4th Grade Math, 3rd Quarter
February 20-24
* Assignments in bold will be worked on in class, but may have to be taken home as homework
Monday: No School! President’s Day
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Least Common Multiples p 141-142 [4-NF2] – combining fractions with different denominators
Speed Drill
Wednesday:No Homework!- Please enjoy your evening with family at home
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
“Thinking of Two Numbers” NMSI Activity to develop critical thinking and connect GCF and LCM concepts
Worksheet Review due Friday
Thursday: Reminder- Worksheet due on Friday
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Least Common Denominator, cont. p 143-144
Speed Drill
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Addition & Subtraction of Fractions w Unlike Denominators p 145-146[4-NF2] – combining fractions with different denominators
Worksheet due
Speed Drill
February 13-17
* Assignments in bold will be worked on in class, but may have to be taken home as homework
Daily Math Review[4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Quiz 8[4-NF2] – combining fractions with different denominators
Multiples 1-12 (Multiplication facts)
Speed Drill
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
LCM 137-138 [4-NF2] – combining fractions with different denominators
Speed Drill
Wednesday:No Homework!- Please enjoy your evening with family at home
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Least Common Multiple p 139-140 (select questions)
Lunch and Learn with Ms. Dixon
NO School!!
February 6-10
* Assignments in bold will be worked on in class, but may have to be taken home as homework
Daily Math Review[4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Finish p 129-130[4-NF2] – combining fractions with different denominators
Cumulative review puzzle
Fraction Worksheet- due by Friday[4-NF1]
Speed Drill
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Sums with improper fractions p 131-132 [4-NF2] – combining fractions with different denominators
Speed Drill
Wednesday:No Homework!- Please enjoy your evening with family at home
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Test Review for test Friday
Dry Measures p 133 & p 134 #7-9[4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
Thursday: Reminder- Worksheet due on Friday
Review of Metric System[4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
P 135-136 Equivalent Fractions
Review for Test tomorrow
Chapter 8 Quiz
Finish p 133-134
Worksheet due
January 30- February 3
* Assignments in bold will be worked on in class, but may have to be taken home as homework
Daily Math Review[4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
HW Check pages 115-117
P119-120 Improper Fractions[4-NF2] – combining fractions with different denominators
Fraction Worksheet- due by Friday[4-NF1]
Speed Drill
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Improper to Proper Fractions p 123-124 [4-NF2] – combining fractions with different denominators
Speed Drill
Wednesday:No Homework!- Please enjoy your evening with family at home
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Test Review for test Friday
P 121
Speed Drill
Thursday: Reminder- Worksheet due on Friday
Review of Metric System[4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
Metric Weight- 127 & 128 (only #6-9)
Review for Test tomorrow
Chapter 7 Test
Pg 129 due Mon.
Worksheet due
This week’s standards:
Number and Operations – Fractions
(Grade 4 expectations in this domain are limited to fractions with denominations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100.)
Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering.
12. Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (nxa) / (nxb) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. [4-NF1]
13. Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. [4-NF2]
January 23-27
* Assignments in bold will be worked on in class, but may have to be taken home as homework
Monday: No Homework
Daily Math Review[4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Common Factor Review Page 111[4-OA4]- finding factors and recognizing a whole # as a multiple of both its factors
Equivalent Fraction Activity w/ Pie Charts
Speed Drill
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Reducing Fractions p 113-114
[4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
Speed Drill
Wednesday:No Homework!- Please enjoy your evening with family at home
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Reducing Fraction Review p 115-116
Mult. Review Worksheet due on Friday
Speed Drill
Finish 115-116
Fraction Review p 117
Review for Quiz tomorrow
Chapter 7 Quiz
Mult. Practice
Worksheet due
This week’s new standards:
Number and Operations – Fractions
(Grade 4 expectations in this domain are limited to fractions with denominations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100.)
Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering.
12. Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (nxa) / (nxb) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. [4-NF1]
13. Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. [4-NF2]
January 16th-20th
Starting this semester, we will be working more on problem solving and developing a flexible understanding of basic math skills. One way we will work on this is daily review problems or a weekly problem solving challenge. During this time, I will also be working with individuals or small groups on needed skills.
* Assignments in bold will be worked on in class, but may have to be taken home as homework
No School! – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Review of GCF, p 109 & Selected Qs from 110 - [4-OA4]- finding factors and recognizing a whole # as a multiple of both its factors
Test Review- Start studying for the test on Friday - especially reviewing metric system- [4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
Speed Drill
Daily Math Review - [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Review of Factoring, p 111-112 in class - [4-OA4]- finding factors and recognizing a whole # as a multiple of both its factors
Speed Drill
No Homework!- Please enjoy your evening with family at home
Thursday: Lunch and Learn- Learning financial wisdom
Finish 111- 112
Study for Test 6 tomorrow!
Chapter 6 Test
January 9th -13th
Starting this semester, we will be working more on problem solving and developing a flexible understanding of basic math skills. One way we will work on this is daily review problems or a weekly problem solving challenge. During this time, I will also be working with individuals or small groups on needed skills.
* Assignments in bold will be worked on in class, but may have to be taken home as homework
Daily Math Review
- [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Quiz 6 Corrections
Finding Common Factors, p 101-102
- [4-OA4]- finding factors and recognizing a whole # as a multiple of both its factors
Speed Drills
Daily Math Review
- [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Measuring to The Nearest Centimeter, p 103-104
- [4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
Measuring Activity (and extra practice with Metric System)
Speed Drill
Daily Math Review
- [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Review of Common Factors, p 105 in class
- [4-OA4]- finding factors and recognizing a whole # as a multiple of both its factors
Factor Trees ** - new skill (practice in class)
Speed Drill
No Homework!- Please enjoy your evening with family at home
Daily Math Review
- [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
Finish 105-106
More work with factor trees (few examples to practice at home)
GCF p 107-108
Review work w/ Metric System
- [4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
January 2nd-6th
Starting this semester, we will be working more on problem solving and developing a flexible understanding of basic math skills. One way we will work on this is daily review problems or a weekly problem solving challenge. During this time, I will also be working with individuals or small groups on needed skills.
- Daily Math Review
- [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
- Factors p 96
- [4-OA4]- finding factors and recognizing a whole # as a multiple of both its factors
- Partner board work w/ mult & division
- Speed Drills
- Daily Math Review
- [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
- Factoring Review p 97-98
- 4-OA4]- finding factors and recognizing a whole # as a multiple of both its factors
- Speed Drill
- Daily Math Review
- [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
- Measurement Review Activity
- Measures of Time, p 99
- [4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
- Speed Drill
- No Homework!
- Daily Math Review
- [4-OA3]- Solving multi-step word problems
- Finish 99-100
- Review work w/ Metric System
- [4-MD1] & [4-MD2]: know relative sizes and conversions of measurements & apply them using the 4 operations to convert and solve problems
- Quiz 6
- Division & Multiplication practice- ind. work & group word problems
- No HW