To be completed by all academic researchers, archaeological excavators, and individuals wishing to do research while in Turkey. This form must be typed or may be filled out interactively on the internet. It is required that five (5) hard copies of the application form be submitted either in person or by mail. Incomplete forms are subject to delays in processing.
Family name / First name / Middle name
Place of birth / Date of birth / (dd/mm/yy) / Nationality at birth
Nationality at present / Father’s name / Mother’s name
Passport/Travel Document No. / Profession
Present address
Business address
Permanent address
Phone / E-Mail
Address of intended stay in Turkey / Ozok Pansiyon, Pazarcı Mahallesi, M. Yücesoy Caddesi, Gazipaşa, Antalya
Name(s) of organization(s) which you are a representative of or affiliated with in regard to your project: / University of Nebraska
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Date of Graduation:
Please provide a list of your published work
If you have previously been to Turkey, please indicate the date(s) and purpose(s) of your visit(s):
(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)
(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)
(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)
Please provide the names and addresses of academic references in the U.S.A. and (if applicable) in Turkey:
Prof. Michael Hoff, Dept. of Art & Art History, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0114
Brief description (not to exceed 2-3 sentences) of your research project including proposed dates, locations, and objectives of research:
Antiochia ad Cragum Archaeological Research Project
June 15 - August 15, 2015
Gazipaşa, Antalya
Please provide a list of any vehicle, equipment, and/or technical material which you intend to take and use during your stay in Turkey:
Please attach an academic reference letter.
Please fill in the date and sign in the space below.
I hereby pledge
-not to enter Turkey for research purposes without the required Turkish permission and visa. I am fully aware that entering Turkey without the necessary permission and visa may result in my being denied a permit to reside temporarily in Turkey.
-to provide the appropriate Turkish authorities with copies of any report(s), publication(s), or film(s) resulting from my research in Turkey.
Date: (dd/mm/yy) Signature:
I have carefully read the “Regulations which individuals and institutions of Turkish and foreign citizenship must comply with in order to conduct research in the Archives and to obtain copies (of documents).”
I hereby declare that I will fully comply with these regulations, and that I will accept all responsibility and obligations arising from their breach.
Date: (dd/mm/yy) Signature:
Applicant’s full name / Citizenship USA
Passport/Travel Document No. / Please provide the name of the company that you will work for in Turkey
e- Konsolosluk – Form ZF06