association

Supported by

Manchester City Council
City South Housing Association


To provide a space for residents of Hulme to come together and celebrate their artistic and cultural heritage. Working with partner agencies who work collaboratively across Hulme, the Festival will incorporate different aspects of Hulme communities; art, music, business, environment and history. We will use physical locations in Hulme as a canvas for artists, performers, craft makers, horticulturists, etc to showcase their talents and celebrate the vibrancy of Hulme. The location will be a triangular space including Hulme Park, the Zion Arts Centre, Hulme Community Gardens and Venture Arts and the roads within this area. The Festival will be a family-friendly day and will encourage active participation of attendees.


The Festival will be hosted from 10 am until 10pm. We will have a timetable which will aim to have daytime activities including workshops for children, e.g. face painting, art and crafts, learning about plants, etc, as well as food stalls, local dance and music acts with young people from the local area and a massive VE Day party on the lawn of Hulme Park. The evening’s activities will include live musicians, bands and DJ performing on the stage in Hulme Park. All acts will be family friendly.


The Festival will be organised, staffed and run by volunteers. A steering group has been set up with representatives from the partner agencies who will provide resources and finances. The police, parks, etc will support the Festival as part of their yearly community contribution. We will be applying for funding for marketing, equipment hire, etc. from Manchester City Council Cash Grant Scheme, large commercial companies and small local business’s in the area.

Preliminary requirements are as follows, quantities and costs TBA:

Security Staff
H & S Spec toilets
Waste Management
PA equipment
Tables & chairs
Marketing materials
Online costs
Materials for art/craft activities
Fees for musicians and artists

Benefits to Local Community

This will be an opportunity for all communities within Hulme to celebrate their neighbourhood and work together to build on Hulme’s cultural and artistic heritage. The festival will provide a foundation for a longer-term project to flourish which will include working with local schools, youth centres, arts organisations, musicians and environmental groups to provide a sustainable vision of Hulme’s artistic and cultural future.