Week 1 Activity 2

Directions: students use an online dictionary on the internet to find the meaning of any five adjectives and five nouns in the box from Activity 1. Students can visit the online dictionary website from the following link:

Adjectives (adj.) / Meaning
1. Dedicated / devoted to a cause, ideal, or purpose
2. Practical / 1a: of, relating to, or manifested in practice or action : not theoretical or ideal
2: actively engaged in some course of action or occupation <a practical farmer>
3: capable of being put to use or account
a: disposed to action as opposed to speculation or abstraction b (1): qualified by practice or practical training
b (1): qualified by practice or practical training <a good practical mechanic> (2): designed to supplement theoretical training by experience
3. Analytical / 1: of or relating to analysis or analytics; especially: separating something into component parts or constituent elements
2: being a proposition (as “no bachelor is married”) whose truth is evident from the meaning of the words it contains — compare synthetic
3: skilled in or using analysis especially in thinking or reasoning
4: characterized by analysis rather than inflection
6: treated or treatable by or using the methods of algebra and calculus
7 aof a function of a real variable: capable of being expanded in a Taylor's series in powers of x − h in some neighborhood of the point h
bof a function of a complex variable: differentiable at every point in some neighborhood of a given point
4.Certain / 1:fixed, settled <a certain percentage of the profit>
2: of a specific but unspecified character, quantity, or degree <the house has a certain charm>
3a:dependable, reliable <a certain remedy for the disease> b: known or proved to be true :indisputable <it is certain that we exist>
4a:inevitable <the certain advance of age> b: incapable of failing :destined —used with a following infinitive <she is certain to do well>
5: assured in mind or action <I am certain they are right>
5. Reserved / restrained in words and actions
Nouns (n.) / Meaning
1. Virgin / 1a: an unmarried woman devoted to religion bcapitalized:virgo
2a: an absolutely chaste young woman b: an unmarried girl or woman
3capitalized:virgin mary
4a: a person who has not had sexual intercourse
b: a person who is inexperienced in a usually specified sphere of activity
5: a female animal that has never copulated
2. Sardonyx / an onyx having parallel layers of sard
3. Zodiac / 1a: an imaginary band in the heavens centered on the ecliptic that encompasses the apparent paths of all the planets and is divided into 12 constellations or signs each taken for astrological purposes to extend 30 degrees of longitude
2: a cyclic course <a zodiac of feasts and fasts — R. W. Emerson>
4.Strength / the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance
5. Medium / a: something in a middle position
b: a middle condition or degree