Bridgeport School District No. 75

2011 – 2016Affirmative Action Plan

Reaffirmation of Policy

The District, as a recipient of public funds, is committed to undertake affirmative action, which will make effective equal employment opportunities for staff and applicants for employment. Such affirmative action will include a review of programs, the setting of goals and the implementation of employment procedures to increase the ratio of aged, disabled, ethnic minorities, women, and Vietnam veterans and veterans from more recent conflicts who are under-represented in the job classifications in relationship to the availability of such persons having requisite qualifications. Such affirmative action will also include recruitment, selection, training, education and other programs.

The superintendent will develop an affirmative action plan that specifies the personnel procedures to be followed by the staff of the District, and will ensure that no such procedures discriminate against any individual. Reasonable steps will be taken to promote employment opportunities of these classes that are recognized as protected groups: Aged, disabled, ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam veterans and veterans of more recent conflicts.

The district’s Affirmative Action Plan and the School Board Policy, as well as regulations and procedures developed according to the policy, will be disseminated to staff in all classifications and to all interested patrons and organizations. Progress toward the goals established under this policy will be reported annually to the board.

Internal and External Dissemination

The Bridgeport School District’s Affirmative Action Board Policy (Number 5010 in the Policy Manual) will continue to be disseminated on an annual basis, as follows:

  1. To the general public by posting on the District’s web site;
  1. To all employees at the beginning of each school year;
  1. In all notifications of employment opportunities through the district’s customary means of advertising;
  1. Through annual notification of the policy to print and broadcast media serving the District; and
  1. In all bid documents and to contractors undertaking work for the District.

Staff Responsibilities for Implementation and Evaluation

The Superintendent will use the following strategies to implement the district’s Affirmative Action Plan:

  1. Provide annual training to appropriate staff on how to screen, interview and select persons identified in the underutilized groups;
  1. Include trained staff members on interview panels to ensure that diversity and Affirmative Action goals/criteria are achieved.
  1. Work with personnel charged with responsibility for hiring regarding non-discrimination and the value of diversification of the work force.
  1. Continue to developeffective working relationships and contacts with community groups and associations and with Educational Service District 171, making yearly contacts with them to further the District’s Affirmative Action goals and purpose.
  1. Continue to utilize screening forms that include Affirmative Action goals. Screening committees will utilize these forms in the screening process.
  1. Continue to set annual goals for hiring purposes that promote diversity within the workforce.
  1. Document the number of current and new employees within these protected classes: aged (over 40), disabled, ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam Veterans and Veterans from more recent conflicts.

The Superintendent of the District has the overall responsibility for the development, implementation, coordination and monitoring of the Affirmative Action program. He/she will appoint an Affirmative Action Officer, who will have the authority to represent him/her in these matters and to assure the district is meeting its obligations. The District’s Affirmative Action Officer is:

Scott Sattler


1400 Tacoma Avenue

Bridgeport, WA 98813


An Affirmative Action committee will be formed with the Affirmative Action Officer as the chairperson. The Affirmative Action Committee’s role is to advocate for the accomplishment of the Affirmative Action goals. The committee will meet as needed and serve as a resource to the Affirmative Action Officer. New committee members will be appointed in September of each year. Members will be appointed for one year, but may be re-appointed for a maximum of three years. When vacancies occurthey will be filled by appointment by the Affirmative ActionOfficer. The committee will review the Affirmative Action plan/goals and advise the Affirmative Action Officer on strategies/activities to achieve the goals. The Committee will include one administrator, one teacher, one classified employee, one community representative and the district’s Human Resources Director. The Affirmative Action Officer will chair the committee.

The Affirmative ActionOfficer is responsible for making known the District’s desire and commitment to employ members of minority groups and women by working with the staff at Educational Service District 171 and through contact with community groups and associations.These institutions and groups can help to identify persons with the requisite skills and talents for projected openings throughout the District, as well as to establish strategies and resources aimed at training and retention.

The Affirmative Action Officer is responsible for the overall coordination within the District. The Affirmative Action Officer will advise the Superintendent and /or Board on equal opportunity matters as required. The officer will review the plan annually to insure equal opportunity throughout the District. The officer will evaluate the plan’s accomplishments and prepare memoranda to specify responsibilities and proposed action as required by this plan.

The Affirmative Action Officerwill assign responsibilities and set timetables for implementation of the plan. These assignments will be consistent with any assignments expressly set out in the Affirmative Action Plan.

Numerical Review Analysis

Administrative / 2005-2009 American
2010-2011 / 2009-2010 / 2009-2010 / Community Survey
Bridgeport School / Bridgeport School
Protected / District's Current / District's Current / Student / Douglas County
Classes / Protected Class #'s / Protected Class #'s / Demographics / Demographics
White / 5 / 100% / 5 / 100% / 11.5% / 77.4%
Black / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .4% / .4%
Hispanic / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / 87.1% / 25%
Asian & Asian Pacific / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .3% / .8%
Native American / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .8% / 1%
Women / 2 / 40% / 2 / 40% / 46.84% / 50.7%
Aged / 4 / 80% / 5 / 100% / n/a / n/a
Disabled / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .7% / n/a
Veteran / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / n/a / 12.6%
TOTAL / 5 / 5
Certificated / 2005-2009 American
2010-2011 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / Community Survey
Bridgeport School / Bridgeport School
Protected / District's Current / District's Current / Student / Douglas County
Classes / Protected Class #'s / Protected Class #'s / Demographics / Demographics
White / 42 / 91.3% / 42 / 91.3% / 11.5% / 77.4%
Black / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .4% / .4%
Hispanic / 3 / 6.52% / 3 / 6.52% / 87.1% / 25%
Asian & Asian Pacific / 1 / 2.17 / 1 / 2.17% / .3% / .8%
Native American / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .8% / 1%
Women / 29 / 63% / 29 / 63% / 46.84% / 50.7%
Aged / 26 / 56.52% / 23 / 50% / n/a / n/a
Disabled / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .7% / n/a
Veteran / 3 / 6.52% / 3 / 6.52% / n/a / 12.6%
TOTAL / 46
Classified / 2005-2009 American
2010-2011 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / Community Survey
Bridgeport School / Bridgeport School
Protected / District's Current / District's Current / Student / Douglas County
Classes / Protected Class #'s / Protected Class #'s / Demographics / Demographics
White / 42 / 80.77% / 43 / 82.69% / 11.5% / 77.4%
Black / 1 / 1.92% / 0 / 0% / .4% / .4%
Hispanic / 9 / 17.31% / 9 / 17.31% / 87.1% / 25%
Asian & Asian Pacific / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .3% / .8%
Native American / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .8% / 1%
Women / 38 / 73.1% / 38 / 73.1% / 46.84% / 50.7%
Aged / 38 / 73.1% / 37 / 71.15% / n/a / n/a
Disabled / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / .7% / n/a
Veteran / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / n/a / 12.6%
TOTAL / 52 / 52

Problem Areas Identification

Based upon an analysis of the administrative, certificated, and classified categories of employment and on administrative input, the following problem areas have been identified.

  • Ethnic Minorities: The numerical analysis of the District’s total work force in 2010-11reveals that 23.83% of our staff members were ethnic minorities (0% of administrators, 6.52% of certificated and 17.31% of classified). In comparison, 87.1% of our student population is ethnic minority, primarily Hispanic. Douglas County 2005-2009 American Community Survey data reflects an ethnic minority population of 25%.

The District staff needs to continue to work to ensure that we recruit a broad enough applicant base to enhance minority hiring. Emphasis should be placed on recruiting Hispanic candidates.

  • Women: In the last two years (2009-10, 2010-11) women comprised the following percentages of the District’s work force:


40% of administrative positions40% of administrative positions

63% of certificated staff positions63% of certificated staff positions

73.1% of classified staff positions73.1% of classified staff positions

59% of the total positions59% of the total positions

The analysis finds that women, members of a protected group, are not underrepresented within the District’s overall work force.Due to the small size of the District (5 administrative positions), it is difficult to maintain a gender balance within the administrative category. During the past two years 2 of the 5 positions have been staffed by women. This will be an area the District will to continue to monitor. When administrative openings occur the District will work to recruit female candidates. The District will also encourage and support the development of potential female administrators from within the existing staff.

Another area the District continues to work to adjust with regard to women as a protected group is the imbalance within the high school / junior highschool certificated category. Data from 2010-11 shows 61% of the certificated staff are male, while 39% are women. However, due to the high number of certificated female staff members in the elementary, the overall District average for certificated women employees averages 64.5%.

  • Aged (over 40): Analysis shows that this protected class of employees is well represented in the District, with 73.7% of all employees fitting the category in 2009-10 and 69.9% fitting the category in 2010-11. Several staff members are near retirement age which may reduce the high percentage of staff members in this group.
  • Vietnam Era Veterans and Veterans from more recent conflicts: Analysis shows that the District’s rate for employing veterans is below the percent of veterans (12.6%) in Douglas County(Source: 2005-2009 American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau).The District application provides the opportunity for veterans to annotate their status. The current application does not track which conflict(s) the veteran was involved in.
  • Individuals with Disabilities: The District currently has no employees with a disability. This is an area that will continue to require additional attention.

Goals and Timelines

The Affirmative Action Goals are as follows and will be the focus of the 2011-2016Affirmative Action Plan:

  • Ethnic Minorities:

Summary: The analysis shows that the District has made slight progress toward diversifying the work force. However, constant effort and vigilance is necessary to continue to diversify the small and rather homogeneous employee group. After hiring minority candidates, it is crucial to have the appropriate support system in place to retain them.

Goal 1: Continue to balance the ethnic minority representation by employing and/or promoting employees to reflect our community and student populations.

Goal 2: Implement strategies that ensure a positive and supportive work place so as to retain diverse staff once they are employed by the District.

  • Women:

Summary: In 2010-11 women comprise the following percentages of the District’s work force.

40% of the administrative and supervisory positions

64.5% of certificated staff positions

74% of classified staff positions

59% of the total positions

The analysis shows that women, members of a protected group, are not under represented within the District’s work force. District staff will continue their positive work in recruitment, hiring and retention in this area. However, in an effort to further decrease sexual stereotyping in employment, District staff members will continue to work with the Educational Service District to enrich the pool of qualified women candidates for non-traditional jobs and to provide better balance within each category.

Goal 1: At the elementary level, the Bridgeport School Districtwill continue to strive to achieve a staff balance that falls within a range of 33-67% split between men and women.

Goal 2: At the secondary level, the Bridgeport School District will strive to achieve a staff ratio that falls between 45-50% split between men and women for both curricular and co-curricular positions.

  • Aged, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, and Veterans from more recent conflicts:

Goal 1: The Superintendent/Affirmative Action Officer will document current and new employees who are members of these protected classes: aged, disabled, Vietnam veterans and Veterans from more recent conflicts.

Goal 2: The Affirmative Action Officer will analyze the data annually and, if necessary, create additional goals to achieve equitable representation within all levels of the District’s work force.

Internal Audit and Monitoring System

An analysis of all certificated and classified categories of employment (certificated, classified and administration) has been made to determine current percentages of minorities and women in terms of ethnic and gender balance within the District’s staff.

The Human Resources Director or his/her designee, in compliance with WAC Chapter 162-12, “Pre-employment Inquiry Guide,” will record by raceand gender, applicant flow, new hires, promotions, transfer requests, transfers, training program participation, administrative internships and terminations. In addition, an analysis will be made of the internal and external work force availability by race and sex.

The Superintendent/Affirmative Action Officer will evaluate the effectiveness of the Affirmative Action Program and report to the Board annually as to the status of members within the protected classes: aged, disabled, ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam veterans, and Veterans from more recent conflicts. The annual reportwill include progress made toward accomplishing the sixidentified goals. The report will also include any recommendations for changes in the Affirmative Action Plan.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Affirmative Action Program:

  1. The Superintendent will train staff members (certificated, classified, and administrative) in the topics of diversity and affirmative action issues, leading to their inclusion on the District’s interviewing panels. Training will be documented.
  1. The diversification criteria will continue to be part of the screening, interview, and hiring process. These criteria will be reviewed annually.
  1. The District will work to diversify its candidate pool and hiring process.
  1. The District will implement strategiesthat ensure a positive and supportive work environment so as to retain a diverse staff once that staff is employed by the District.

Supportive Systems

Recruitment and Employment:

The District is committed to considering all applicants and employees based on established District criteria, which includes the diversity goals outlined in the District’s Affirmative Action Plan. The Districtwill continue to emphasize in all recruitment contacts that non-discrimination is a basic element in the District’s personnel administration.

Supportive systems will continue to be identified and established to attract and retain members of the protected groups at all levels and in all segments of the District’s work force. In addition, the District will continue to establish relationships with organizations that are sources for the recruitment of individuals from protected groups that are currently underrepresented in the District’s work force.

The Bridgeport School District recognizes that a successful Affirmative Action Program depends on an aggressive recruiting program in which applicants from protected groups are actively sought. The following steps will be taken to insure the solicitation of applications from qualified ethnic minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, aged, Vietnam veterans, and Veterans from more recent conflicts based on performance-based competencies and/or proper credentials.

  1. All job announcements will be as complete as possible. Announcements will include a clear statement as to the information that will be required from candidates. Announcements will also include the name, address and telephone number of the school district person to be contacted. Announcements will include the statement: “Bridgeport School District #75 is an Equal Opportunity Employer who fully and actively supports equal access for all people regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Age, National Origin, Veteran Status, Disability or Genetic Information and prohibits Retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Title 1X/RCW 28A.640 compliance officer and/or Section 504/ADA coordinator, Scott Sattler at 686-5656.”
  1. Letters announcing recruiting visitations and other recruitment efforts by the Bridgeport School Districtwill be sent to college placement offices, student minority organizations, college counseling centers and other sources as appropriate.
  1. Job announcements will be sent to appropriate agencies and organizations including, but not limited to, the Quad City Herald and the District Website.
  1. When appropriate, use of the news media will be employed to advertiseopen positions. All positions will be filled in adherence to the District’s Personnel Hiring Policy and process.

Training and Advancement

The Superintendentwill be responsible for reviewing all training programs to ensure that no indication of discrimination in selection practices is found. The District will continue to encourage minorities and women at all levels of employment to attend workshops, seminars and training programs provided by agencies outside the District to help prepare them for new and increased responsibilities. Consideration will be given to requests for short-term leaves of absence to attend workshops, seminars and training programs.

Grievance and Reduction in Force (RIF)

The criteria for reduction in force will be comprehensive and in accord with the Reduction in Force (RIF) provisions negotiated with certificated and classified employee organizations.

Where under-utilization in an area would occur or be aggravated by a reduction in certificated staff, the number of persons within the underutilized group within the area will be reduced only to the same degree percentage-wise (as close as practicable and within the parameters of negotiated bargaining agreements) as the number of persons within the area as a whole is reduced. For the purposes of this section of the Affirmative Action Program, administrative and managerial positions will be considered a single area and all remaining certificated positions will be considered as single group.

Where under-utilization in an area would occur or be aggravated by reduction in classified staff, the number of persons within the underutilized group within the area will be reduced only to the same degree percentage-wise (as close as practicable and within the parameters of negotiated bargaining agreements) as the number of persons within the area as a whole is reduced. For the purposes of this section of the Affirmative Action Program, all classified administrative and managerial positions will be considered a single group and all remaining classified positions will be considered a single group.


OSPI Washington State Report Card: Bridgeport School District, 2009-2010

U.S. Census Bureau: American Fact Finder, Douglas County, Washington; 2005-2009 American Community Survey

Bridgeport School District 2011 – 2016 Affirmative Action Plan

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